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Warm-up. Write the following definitions of topic and theme and then relate them to Monster: Topic = subject of a story; one word Theme = lesson in a story; one sentence 3 Topics in Monster = 1 Theme in Monster = Where do you see this theme in the story?. Vocabulary. agriculture.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-up Write the following definitions of topic and theme and then relate them to Monster: • Topic = subject of a story; one word • Theme = lesson in a story; one sentence • 3 Topics in Monster = • 1 Theme in Monster = • Where do you see this theme in the story?

  2. Vocabulary

  3. agriculture (n.) – the science, art, and business of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and rasing livestock; farming • Agr - field • Cultura - cultivation Since he grew up on a farm, it was a natural choice that he would go into the profession of agriculture.

  4. decline • (V.) to refuse to do something; to slope downward • De – down • Clin - bend She declined the invitation to dinner that evening, even though she wanted to go.

  5. Codify • (v.) = to reduce to a code • Cod – writing • Fy – make, do They had made up their own language and finally decided to codify it by writing it down.

  6. Cordial • (adj.) – heartfelt, warm, sincere • Cord - heart • ial – related to She decided to sent a cordial invitation to the new neighbor because she wanted to make her feel welcome.

  7. crucial • (adj.) – of utmost importance • Cruc – cross • ial – related to She knew that if she wanted to get into college, passing all of her classes was crucial.

  8. Occlude • (v.) = Stop, close up, or obstruct (an opening or passage); shut something in • oc = against • clud = close, shut They food occluded the drain.

  9. Omniscience • Adj = having complete knowledge • omni = all • sci = know • Ence = state of Many believe that God is omniscient because he knows everything that will happen.

  10. paradox • N. = seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement. • Para = beyond • Dox = belief, doctrine She was a paradox; on the one hand, appeared very religious, but on the other hand, she spent every weekend at parties.

  11. promote • V. = progress, support, encourage • Pro = forth, forward • Mot = move She worked hard to get promoted in her job.

  12. Transmit • V. = Cause something to pass on from one place or person to another; broadcast or send out (an electrical signal or a radio or television program). • Trans = across • Mit = send Even though the town was quarantined, the disease still managed to transmit itself throughout the state.

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