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Kinds of Sentences

Kinds of Sentences. Declarative. Interrogative? Imperative. ! Exclamatory!. I see something weird in that tree. 2. What do you think it is? 3. Please don’t get to close to it. 4. I’m getting out of here!.

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Kinds of Sentences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kinds of Sentences Declarative. Interrogative? Imperative. ! Exclamatory!

  2. I see something weird in that tree. 2. What do you think it is? 3. Please don’t get to close to it. 4. I’m getting out of here!

  3. With your white board, write whether the sentence is declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. 1.The nests are made from cellulose and are very strong. 2. Their sting is very painful. 3. Do they eat many pests? 4. Don’t ever try to move them yourself. 5. Stay away from wasps. 6. That’s a bumblebee!

  4. With your white board, write whether the sentence is declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. What happens to the eggs? 2. They hatch and become worker bees. 3. She lays her eggs in another pot of wax. 4. Look at that big yellow and black bee. 5. Some hives are a foot wide and have up to 700 workers! 6. Did you know they can live as far north as the Arctic Circle?

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