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Duval County Public Schools Ed ucation I nformation N etwork Project

Duval County Public Schools Ed ucation I nformation N etwork Project. NCES – MIS 2001. February 26, 2001. Public Services. Marsha Cole Director of Student Information Management System Duval County Public Schools Hardy Fletcher General Director of Technology Support

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Duval County Public Schools Ed ucation I nformation N etwork Project

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  1. Duval County Public SchoolsEducation Information Network Project NCES – MIS 2001 February 26, 2001

  2. Public Services Marsha Cole Director of Student Information Management System Duval County Public Schools Hardy Fletcher General Director of Technology Support Duval County Public Schools Nina Briggs Supervisor of Programming Duval County Public Schools Matthew Seeberg Manager, K 12 Public Education KPMG Consulting, Inc.

  3. Topics • eEducation Vision • The EdIN Project • Web-based Information Management • Technology Architecture • Challenges of Change

  4. Duval County Public Schools • Factoids • 16th largest school district in the country • 160 schools • 10,000 teachers and staff • 135,000 students • Ongoing IT Projects • SAP HR / Fin / Purchasing / Maintenance • Teacher laptops • VPN across AT&T fiber lines

  5. Topics • e-Education Vision • The EdIN Project • Web-based Information Management • Technology Architecture • Challenges of Change

  6. The e-Education Vision • Ultimate goal is improved student performance • Solutions begin in the classroom and channel through web technology • Technology supports systemic and sustainable education reform — real value of technology is integration and classroom access • Data-based decision making across district — supported by data warehouse

  7. Student Information System Human Gradebook Resources Attendance Master Scheduler Grade Reporting Personnel Benefits Payroll Discipline Recruiting Position Control Scheduling Time and Attendance Applicant Tracking Assessment Testing Health Special Education Staff Development Web Hosting Internet Access Finance Curriculum & Instruction Core Services Email Capital Programs G/L Budget A/P A/R Textbooks Instructional Management Infrastructure Cost Reporting Purchasing Curriculum Standards Inventory Assessment Testing State Reporting Library Automation Asset Mgmt Operations Resources Transportation School to Home Information Technology Facilities Maintenance Food Service Print Shop e-Education Vision

  8. Topics • eEducation Vision • The EdIN Project • Web-based Information Management • Technology Architecture • Challenges of Change

  9. A Step towards the Vision — The EdIN Project • Fully integrated, web-based SIS application • Enhances data integrity and access • Full-district deployment — right down to the classroom in real-time • Flexible to the needs of Duval County PS • Current, standards-based technology • Data Warehouse for data consolidation

  10. EdIN Project Team Top Integrators. Education Specialists. Hardware / Software Experts

  11. Topics • eEducation Vision • The EdIN Project • Web-based Information Management • Technology Architecture • Challenges of Change

  12. Student Information in the Classroom • Supports teacher innovation • With information available on each student’s abilities, learning can be custom tailored to fit the needs of each student

  13. Real-Time Data from the Classroom • Ensures decision-makers can make crucial decisions based on timely, accurate data • Reduces reliance on labor-intensive processes and extra costs Dean — 9:01am Teacher — 9:00am SIS Database Attendance Attendance

  14. Internet Education Portal • Provides parents and community members greater access, awareness, and involvement in the education of their children • Secure access to updated attendance, grades, etc.

  15. Performance Measurement and Accountability • Enabling educational program assessments, adjustments and the emergence of best practices • Data warehousing and business intelligence tools provide the basis for the reach for standards

  16. Topics • eEducation Vision • The EdIN Project • Web-based Information Management • Technology Architecture • Challenges of Change

  17. The Architecture of the Solution I School District Parent Student Teacher Administrator Administrator PowerSchool Enterprise Web Server Database Server Microsoft NT PSE / Web Objects Microsoft SQL Microsoft IIS Application Server

  18. Local DB Local DB District DB SQL Server Local Web / App Server Local Web / App Server School School The Architecture of the Solution II: Distributed Data

  19. Topics • eEducation Vision • The EdIN Project • Web-based Information Management • Technology Architecture • Challenges of Change

  20. The Challenges: Data Capture in the Classroom • Training • Accountability • Hardware / Connectivity • Electronic records not universally accepted

  21. The Challenge: Data Security • Significant privacy laws dictate data handling • Classroom access • WAN / LAN security • Parent / Community portal • Teacher access from home

  22. The Challenge: Legacy to Web-based • Updated architecture — web servers, java • Need to re-tool local talent • Changes in functionality from character-based to browser-based • Universal access — down to the classroom

  23. The Challenge: Equity of Access • Parental / Community portal — do all have access? • Kiosks, library access • Teacher access — equity of opportunity

  24. The Challenges The challenges are opportunities The technology is the vehicle for the improvement of student performance from the classroom level

  25. EdIN

  26. Contacts and Q&A colem@educationcentral.org 904-390-2567 fletcherh@educationcentral.org 904-348-7105 briggs@coj.net 904-350-1944 mseeberg@kpmg.com 904-350-1222 x 452 904-386-6403 Marsha Cole Director of Student Information Management System Duval County Public Schools Hardy Fletcher General Director of Technology Support Duval County Public Schools Nina Briggs Supervisor of Programming Duval County Public Schools Matthew Seeberg Manager, K 12 Public Education KPMG Consulting, Inc.

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