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Supplementary Fig. 1 Associations between TERT promoter mutations and typical genetic alterations in glial tumors . Abbreviations : PXA = pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma ; A II = astrocytoma WHO grade II; A III = astrocytoma WHO grade III; LOH = loss of herterogeneity ;
Supplementary Fig. 1 Associations between TERT promoter mutations and typical genetic alterations in glial tumors. Abbreviations: PXA= pleomorphicxanthoastrocytoma; A II = astrocytomaWHO grade II; A III = astrocytomaWHO grade III; LOH = lossofherterogeneity; ret= retention; ATRXneg = lossofATRXexpression; ATRXpos = ATRXexpression; mut = mutated; wt = wild type; TERT = TERTpromoter