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Ile-de-France is one of the 22 administrative "régions" of France. 11 million inhabitants (18% of French population) 5 million jobs 28% of France GDP Ile de France 12,000 km² Paris city : 105 km². Carte du réseau de métro. Map of heavy rail network. Legal provisions.
Ile-de-France is one of the 22 administrative "régions" of France • 11 million inhabitants(18% of French population) • 5 million jobs • 28% of France GDP • Ile de France 12,000 km² • Paris city : 105 km²
Legal provisions The 1975 law about disabled persons set the principle of accessible public transport The 1991 law laid the provisions concerning public buildings, (notably stations) • The recent law Feb 2005 on equal rights and opportunity, participation and citizenship of disabled persons reinforced obligations: • All disabilities are taken into account as well as people with reduced mobility • the whole chain of transport (from door to door) must be accessible • Every Transport Authority and namely Syndicat des Transports d’Ile de France (…) must draw a master plan of the accessible transport services within 3 years ”.(2008)
Objectives of the Master plan Enhance mobility and social inclusion Evaluate public transport service performance with regard to specific needs While taken into account economic efficiency and sustainability
Road map By FEBRUARY 2008 State of the art of accessible transport services troughout the Ile de France network Inventory of all necessary measures and improvements to be implemented by 2015 Financial programme and time scale Close collaboration of all stakeholders
Who are the stakeholders STIF Division Qualité de Service Consultant Operators ALENIUM Consultants Master plan AssociationsPRMs Local authorities 8 départements d’IdF intercommunality COLIAC, C.R.C.C.H., CNPSAA, APAM, UNISDA, APF, UNAPEI, COREPA, APPT, Comité d’évaluation d’Orientation et de Suivi des dispositifs PMR, CPTP Région Ile-de-France
Perimeter of the Master Plan Public transport services by train , light rail, metro and bus Demand responsive transport DRT door to door for the disabled School transport services for disabled students Travel information for the PRMs AccessibilityMasterplanis a planification tool for the next 10 years, itbuilds on previousschemesdating back to the 90’
Current situation An existingreference rail network where to implementaccessibiliy : Designed in collaboration withPRM’srepresentatives and formallyadopted by STIF in 2001 254 stations dont 189 SNCF 65 RATP 90% of passengerflows Priorities are given to stations on express suburban rail RER A, B et E State of Art SoA of Rail network 01/01/2006
SoA metro & tramways 01/01/2006 Out of 360 stations, 15 are accessibles to disabled people &PRMs : 8 stations on line 14 Barbès-Rochechouart et Jaurès stations (ligne 2) La Défense et Esplanade de la Défense stations (ligne 1) St Denis – Porte de Paris St Denis Université stations (ligne 13) station Quai de la Gare station (ligne 6) one line accessible ( line 14) METRO TRAMWAY Whole network is accessible (3 lines + Tram Train line)
S oA Bus network 01/11/2006 In terms of stops Investissements SoA In terms of lines
SoA of Door to door and school services 01/01/2006 DRT Door to door Students –Year 2005
SoA of Travel information for the PRMs INFOMOBI Service : Web Site N° Azur, Centre d’envoi / réception d’email Information availablewhenentering the network (at stations & stops...) Information availableatother ticket selling places RATP, SNCF on line & websitegeneral information
Time frame Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Jul. 2007 Déc. 2007 Oct. 2007 Nov. 2006 Apr. 2007 Jan. 2007 Inventory of measures to beimplemented State of art of accessible services Completion of document Analysis + data collection scenarios Obstacles and ways of progress Selection of scenario Reporting Reporting Reporting
Phase 1 Phase 1 : State of Art of the accessibility of public transport services METHODOLOGY - Collecting data1/3 Analysis and consolidation What sources What information Data Base STIF(PMR 2001, Pôles PDU, Etudes...) Existing data base Operators : SNCF, RFF, RATP, Optile (SD, réunions de collecte...) Documents Analysis reporting Region IDF(Data Base) Meetings Counties(PAM data , xxx) Associations(user need s...)
Based on data collection : analysis of malfunction and obstacles measures to overcome Grounds for exchange with stakeholders during phase 2 Phase 2 1 Phase 1 : State of Art of the accessibility of public transport METHODOLOGY – Analysis of the obstacles 2/3 1 2 As an example of obstacle and foreseen measures Overall pro & con synthesis Assessment of impacts induced by proposed measures( to use for scenario selection phase 2) Exhaustive list of measures List of identified obstacles Ways of progress
Etape 1 Phase 1 : Etat des lieux de l'accessibilité des services de transport METHODE – Analyse des dysfonctionnements 3/3 Planning des opérations à mener First reference scenario. Schedule: - Work schedule/ station -implementation of rolling stock - Go live of accessible service (N.4)
Financial Planning of all type of services until 2015 : Time frame Financing (Investissement & operationnal costs) If necessary (according to legal provision) design alternative services Legal procedure to formalise impossibility to comply Design of alternatives ( operational /implementation requirements) Financial evaluation 2 Phase Phase 1 : Implementation and financial planning OBJECTIVES
Phase 2 Phase 1 : Implementation & financial planning METHODOLOGY – Public Transport1/2 Building scenario arbitrage Evaluation of reference scenario : Relevant Financial impact From phase 1 and backed up by association representatives Time schedule If needed alternative services : Meetings STIF /stakeholders Liste de dérogation Design of alternative services Back and forth Costs of alternative services
Etape 2 Phase 1 : Implementation and financial planning METHODOLOGY - Public transport by rail & road 2/2 Outcome Scenario Planning Financial planning
Phase 2 Phase 1 : METHODE –Other services ARBITRAGE SCENARIOS OUTCOME Planning of works Feasability, coherence, acceptability by local authoritiesconstraints (finance & time) Meeting STIF /Stakeholders Back & forth Financial planning
Validation by Council of STIF Communication Etape 3 Phase 1 : Accessibility Master plan report OBJECTIVES
Main actors Steering committee Committee to prepare steering C. STIF technical committee Data provision monitoring of the process Arbitrage & validation Data collection, assessment, reporting Consultant Operators Data collection(assessment of works & costs) Arbitrage - ALENIUM Consultants Schéma Directeurde l’accessibilité AssociationsPRMs Counties municipalities Data collectionArbitrage - User needs, arbitrage - 8 départements d’IdF Intercomunality COLIAC, C.R.C.C.H., CNPSAA, APAM, UNISDA, APF, UNAPEI, COREPA, APPT, Comité d’évaluation d’Orientation et de Suivi des dispositifs PMR, CPTP According to agenda of meeting Région Ile-de-France Data collectionArbitrage -
Priority should be given to intermodality and to a strong consistency across the network to ensure accessibility of he whole chain of transport Mechanical devices are not sufficient to achieve accessibility, human aid is needed in some cases Emphasis should be put to accessibility of bus routes less expensive to improve in a short period of time Among first outcomes