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<br><br><br><br>http://www.genderselectionclinic.org/informationblog/sex-selection-in-dubai-abu-dhabi-and-uae-gains-popularity/<br><br>FIRST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY AND BABY GENDER SELECTION<br>
FIRST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY AND BABY GENDER SELECTION The first thirteen weeks of pregnancy is classified as the first trimester. The 9 months of pregnancy are broken down into three equal parts known as trimesters. Whether you have chosen the baby’s gender using services such as http://www.genderselectionclinic.org/informationblog/sex-selection- in-dubai-abu-dhabi-and-uae-gains-popularity/ and http://www.genderselectionclinic.org/informationblog/demand-for-pgd-sex-selection-in-saudi- arabai-forces-private-treatments . During the first trimester, mothers may not be aware that they are pregnant. The pregnancy symptoms can be mistaken as symptoms similar to their monthly cycle. However, as the baby grows, the mother will begin to notice some of the signs of being pregnant. For example, she may begin to experience morning sickness, tender breasts, frequent trips to the bathroom, and increased and unusual appetites, and etc. The First Trimester Is The Most Demanding for pregnancy and pgd gender selection The first trimester is the most demanding. Many emotional as well as physical changes will take place. One of the most notable changes that will come along quickly is that a woman will feel tired. She will feel the need to take frequent naps to allow the body to rest. Taking frequent naps are normal. During this time, it is very important that the woman listens to her body so that she may have a good pregnancy. The new life that the mother is carrying will require close attention. Therefore, one of the most important choices the pregnant mom will make in her first trimester is selecting a doctor. The doctor will monitor the progression of the baby throughout the pregnancy. Hence, the choice of the doctor is very important. You want to adhere to the guidance of your doctor so that you may have a healthy pregnancy and the baby grows steadily on schedule. Things To Look Out For During The First Trimester There are a few things to look out for during the first trimester. Be aware of any bleeding. Light bleeding should be ok. However, if the pregnant mom is experiencing heavy bleeding along with pain and cramps should call her doctor. If it happens doing the night, it should prompt a visit to the emergency room. Bleeding accompanied with pain during the first trimester could be the result of infection or early labor. However, to reiterate, if this occurs, seek medical attention immediately.
After the first trimester or at any time during your pregnancy, if you experience bad cramping, diarrhea, back pain, any other things that aren’t normal, call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately. It could be a sign of early labor. If you experience other abnormal signs during pregnancy, call your doctor. You should discuss every abnormal factor you may experience with your doctor so that you will be well prepared if complications arise. During the first trimester or at any point during pregnancy, mothers should want the best for their unborn baby. If something just doesn’t feel right, call your doctor or seek medical attention. It is always better to be safe than sorry during your first trimester or at anytime during pregnancy.