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eCommerce Technology 20-751 Data Interchange. Outline. The need for data interchange Transactions imply data exchange XML for identifying data Separation of content appearance document structure Integrating with legacy applications
Outline • The need for data interchange • Transactions imply data exchange • XML for identifying data • Separation of • content • appearance • document structure • Integrating with legacy applications • Legacy application: one you wish you could replace but can’t • ASN.1 for self-describing data formats • Solves a different problem than XML does • Not what the data means but how it is encoded
eCommerce Data Exchange Needs Quotations Catalogs RFQs Purchase Orders Ship Notices Letters of Credit Electronic Payments Bills of Lading Invoices
Invoice Example <UnitPrice>6.05</UnitPrice> SOURCE: PROF. JEROME YEN
Data Exchange Problem Different systems and applications use different names and formats for the same information: SOURCE: FTISOFT
How to Make Data Portable • Tell what the data means • Tell how the data is structured • Tell how it should look • BUT DO THESE SEPARATELY. MIXING IS BAD • The meaning -- XML • The structure -- DTD (document type definition) • The formatting -- XSL (Extensible style sheet) • Example: XML catalog structure • DTD, XSL SO COMPUTERS CAN UNDERSTAND IT
XML at a glance Well Formed Document: <Book> <Author>George Soros</Author> <Title>The Crisis of Global Capitalism</Title> <Year>1998</Year> <Publ>Public Affairs</Publ> <Price>26.00</Price> <ISBN>1-891620-27-4</ISBN> </Book> DTD: Document Type Definition <?xml version="1.0"> <!DOCTYPE Book [ <!ELEMENT Book (Author, Title, Year, Publ, Price, ISBN)> ]> SOURCE: PROF. JEROME YEN
XML Recipe Example <?xml version="1.0"?><Recipe> <Name>Apple Pie</Name> <Ingredients> <Ingredient> <Qty unit=pint>1</Qty> <Item>milk</Item> </Ingredient> <Ingredient> <Qty unit=each>10</Qty> <Item>apples</Item> </Ingredient> </Ingredients> <Instructions> <Step>Peel the apples</Step> <Step>Pour the milk into a 10-inch saucepan</Step> <!-- And so on... --> </Instructions></Recipe>
Document Is Now Block-Structured <?xml version="1.0"?><Recipe> <Name>Apple Pie</Name> <Ingredients> <Ingredient> <Qty unit=pint>1</Qty> <Item>milk</Item> </Ingredient> <Ingredient> <Qty unit=each>10</Qty> <Item>apples</Item> </Ingredient> </Ingredients> <Instructions> <Step>Peel the apples</Step> <Step>Pour the milk into a 10-inch saucepan</Step> <!-- And so on... --> </Instructions></Recipe>
DEFINES TAG Recipe HAVING A Name AND 3 OPTIONALTAGS XML COMMENT TAGS Name, Description CONTAIN ONLY CHARACTER DATA TAG Ingredients CONTAINS ZERO OR MORE Ingredient TAGS Ingredient TAG HAS A Qty TAG FOLLOWED BY AN Item TAG TAG Qty HAS TWO POSSIBLE ATTRIBUTES: optional (DEFAULT VALUE 0) isVegetarian (DEFAULT true) DTD (Document Type Definition) XML is extensible because it allows user-defined tags <!-- Sample DTD --><!ELEMENT Recipe (Name, Description?, Ingredients?, Instructions?)><!ELEMENT Name (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT Description (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT Ingredients (Ingredient)*><!ELEMENT Ingredient (Qty, Item)><!ELEMENT Qty (#PCDATA)><!ATTLIST Qty unit CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT Item (#PCDATA)><!ATTLIST Item optional CDATA "0"isVegetarian CDATA "true"><!ELEMENT Instructions (Step)+> TAG Instructions HAS ONE OR MORE Step TAGS SOURCE: JAVAWORLD
Document Object Model (DOM) in XML • An XML structured document can be treated and manipulated as an object • DOM parser transforms the document into a parse tree • Program can walk the tree, performing arbitrary transformations • DOM API then converts the new tree to another XML file • New file can be printed, sent over the net or used as input to another program • Applications can now exchange data without knowing formats — DTD contains everything necessary SOURCE: JAVAWORLD
XSL Extensible Style Language REWRITING RULES TELLING HOW TO MAP THE CONTENTS OF XML TAGS TO HTML <xsl> <rule> <target-element type="title"/> <H1 color="red" font-family="Arial"> <children/> </H1> </rule> </xsl> LOOK FOR ALL “TITLE” TAGS PUT THE CONTENTS OF “TITLE” TAGS INTO RED HEADER FONT ARIAL DO THE SAME FOR THE CHILDREN OF “TITLE” TAGS SOURCE: WDVL.COM
XML Financial Implementations • OFX - Open Financial Exchange • Fields • FIXML - XML grammar for FIX (Financial Information Exchange). MSDW is a principal. More information • FINXML - Capital markets. Info. • SWIFT • X12 - data exchange standard for business transactions SOURCE: PROF. JEROME YEN
XML Implementations • HL7 - health information (Health Level 7) • EDIFACT/SimplEDI - syntax - repository • IFX - Interactive Financial Exchange - personal banking. • – catalogues, supply chain automation • IOTP – Internet Open Trading Protocol buying, payments • XBRL – Extensible Business Reporting Language • XML-enabled product vendor list SOURCE: PROF. JEROME YEN
Ubiquitous XML Architecture SOURCE: PROF. JEROME YEN
A mid-sized manufacturer needs to create 400 online relationships with customers, each with their own set of standard and protocols BroaderB2B Describe Services A flower shop in Australia wants to be “plugged in” to every marketplace in the world, but doesn’t know how Discover Services Smarter Search IntegrateThemTogether A B2B marketplace cannot get catalog data for relevant suppliers in its industry, along with connections to shippers, insurers, etc. Easier Aggregation The Discovery Problem SOURCE: UDDI.ORG
UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) • Microsoft, IBM, Ariba formed uddi.org • Announced August 31, 2000; endorsed by over 30 companies • Global directory of companies; searchable by computer • Companies publish machine-readable information about themselves AND how to conduct ebusiness with them • Platform-neutral open standard based on XML
UDDI Registry Entries • Entities register informationabout themselves • Standards Bodies, Programmers, Publishers register information about their Service Types (specs) SOURCE: MICROSOFT
UDDI Registry Contents • Business name, general business description (in any number of languages) • Contact info: names, phone numbers, fax numbers, web sites, etc. • Known identifiers: D-U-N-S, Thomas, domain name, stock ticker symbol, other • Business categories: name-value pairs • 3 standard taxonomies in V1: • Industry: NAICS (Industry codes - US Govt.) • Product/Services: UN/SPSC (ECMA) • Location: Geographical taxonomy (ISO 3166) • …more in upcoming releases • How to do eCommerce” with us (machine-readable) • Business process (functional) • Service specifications (technical) • Binding information (implementation) • Language/platform/implementation-agnostic SOURCE: MICROSOFT
4. 3. Consumers and businesses discover Harbour Metals and do business with it Marketplaces and search enginesquery UBR, cache Harbour Metals data, and bind to its services UDDI Operation 1. SydneyNet.com UDDI Registry Harbour Metals createsonline website with local ASP 2. ASP registersHarbour Metals with UBR SOURCE: UDDI.ORG
Impact of XML • Interchange mechanism between applications • Rapidly becoming the database language of the Web • XML client/server/server transactions over http: • Permits web data repositories • XML properties: • Scalable • Maintainable • Easy to use (spreadsheet style skills) • Interoperable (exchange business components)
Standard Encodings • Business systems must exchange data in different formats: • Invoices, payment orders, checks, bills of lading, delivery instructions, authentication information • Need standard notation to describe transmitted data in communication protocols • BUT: what format is the data in? • What does 437573746F6D6572 (hex) mean? • Where do fields begin and end? • How about complex data structures (arrays, etc,)?
Need for Standard Encodings • Interoperability • How can my program read your program’s data? • Parties cannot always agree in advance on standards • Encodings need to be changed • YYMMDD became YYYYMMDD (the Y2K problem) • Minimize programmer and development time
Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN) • ASN.1 is a method of encoding data so that the format can be decoded from the data itself • ASN.1 is not a programming language • It describes only data structures. No code, no logic.
Abstract Syntax Notation • ASN.1 has primitive types:BOOLEAN, INTEGER, REAL, ENUMERATED, BIT STRING, IA5STRING, . . . • ASN.1 has • SET (unordered) SEQUENCE (fixed order) of primitive types • CHOICE for selecting alternative types (integer or real) • Can define new types: Month ::= INTEGER (1..12)Day ::= INTEGER (1..31)Daily-stock-volume ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (31) OF INTEGER
Basic Encoding Rules (BER) • Define how fields described in ASN.1 should be encoded • Units of BER are data elements • A data element is a triple: { identifier-type, length, value } • Some type codes: • The string “Customer” would be encoded as 16 08 43 75 73 74 6F 6D 65 72 BOOLEAN 01 IA5STRING 16 (8-BIT ASCII) INTEGER 02 SEQUENCE 10 SET 31 HEX “r” IA5STRING LENGTH8 HEX “C” HEX “u”
Basic Encoding Rules • Content field may be primitive (value) or structured (content has subcomponents)
Basic Encoding Rules BBCard ::= SEQUENCE { name IA5String (SIZE (1..60)), team IA5String (SIZE (1..60)), age INTEGER (1..100), position IA5String (SIZE (1..60)), handedness ENUMERATED {left-handed(0), right-handed(1), ambidextrous(2)}, batting-average REAL } “Casey”, “Mudville Nine”, 32, “left field”, ambidextrous, 0.250 (47 bytes of text) C a s e y M u d v i l l e302D1605 43617365 79160D4D 75647669 6C6C6520 4E696E65 02012016 0A6C6566 74206669 656C640A 01020903 80FE01 (47 bytes in BER)
ASN.1 Encoding Rules • BER (Basic) from 1980s • Internet messaging, telephone billing • BER and Java • DER (Distinguished) • Security applications requiring a unique method of encoding • CER (Canonical) • For long messages. Encoding can begin before the whole message has been read • PER (Packed) • Efficient encodings to reduce bandwidth requirements
Digital Certificates • Digital certificates are encoded in DER • ASN.1 Primer from RSA Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {tbsCertificate TBSCertificate, signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, signatureValue BIT STRING } • Full ASN.1 definition
ASN.1 Applications • Telephone billing information • Transferred Account Procedure (TAP3) • UMTS (3G phones) • X9 financial services (checks, electronic funds transfer) • Air-to-ground aircraft information • Electric and gas utilities • Automobile diagnostic monitoring systems • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) • Biometric IDs (Proposed ANSI Standard X9.84) • Common Biometric Exchange File Format CBEFF • Smart cards (ISO 7816-4) • MORE
XML and ASN.1 • Both XML and ASN.1 represent hierarchical (tree-structured) data • Therefore, one can be translated into the other! • IBM ASN.1/XML translator • We also have XER, the XML encoding rules
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