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Class Divisions in the South & History of Alabama

Class Divisions in the South & History of Alabama. BY Enrique Leal & Armando Saldana. What started the Division?. Most white people thought the blacks were only meant to be used in plantations nothing more. The upper classed whites looked down upon the lower classed whites.

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Class Divisions in the South & History of Alabama

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  1. Class Divisions in the South & History of Alabama BY Enrique Leal & Armando Saldana

  2. What started the Division? • Most white people thought the blacks were only meant to be used in plantations nothing more. • The upper classed whites looked down upon the lower classed whites.

  3. Different types of classes • There was a Rabble class also know as the KKK or the Ku Klux Klan, who strongly believed that black were made only for work. • There was a Upper class who was effected by the great depression. • There was also a Conservative class that would teach the blacks about the Holy Bible.

  4. Why were there class divisions in the south? • Many people had different beliefs and thoughts, they thought blacks were only made to work and were not really people. • The upper class thought the lower class were a bunch of poor people who did nothing but beg for money. • Most if the lower classed had no jobs, the poorest lived in urban areas were they begged for money

  5. Who was most effected by the division • blacks were greatly effected by the division • Immigrants were also effected by the division

  6. History of Alabama

  7. After the war • After the war a law was being passed of equal rights, but blacks were still being treated differently • After the civil war cotton become a major enterprise • It took over a hundred years for the blacks to have equal rights as whites

  8. What led to the great Depression • “A variety of factors led up to it, including a dangerous amount of stock market speculation and an excessive lending of credit.”(How the Great Depression Altered the American Social Fabric in the 1930's) • Other contributors that led to the great depression were weak farm economy and lack of labor.

  9. Sources • https://www.smore.com/9ttv-class-divisions-in-the-sout • http://www.history.com/topics/alabama • http://www.google.com/search?q=class+division&um=1&safe=active&hl=en&gbv=1&tbm=isch&oq=class+division&gs_l=img.3..0j0i5j0i24l8.4904.12232.0.16287. • http://80743882.nhd.weebly.com/significance.html • http://www.slideshare.net/jpennabaker/social-classes • http://www.google.com/search?q=alabama+1930&safe=active • http://voices.yahoo.com/how-great-depression-altered-american-social-2982449.html • http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215469/after_the_civil_war.htm • http://mgagnon.myweb.uga.edu/students/3090/04SP3090-Briggs.htm

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