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Principles for R educing Extraneous Processing in Multimedia Learning : . Garadan Al-Amir Hector Segarra. A major challenge for Instructional Designers.
PrinciplesforReducingExtraneousProcessing in Multimedia Learning: Garadan Al-Amir Hector Segarra
A majorchallengeforInstructionalDesigners • Istocreateinstructionalmessagesthat are sensitivetothecaracteristics of thehumaninformation- processingsystem, so thattheamount of processingrequired in eachchannel of workingmemorydoesnotexceedthelearner’scognitivecapacity.
ExtraneousOverload • Occurswhentheamount of cognitive processing requieredbytheessential and extraneous material in a multimedia instructionalmessageexceedsthelearner’scognitivecapacity.
Thefive multimedia designmethodsintendedtominimizeextraneousoverload are: • Coherence • Signaling • Redundancy • SpatialContiguity • Temporal ContiguityPrinciples
The CoherencePrinciple • Statesthat: • Peoplelearn more deeplyfrom a mutimediamessagewhenextraneous material isexcludedratherthanincluded.
CoherenceTechniques • Toeliminatewords, pictures, and soundsthat are notrelevanttotheinstructionalgoal.
The SignalingPrinciple • Statesthat • Peoplelearn more deeplyfrom multimedia messageswhencues are addedthathiglighttheorganization of theessential material.
SignalingTechniques • Insertcuesthatdirectthelearnerattentiontowardtheessential material.
The RedundancyPrinciple • Statesthat: • Peoplelearn more deeplyfromgraphics and narrationthanfromgraphics, narration, and on screen text. • Accordingtotheredundancyprinciple, studentswilllearn more deeplyfromthenonredundantpresentationthantheredundantpresentationbecausetheredundantpresentation requiere more extraneous processing.
WiththeCoherence and Redundancyprinciple, theextraneous material iseliminated. • Withthesignaling and spatialcontiguityprinciple ,typographic and linguisticcuesdrawlearners’ attentiontotheessential material. • With temporal contiguity, theneedfor holding material in workingmemoryfor extended periodsiseliminated.
The SpatialContuguityPrinciple • Statesthat: • Peoplelearn more deeplyfrom a multimedia messagewhencorrespondingwords and picture are presentednearratherthanfarfromeachother on the page screen.
The Temporal ContiguityPrinciple • Statesthat: • Peoplelearn more deeplyfrom a multimedia messagewhencorrespondinganimation and narration are presentedsimultaneouslyratherthansuccessively.
The Split-AttentionPrinciple • Statesthat: • Refersto “avoidingformatsthatrequirelearnerstosplittheirattentionbetween, and mentallyintegrate, multiplesources of information”
The Split- AttentionPrinciple (Cont.) • Referstotheneedtointegrate material from disparate sources, whichis a broader concept than temporal contiguity.
Questions • 1) Name and describe the five multimedia design methods to minimize extraneous overload. • 2) What is the major challenge for an instructional designer? • 3) There is strong and consistent evidence of the coherence principle that states: “People learn more deeply from a multimedia message when extraneous material is excluded rather than included”. Why you think this is the case? (Mayer, 2009, Multimedia Learning 2nd Ed.) • 4) What does split- attention refers to? • 5) What was the research reviewed in this chapter?
Reference • Mayer, (2009). Multimedia Learning 2nd Ed.