Identification Key A biological key provides a rapid way of identifying unknown organisms. It sorts organisms into gradually smaller groups according to their specific characteristics. One of the most widely used key is the dichotomouskey (meaning “divided into two parts”), which is based on a series of choices between two alternative descriptions.
A B C D E F Can you identify the following group of five organisms by using a key?
A B C E F D Dichotomous Key Group X Vertebrates Invertebrates With wings (bird) E Without wings Without wings With wings (bee) B without fins (snake) C with a hard shell (shrimp) D without hard shell (earthworm) F with fins (goldfish) A
Numbered Key A B C D E F 1. Vertebrates ………………………………go to 2 Invertebrates …………………………..go to 3 2. With wings ………………………………..E - birds Without wings …………………………..go to 4 3. With wings ………………………………..B - bee Without wings …………………………..go to 5 4. With fins …………………………………..A - goldfish Without fins ……………………………..C - snake 5. With a hard shell …………………..D - shrimp Without hard shell ………………….F - earthworm
Try to construct a key yourself to classify the groups of plants in the Plant Kingdom C B D A F E
The Key 1. With chlorophyll go to 2 Without chlorophyll D - fungus 2. With seeds go to 3 Without seeds go to 4 3. With flowers F - angiosperm Without flowers C - gymnosperm 4. With leaves and stems go to 5 Without leaves and stems E - alga 5. With vascular tissues A - fern Without vascular tissues B - moss