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Using Technology to Address Multiple Learning Styles

Using Technology to Address Multiple Learning Styles. Andy McPhee Senior Acquisitions Editor E-MAIL andy@fadavis.com BLOG http ://andymcphee.wordpress.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com /AndyMcPheeFAD GOOGLE + www.gplus.to /andymcphee TWITTER www.twitter.com /andyatFAD

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Using Technology to Address Multiple Learning Styles

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  1. Using Technology to Address Multiple Learning Styles Andy McPhee Senior Acquisitions Editor E-MAIL andy@fadavis.comBLOG http://andymcphee.wordpress.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/AndyMcPheeFAD GOOGLE+ www.gplus.to/andymcphee TWITTER www.twitter.com/andyatFAD YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/andymanpa AAMA National Conference Indianapolis, IN September 2011

  2. Using Technology to Address Multiple Learning Styles

  3. Outline • Review learning styles and multiple intelligences • Introduce common technologies • Electronic whiteboards • Podcasts • Interactive response systems • Many others • Brainstorm ideas for using those technologies

  4. Learning Outcomes • Describe the seven learning styles and eight multiple intelligences. • Explain common technologies used to address multiple learning styles, including electronic whiteboards, podcasts, interactive response systems, and other interactive tools, and how they might be used in an MA classroom. • Determine which technologies best fit which learning style and why. • Explain key benefits and basic costs of the various technologies discussed. • Discuss specific activity ideas for use of each technologies in the classroom. • Cite at least ten websites where more information can be obtained or software downloaded.

  5. Learning Styles • 7 basic learning styles • Visual (spatial) • Prefers using pictures, images, and spatial understanding • Aural (auditory-musical) • Prefers using sound and music • Verbal (linguistic) • Prefers using words in speech and writing • Physical (kinesthetic) • Prefers using body, hands, and sense of touch • Logical (mathematical) • Prefers using logic, reasoning, systems

  6. Learning Styles • 7 basic learning styles • Social (interpersonal) • Prefers to learn in groups or with other people • Solitary (intrapersonal) • Prefers to work alone and use self-study

  7. Learning Styles

  8. Learning Styles • Learning style assessment • www.ldpride.net/learning-style-test.html • www.learning-styles-online.com/inventory • http://home.nau.edu/edsup/sss/learn_styles_info.asp • http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?title=Multiple_Intelligences_and_Learning_Styles • http://www.ldrc.ca/projects/miinventory/miinventory.php • http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/mi/index.html

  9. Multiple Intelligences • Articulated by Howard Gardner in 1983 • Similar to learning styles but slightly different perspective • Bodily-Kinesthetic (body-smart) • Interpersonal (people-smart) • Intrapersonal (self-smart) • Linguistic (word-smart) • Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning-smart) • Musical (music-smart) • Naturalist (nature-smart) • Spatial (picture-smart)

  10. Keys to Success • Faculty and administrators must be open to implementation • Involve IT early on • Adjust technologies and expectations to student population

  11. Classroom Technologies • Electronic whiteboards • Interactive response systems • Podcasts • Other interactive teaching tools • Voice boards • Image teaching tools • Interactive software • Photo Story • Audacity • Tutorials • A&P resources • Concept mapping • Quiz-related

  12. Electronic Whiteboards • Fit • Kinesthetic • Social • Visual • Description • Ceramic/plastic whiteboard that can electronically scan itself • Images can be transferred to computer, edited, printed, e-mailed, or faxed

  13. Electronic Whiteboards • Benefits • Enhances student response • Highly useful for distance learning • Reduces paper load • Encourages involvement • Reduces re-learning time; they “get it” the first time • Allows use of multimedia resources and internet with whole class

  14. Electronic Whiteboards • Costs • Mimeo: $1400 and up • PolyVision: $1600 and up • Smart Technologies: $1500 and up

  15. Electronic Whiteboards • Activity ideas • Demonstrate blood flow through heart • Dosage calculations • Parts of a letter • Word-building • Sequencing • Concept mapping

  16. Let’s Brainstorm!

  17. Podcasts • Fit • Auditory • Solitary • Visual (video) • Description • “Personal On Demand broadCAST” • Sound or video files that can be downloaded to iPod or other PDA • Allow learning wherever learning is

  18. Podcasts • Types available • Audio podcasts • Audiobooks • Applications • Video podcasts • Cost ranges from free to $100+ • May be subscription-based (RSS feed)

  19. Podcasts • Audio podcasts • Free • Typically subscription-based • Topics • Nursing • Anatomy • Coding • Medical news

  20. Podcasts • Audio podcasts • Topics • Medical terminology • Test-taking tips • First aid • Nutrition • Fitness

  21. Podcasts • Video podcasts • Only a few for health care at the moment but growing www.mayoclinic.org/podcasts http://my.clevelandclinic.org/health_edge www.videomd.com

  22. Podcasts • Main podcast outlets • iTunes • Podcast.com • Medical podcasts • www.medicinenet.com • www.podcastalley.com • Make your own podcasts • Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net • SoundWave: www.nch.com.au/wavepad • PodBean: www.podbean.com

  23. Podcasts • Activity ideas • Listen-and-Say • Students listen to collection of audio medical terms • In class, rapid-fire game of pronunciation • Find-a-Term • Assign specific terms and have students locate them on podcast (measured by min:sec into podcast)

  24. Let’s Brainstorm!

  25. Interactive Response Systems • Fits • Kinesthetic • Linear • Solitary • Description • Wireless, handheld input device for in-class testing • Instant feedback

  26. Interactive Response Systems • Types • Engage (Scantron) • iclicker • Polyvision • Smart Technologies • TurningPoint • Smart phones

  27. Interactive Response Systems • Wiffiti • Real-time messages to selected screens

  28. Interactive Response Systems • Text the Mob • Project polls on screen, audience sends input with cell phones

  29. Interactive Response Systems • Benefits • Increases retention of learning • Increases attention and motivation • Improves student attitudes • Enhances teaching effectiveness through immediate feedback • Reduces learner anxiety by allowing anonymous polling

  30. Interactive Response Systems • Costs • SMART Response (Tec): was about $1500 for 24; $2000 for 36 • Text the Mob

  31. Interactive Response Systems • Activity ideas • Mid-class check on learning • Pair with existing quiz for quick assessment • Ethics discussions • Anatomy identification

  32. Let’s Brainstorm!

  33. Other Interactive Tools • Voice boards • Web-based • Like a bulletin board for audio • Allows: • Voice-enabled e-mail • Live group discussions • Podcast creation • Embedded grading capabilities

  34. Other Interactive Tools • Voice boards • Wimba Voice • Demos: • http://goo.gl/v5Mvy (Professor “showing” his class how to use Wimba Voice) • http://goo.gl/iY23y (Final project showing how to use voice board to teach pronunciation online) • Gong Project • Free system • http://gong.ust.hk/ • Free module for Moodle

  35. Other Interactive Tools • Image teaching tools • Image bank • Images dropped into PowerPoints • Interactive software • Examples • Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Assisting (Delmar) • The Professional Medical Assistant (F.A. Davis) • Take time to review

  36. Other Interactive Tools • Photo Story • Free Microsoft software that merges photos and sounds • PCs only • Basic functionality now in Movie Maker and DVD Maker for Windows 7 and Vista • Students take photos, script “story,” and then record the script • Example: The Day I Was Born

  37. Other Interactive Tools • Concept mapping • Visual map of connections among concepts • Also called mind mapping, brain mapping • Start with central theme and add concepts

  38. Other Interactive Tools • Concept mapping • Software to purchase • MindMapper (www.mindmapper.com/) • Inspiration (www.inspiration.com/Educators) • ConceptDraw Mind Map (www.conceptdraw.com)

  39. Other Interactive Tools • Concept mapping • Free software • Concept map generator (http://davisplus.fadavis.com/wilkinson/Concept_Map_Generator.cfm) • Visual Understanding Environment or VUE (http://vue.tufts.edu/)

  40. Other Interactive Tools • QR codes • “Quick Response” code • Easy to create • Requires smart phones • Ideas for use: • Internet scavenger hunt • Citing sources • Link to key homework or other sites hipscan.com

  41. Let’s Brainstorm!

  42. Resources • Quiz-related • QuizStar • Online quiz management • Quizlet • Free online site for flash card activities • Developed by 15-year-old Andrew Sutherland • Lots of medical terminology flash cards

  43. Resources • Tutorials on diseases, tests, and treatments: www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tutorial.html • A&P resources • www.innerbody.com • www.getbodysmart.com • www.instantanatomy.net • Visible Body: www.visiblebody.com • Student/Teacher Use: $17.95 (1 term/5 months) OR $35.95 (2 terms/1 year)

  44. Questions?

  45. CEU information AAMA ID #___________ This PPT: http://goo.gl/Apt4g E-MAIL andy@fadavis.comBLOG http://andymcphee.wordpress.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/AndyMcPheeFAD GOOGLE+ www.gplus.to/andymcphee TWITTER www.twitter.com/andyatFAD YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/andymanpa

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