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South Texas College Leadership Alliance Update

South Texas College Leadership Alliance Update. Student Affairs & Enrollment Management. Deliver high quality student services and student development opportunities that facilitate student success throughout the pathway from connection to completion

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South Texas College Leadership Alliance Update

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  1. South Texas College Leadership Alliance Update

  2. Student Affairs & Enrollment Management • Deliver high quality student services and student development opportunities that facilitate student success throughout the pathway from connection to completion • Develop and implement strategies to manage and meet institution enrollment and graduation targets

  3. SAEM – Points of Contact • Mike Carranza – Associate Dean of Student Financial Services • mcarranz@southtexascollege.edu||x3439 • Matthew Hebbard – Director of Admissions & Registrar • mshebbar@southtexascolelge.edu||x2147 • Paul Hernandez – Dean of Student Support Services • phernan@southtexascollege.edu||x2182 • Kim McKay – Interim Dean of Enrollment Services • kjmckay@southtexascollege.edu||x2096 • Mike Shannon – Interim Associate Dean of Student Life • mshannon@southtexascollege.edu||x3550

  4. Hours of Operation (Fall & Spring)

  5. In Your Folder and on Your Table • Cohort data disaggregated by high school • Success, Challenges and Opportunities • Tour Request Form • Eduroam • Mobile App • Fall Event Calendar • Invitation to Participate in SLI

  6. Glossary of Terms • First Time in College (FTIC) – students who have never been admitted to a degree program at STC or any other post-secondary institution regardless of high school graduation date or year Prior dual credit students are classified as FTIC after high school graduation and upon entry at STC regardless of credit hours earned • 2011 FTIC Cohort – students who graduated from high school in the Spring or Summer of 2011 and entered STC in the Fall of 2011 • 2012 FTIC Cohort – students who graduated from high school in the Spring or Summer of 2012 entered STC in the Fall of 2012 • Prior Dual Credit – students who entered the college with accrued credit

  7. 77.5% of all Hispanic Freshmen and Sophomores enrolled in Texas higher education are in community colleges…

  8. …60% leave without a credential.

  9. STC - Enrollment History 1993 to 2012 (Fall) Fall 2012 – 30,824

  10. All First Time in College Students @ STC

  11. 68% of the 2011 FTIC cohort graduated in the Spring or Summer of 2011

  12. 88% of the 2011 FTIC cohort received financial aid

  13. Top 5 Feeder Schools – 2011 FTIC Cohort

  14. Top 10 Majors – 2011 FTIC Cohort

  15. 40% of the 2011 FTIC cohort had prior dual credit…

  16. The average high school rank for the entire 2011 FTIC cohort was 49%.

  17. The average high school rank for the 2011 FTIC cohort with prior dual was 57%.

  18. College Ready – 2011 FTIC Cohort Entire Cohort Math = 50% Writing = 47% Reading = 50% Prior Dual Math = 56% Writing = 55% Reading = 58%

  19. 73% of the 2011 FTIC cohort were full-time students – taking 12 credit hours or more

  20. So, how did the 2011 FTIC cohort do during their freshman year?

  21. 80% of the 2011 FTIC cohort returned during in the spring term

  22. College Readiness – the 2011 FTIC Cohort

  23. College Readiness – 2011 FTIC Cohort with Prior Dual

  24. In that same year (2011 FTIC Cohort):16% completed MATH1414 23% completed ENGL1301

  25. Average GPA – 2011 FTIC Cohort

  26. …and, only 54% returned this Fall (2012).

  27. Where did they go? 51 of the 1376 transferred • 12 @ UTPA • 6 @ TAMUK • 3 @ University of Phoenix • 3 @ UTB

  28. If they did not transfer, were they (2011 FTIC cohort) in good standing at exit?

  29. Only 33% of the 2011 FTIC cohort who did not transfer left in good standing GPA < 2.0 GPA >= 2.0

  30. Does the 2012 Entering Freshman (FTIC) cohort look similar?

  31. 76% of the 2012 FTIC cohort are recent high school graduates

  32. 82% of the 2012 FTIC cohort is receiving financial aid

  33. Top 10 Majors – 2012 FTIC Cohort

  34. 40% of the 2012 FTIC cohort have prior dual credit…

  35. 70% of the 2012 FTIC cohort are full-time students – taking 12 credit hours or more

  36. Pending Data for 2012 FTIC Cohort • Average high school percentile • % college ready • Top 5 feeder schools • Performance data

  37. As we move forward to support and assist all cohorts, our focus will continue to be completion…

  38. In 2012, 695 students graduated with a college credential before receiving their high school diploma.

  39. In 2013, we anticipate that more than 1,000 students will graduate with a college credential before receiving their high school diploma.

  40. Business Administration Communication Fine Arts – Music Chemistry Computer Science Criminal Justice Language and Cultural Studies Anthropology Biology Drama Kinesiology Mathematics Political Science Psychology Social work Teaching Mexican American Studies Engineering

  41. Additional Articulation Agreements • UT Brownsville • UT San Antonio • Texas A&M • Texas A&M Kingsville • Texas A&M Corpus Christi • Texas A&M Galveston • TSU • U of H • Bellevue University • Western Governors University • University of Phoenix

  42. Together, our commitment and collaboration make completion and student success a reality for our students and their families.

  43. Thank YouQuestions, Discussion and Idea Sharing

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