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Eye. By: Andy Hoang. Like These!. What do they look like?. General Description of Eye. The Eye is a golf ball sized organ that allows you to see. The Eye is composed of many parts including the lens, iris, sclera, retina, conjunctiva, pupil, and vitreous humor.

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  1. Eye By: Andy Hoang

  2. Like These! What do they look like?

  3. General Description of Eye • The Eye is a golf ball sized organ that allows you to see. • The Eye is composed of many parts including the lens, iris, sclera, retina, conjunctiva, pupil, and vitreous humor. • The average human is born with two eyes. • The Iris is the colorful part of the eye. People may say that you have different colored eyes but you actually have different colored irises!

  4. General Description of the functions of the eye • The eye is equipped with nerves that help protect it such as the eyelid (Blinking). • The eye is essentially a light absorbing organ that uses light to transform that into vision. • Lens take in the light and focuses onto the retina. The retina then turns the light into nerve signals that are sent to the brain to be interpreted.

  5. Parts of the Eye Three Layers: Fibrous, Vascular, and Neural Tunic Ciliary Muscles: Act on the suspensory ligaments to move the lens. Aqueous Humor: Secreted by the Ciliary Muscles Lens: Focuses on light. Helps make vision clearer. Iris: This is the colorful part which surrounds the pupil. It dilates or constricts the pupil by using two smooth muscles. Optic Nerve: Leaves the eye at the blind spot, a place where there are no rods or cones in the retinal layer. This takes information to the Occipital Lobe.

  6. Detailed Description of the cells that make up the eye. • The ciliary muscles of the eye are smooth muscle cells. • Smooth Muscle Cells have no striations and have a (one) peripherally located nucleus. • Cardiac and Skeletal are striated but skeletal has multiple nuclei. • The Retina has multiple layers of cells. They are the cones and rods. The multiple layers of cells help to obtain vision. • The retina has a special pigment to prevent scattering of light.

  7. Specials • Lacrimal glands secrete lubricating fluid which help the blinking process. • Blinking involves swishing the lubricating fluid across the surface of the eye to prevent pathogens and foreign objects from infecting the eye. • Laser Eye Surgery is a technique used that can aid myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. • LASIK cannot heal presbyopia

  8. Special Thanks to the following: • Works Cited • Eden, John. The Physician's Guide to Cataracts, Glaucoma, and Other Eye Problems. Yonkers, NY: Consumer Reports Books, 1992. • Tucker, Lael. The Eye: Window to the World. Washington, DC: U.S. News Books, 1981. • Ward, Brian R. The Eye and Seeing. New York: Franklin Watts, 1981. Read more: http://www.biologyreference.com/Ep-Fl/Eye.html#b#ixzz2TI2LLw5c

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