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Chapter 4 Notes. Ancient India and China. Knowledge Check Point. Turn to page 90 and read of the timeline provided When did the Indus Valley civilization develop How long after Hammurabi became king of B abylon did the Shang dynasty begin?
Chapter 4 Notes Ancient India and China
Knowledge Check Point • Turn to page 90 and read of the timeline provided • When did the Indus Valley civilization develop • How long after Hammurabi became king of Babylon did the Shang dynasty begin? • What happened around the same time that Hatshepsut became pharaoh in Egypt? • What happened in about 483 BC?
Chapter 4 Notes • What is Asia? • What Defines Asia? • People • Geography • Politics • Society • Economics
Chapter 4 Section 1- India’s Geography • India’s Geography • Home of the Indus River • Flows across the northwest edge of the Indian Subcontinent- a large landmass apart of a continent • 3 Major geographical zone • North- Himalayas and Hindu Kush (high mountains) • South- Deccan Plateau • In between- Northern Plains where the first civilization developed • Northern Plains • Heavy rains and monsoons- adding to the fertile soil • Brought water and helped with crops growth • Depended heavily on the monsoons- but were not predictable and could be devastating
Knowledge Check Point What are the three geographical zones of India? How did monsoons help people of early India? If you were a farmer in ancient India, when would you expect heavy rain come?
Chapter 4 Section 1- Indus Valley Civ • Indus Valley Civilizations- Northern Plains • First Indian civilization began 2500 BC in valley of Indus River -started when the people developed their system of writing • Cities and Settlements • Harappa and MohenjoDaro • Much of what we know about these city comes from their remains • The cities were well planned out • Drank from community wells • Public drainage system • Citadel • Possibly a central authority
Chapter 4 Section 1-Indus Valley Civ • Economy • Agriculture supported the economy • Craftsmen-metal workers, potter, jewelers • Traded the goods they produced • Traded with other civilizations as far as Central Asia, The Arabian Peninsula, and Mesopotamia • Society • Do not know much because we can not translate their language • Single society
Chapter 4 Section 1-Indus Valley Civ • Decline • Thrived from 2500 BC to 2000 BC • MohenjoDaro abandoned- unknown reasons • Invasions • Disease
Knowledge Check Point What items did the Indus craftsmen make? Why don’t we know much the Indus Valley civilization
Chapter 4 Section 1-Vedic Period • The Vedic Period • 2000 BC Aryan people took control over India • Historians are not sure where they came from for sure • Little evidence was left other than the Vedas- many details of Aryan history and society • Vedic Society • Rulers-rajas (rah-juhz)- war leaders • Social Structure • Four social classes- varnas • Each played a role in the society • Each were “a part of the body” • Then formed into the caste system- social hierarchy • untouchables
Chapter 4 Section 1- The Vedic Period • Vedic Religion • Believed in a single eternal spirit – Indra • Fire sacrifice • Priest claimed that order in the universe can from their religious rituals • Brahman became very powerful • Brahman- enteral being that created and preserves the world. Hindus believe that everything in world is simply an aspect of Brahman
Knowledge Check Point Who rued much of India during the Vedic Period? Why do you think villages banded together under rajas? Where do you think the Aryans were from? How did the caste system affect everyday life in India? What was the Vedic religion like?
Assignment In groups of 2 or 3 (or individually if you choose) research online one aspect of ancient Aryan society (Ex; social structure, religion, origins, customs)and either compile it in an essay or a power point
Chapter 4 Section 4- China’s First dynasties • China Geography • The development of civilization in Early China was aided greatly by certain geographic features. Long rivers, fertile soils, temperate climates, and isolated valleys all contributed to the growth and development of early China.
Chapter 4 Section 4- China Geography • Rivers, Soils, and Climate • River valley • Two major rivers- Chang Jiang ( Yangzi) and Huang He (yellow river • Floods- fertile soil • Loess- very fertile soil brought in through the rivers • South grew rice bc of warm weather • North grew grains, wheat, and millet because of cold climate
Chapter 4 Section 4- China’s Geography • Isolation • Most of China is covered with mountains, hills, and deserts • Himalayas, and Gobi desert • Help protect against invasions • Beginnings of Civilizations • Began in Huang He valley • Many speculation of when the first Chinese civilization began but historians start it with the Shang Dynasty
Knowledge Check Point What natural features isolated China? How did flooding of the Chang Jiang and Huang He affect the region?
Chapter 4 Section 4- The Shang Dynasty • Shang Dynasty • began in 1776BC and created many institutions that carried over into later Chinese culture • Government and Society • Ruled by a strong monarch • At the capital Anyang the King was surrounded by their court • Appointed governors • Large permanent army • Common people were farmers • Only the Shang elite had time for leisure time
Chapter 4 Section 4- Shang Dynasty • Beliefs • Most of our knowledge of the Shang dynasty comes from royal tombs • Believed in the after life • Rulers were buried with their possessions and servants • Worshipped ancestors • Fed ancestors • Asked ancestors for advice through oracle bones-inscribe bits of animal cones or turtle shells • Priest would interpret the oracle bone for answers
Chapter 4 Section 4- Shang Dynasty • Shang Achievements • Writing • The development of writings was closely tied to oracle bones • Bronze • Highly decorative bronze vessels and objects • Built huge stables structures such as tombs • Shang astronomers created a precise calendar based on the moon • May have created one of the worlds first systems of money
Chapter 4 Section 4- Shang Dynasty • Decline • Shang ruled in China for more than 600 years until 1100 BCE • Couldn’t not rule the growing population in China • The Zhou tribe invaded and established a new ruling dynasty
Knowledge Check Point What type of government was China ruled by during the Shang dynasty? How did the King keep order in such a vast area? What was the focus of Shang religion? How were the oracle bones connected to early Chinese writings? What were some other achievements of the Shang dynasty?
Chapter 4 Section 4- Zhou Dynasty • Zhou Dynasty • Held China for several centuries • (by historians) The Zhou Dynasty is spilt into 2 periods • 1st period- Western Zhou ruled in the west and was a peaceful time • 2nd period- war broke out and they moved to the East and it is known as the Eastern Zhou period • Government • Ruled by the mandate of heaven- states that the gods would support a just ruler, but they would not allow anyone corrupt to hold power. • They explained that Shang lost power bc they lost favor with the gods. • later it to explain dynastic cycle- rise and fall of china’s dynasties
Chapter 4 Section 4- Zhou Achievements • Zhou Achievements • Used iron which became backbone of the economy • Could be cats more cheaply than bronze • made strong weapons which strengthened the armies • As did the invention of the catapult and their cavalry • Population grew • Farmers learned new techniques • Cities grew, built canals, and roads • Introduced coins to China • First to use chopsticks
Chapter 4 Section 4- Zhou Dynasty • Decline of the Zhou • Clan leaders within China rose up against the king • More locals turned against Zhou and weakened their rule • 403-221BC nobles fought against one another for land and power even though the Zhou were technically in charge their power was nonexistent by the mid 220’s BC • The Quin dynasty eventually took over
Knowledge Check Point What was the significance of the Mandate of Heaven? What made the Zhou military stronger than previous forces How did the introduction of iron effect China?
Chapter 4 Section 4- New Philosophies • New Philosophies • The conflicts in later Zhou period led to many new thinkers and philosophies which were influential for many centuries • Confucianism and Daoism • Confucianism • Based on scholar name Kongfuzi as known as Confucius • Believed in treating people humanely • Love respect • Restore peace in society and stabilitiy • Honoring ancestors • His thoughts on how to improve society were collected in a book called the Analects • Respect • Public service • Rulers should have advisors based on merit
Chapter 4 Section 4- New Philosophies • Daoism • Creator- Laozi • Wrote book Dao De Jing • Retreat from the laws of society and yield to the laws of nature • Dao- the way, a limitless force that is apart of all creation • Find ones place to find complete harmony and peace • Yin and yang- balancing aspect of natureand dualism • Less influential than Confucianism • But the idea of balance was been key concept in China for centuries • Led many people to help with the preservation of the environment
Knowledge Check Point Why were many new philosophies created during this period? What did Confucius believe about human relationships Do you agree with Confucius that respect for tradition is a good way to address problems? What are the basic ideas of Daoism? How is Daoism similar to Confucianism?
Assignment Choose either Confucianism or Daoism and research the philosophy further, then write a page (double spaced) essay explaining which philosophies you agree with the more and why, give evidence for your reasoning. (upload to moodle by the end of class) If you finish early you can begin working on vocab and questions for chapter 4.