Facilitator Training Outline • In virtually all of the materials on this site, we have endeavoured to make, as far as possible, our resources your resources, Sadly however, our materials on Facilitator Training for Managers are so intricate and interwoven (and, it has to be said, extensive) that it is not feasible to transfer the knowledge simply through a web-site. Much of the course’s success is due to the quality and approach of things done away from a computer (Professionally presented course materials, exercises and interactions, role-plays, individual attention etcetera) – even our clients often ask us to run it three or four times with their nominated trainers before they fully take it over and run it on their own. • We hope however, that the few slides that we have included here will give you some idea of what we think of as a suitable structure.
OBJECTIVES OF FACILITATOR TRAINING... • To understand what facilitation is and why we use it • To be able to guide a group to determine clear objectives, and the process to achieve them • To be able to guide a group to keep to process & redevelop that process as needed • To be able to coach new skills & attitudes (behaviours) in individuals • To know when facilitation is appropriate (& options) • To know where our own processes underpin this • To be able to judge and assess our own and our teams performance (facilitation) • To be able to drive further understanding of facilitation in ourselves & in others • To enjoy ourselves!
Facilitation Course Rope Square - essentials of success Individual Coaching & development Preparation- Develop presentation Presentation of projects & fb Present & Facilitation Clinic Process basics - first pass Handling stress & conflict Different types of people Personal Action Plans 2 Implications for process Personal Action Plans Limits on facilitation Intro. To facilitation Introduction - initial Continuing to learn Spotting Problems Team composition Influencing Profile Wt. Understand what facilitation is and 4 D O Q O O D O O O O O O O D D O why we use it Guide group to determine clear 5 D Q Q O D O O O O O D O objective & process to achieve Able to guide a group to keep to 5 O O O O O O O O O Q D O process & redevelop as needed Coach new skills & attitudes 3 O O O D D O O D Q Q O (behaviours) in individuals Know when facilitation is appropriate 3 D D Q Q O O O D Q D O O and the options to it Know a number of preferred XXXX 3 O O Q O O processes which underpin mgt. Able to judge & assess their own & 2 D O D D O O Q O their teams performance (facil'n) Able to drive further understanding of 4 O D D O D O D O O D Q Q O facil'n in selves & others Ranking 11 30 78 43 85 63 27 74 76 65 64 87 107 43 81 103 87 Calculated Hours in 5 days training 0.4 1.0 2.7 1.3 3.1 2.1 0.9 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.1 3.3 4.4 1.3 2.9 4.2 3.3 Session No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 Actual Session Plan Time 1.5 2.3 1.5 3.0 2.3 3.9 1.0 1.3 0.7 3.3 1.3 0.5 2.3 0.3 0.7 Overlap A A Practical Experience (across all areas) 5.3 1.2 2.4 4.0 OBJECTIVES QFD(Facilitator Training for Managers)
GENERAL OVERVIEW OF FACILITATOR TRAINING • Preparation • Project/team to improve facilitation in • Block 1 • Introductions, Presentations • What is facilitation, Basic Process • People Interactions, Facilitation Skills > Action Plan • Interim • Improve project, meeting/team observation • Block 2 • Facilitation Clinic, Implications for process • Coaching, Further Development • Follow-up
Day 1Structure Day 2 Style Day 3 Application BLOCK 1 • Introduction • 1. Presentation of Projects • 2. Essentials of Success • 3. Introduction to Facilitation • 4. Process Basics • 5. Different Types of People • 6. Spotting Problems • 7. Interventions and Influencing • 8. Handling Stress and Conflict(Facilitating for Real) • 9. Personal Action Plans • Wrap Up
Applying Block 1 Preparing for Block 2 IN BETWEEN BLOCKS ... • 10. Interim Work • Project Survey & Audit • Applying Learning • Personal Action Plans • Dance Cards (Helping each other) • Watching People • Preparing Facilitation for Block 2 • Preparing Presentation on Progress & Issues
Day 4Issues Day 5 One-to-one BLOCK 2 • Introduction • 11. Facilitation Clinic • 12. Implications for Process • 13. Limits on Facilitation • 14. Individual Coaching and Development(Coaching Practical) • 15. Continuing to Learn • 16. Personal Action Plans (2) • Course Conclusion