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Action plan for social economy actors involvement in MED smart specialization strategies Progress Report Presentation – Avril 2014. TITLE. CITEK : Be smart , innovative, open and online ….
Action plan for social economyactorsinvolvement in MED smart specializationstrategies Progress Report Presentation – Avril 2014
TITLE CITEK : Be smart, innovative, open and online … • CITEK project -“Capitalization Initiative for the Innovation and Internationalization of the MED economic and knowledgesystem » • promotethe setting up of innovation system in the MED area involving public administration, researchcenters, innovation drivers, categories' associations and SMEs (the triangle of innovation) • capitalizingthe resultscoming out by the projects of the CITEK partnershippreviouslyimplemented (ICS, IKTIMED and R&D)
TITLE CITEK Project partners 9 organizationsfrom 6 different countries
TITLE Med smart specialization strategies observatory One of Citek'sactivitiesis Med smart specializationstrategies’ implementationobservatory. In thisactivity, Oxalis Coop, Citekpartner, coordinates the elaboration of an action plan to includesocial economyactors and cooperatives, in Smart SpecializationStrategiesdrawing up.
TITLE Social Economy in Europe : economic influence • Paidwork for more than 14.5 million Europeans, • 6.5% of the active population of the EU-27, • 20% of 500 million Europeansare volunteers in a structure of social economy, • Organizations of the social economy are present in the majority of economicsectors and territories. • Statistical data fromCIRIEC International Report – 2012 « The Social Economy in Europe »
TITLE Social Economy in MED Area : a widevariety
Social Economy in MED Area : a widevariety Countries where the concept of social economyiswidelyaccepted : Spain, Greece, Portugal, France, Italy. Countries where the concept of social economy has a medium level of acceptance : Malta, Cyprus. Countries where the concept of social economyis not wellrecognizedor not recognizedat all : Croatia, Slovenia.
TITLE Social Economy: definitions in motion Definition by legal status, four majorcategories: cooperative enterprises, mutual societies, foundations and associations. Definition by practical observed : democratic decision- making processes, non-profit, equality of men and women, general interest activities, solidarity, respect for the environment, the fight against poverty … Social entrepreneurs and social enterprises multiply and are highlighted in some countries. Sometimes these are NGOs. All these organizations are often those that develop social innovations.
TITLE MED Social Economyprocessing Croatiaexample national strategy to promote social enterprises. The government has published 7 March 2014 a strategy for the period 2014-2020 to promote social entrepreneurship, whichshouldbeadopted by the end of the year, for implementation in 2015. With41 million euros, itestablishes the creation of a directory of social enterprises and provide a regulatory and institutionalframework for thesecompanies.
TITLE Social Economy and Smart SpecializationStrategy A surveyamongeightregions of six countries participating in the program Citek (all the Med area except Malta, Cyprus and Greece) Presenceof the social economy in the RIS3 isconsideredratherlow Presenceof social innovation in the RIS3 isconsideredratheraverage Social innovation is well considered by the RIS3 in the regions. It is mentioned in all the strategies in the finalization phase of the RIS3. Social economy is not as well integrated, so we can consider that social economy is not sufficiently considered as a contributor of economic developmentin MED region.
TITLE Brakes for the integration of the social economy to the RIS3 • Social economyactors not assimilated to business and economicsectorby public authorities • Small dimension and no good representation of the sectorhimself • Not all have access to information and support atregionaleconomiclevel • State and regionalpolicyisfocused on technology innovation • Legalconstraints for testing of an idea or new activity
TITLE Advantages for the integration of the social economy to the RIS3 • Economicactivities for the real needs of local people • Givehuman values to business activities and development • Experience in networking and partnership • Providemore labour opportunities • Providing new, more efficient answers to meetgrown social needs • Mobilizationand involvment of the population about local economy
TITLE Social Economy and Smart SpecializationStrategy Involve Social Economyactors- Marche Region expérience • 1. The establishment of a Regional group of stakeholders composed by the socio-economic actors and by the representatives of scientific and the credit system. • The organisationof targeted focus group, aimed to deepen objectives, contents and action plans of specific priorities. • 3. Initiative: “Suggest your innovative idea for the Marches” • In order to develop a broader and more open dialogue not only with businesses, but also with all citizens , the Marche Region launched the initiative: “Suggest your innovative idea for the Marches”. The objective of this innovative web-based communication tool was: • to collect innovative ideas of policies • to give a further impetus to the debate on regional innovation,
TITLE Social Economy contributions to Smart SpecializationStrategy Rhône-Alpes regionhasincluded social entrepreneurship and social innovationin itsstrategyapproved in October2013 - Development of social entrepreneurship and supporting social innovationwithincompanies. - Developand promote the social valuewithin the company. - Promoteinnovative practices for economicpurposes, social and territorialcooperation, encouragingpracticesintercompanycooperationstrengthening the competitiveness of enterprises, the local economy, and welfare atwork.
Social Economy: Innovations for the RIS3 • Some of the basic ideas and practical of Social Economy canprovidenew approachesto the regionaleconomy. • Networks, strategic alliances and franchising are examples of cooperationused by cooperatives • In a highcompetitivecontextmanycompanies are alsoseeking to gain customers’ loyalty and generate a sense of belongingthroughforms of ”membership” or to differentiatethemselvesfromcompetitorsthrough claims of social responsibility and ethics. • Profit social enterprisemainlyreinvested in the company or itsterritory. There is no capital flight.
Best Connecting Social Economy to the RIS3 • Some good pratices of Citek partners region : • Prior analysis of the role of social economy in the region. • The organization of targeted focus group, aimed to deepen objectives, contents and action plans of specific priorities • Presentation seminars • Working groups • Collection of idea and suggestions • Web forms • Brainstorm exercises aimed at identifying the specific focus of the RIS 3 in the domains of social economy
Recommandations to Connecting Social Economy to the RIS3 • Study more precisely the actors of the social economy, theirstrengths, theirorganizations, innovations, • Explore the process of innovation by custom, involvingcitizens and organizations in the social economy, and collaborative economy • Diversifyforms of innovation in integrating social organizational innovations, environmental, with clusters and associatedresearchlabs • Developnew business models, closerthanterritories, with a better distribution of wealth, and a weakerrecoveryrequirement on capital employed.