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Motivating local home-owners to energy retrofitting as examples on Urban Climate Governance in Danish Municipalities. Jesper Ole Jensen Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference 2013, Copenhagen 11-13 June 2013 . Background.
Motivating local home-owners to energy retrofitting as examples on Urban Climate Governance in Danish Municipalities Jesper Ole Jensen Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference 2013, Copenhagen 11-13 June 2013
Background • Energy savingsin existingbuildingsarenecessary to reachclimategoals • Municipalitieshave increasinglyfocus on reducingenergyuse in households • Severalmunicipalinitiatives for motivatinghome-owners for energyretrofittinghave beenformulated
Research questions • What is the status for the municipalinitiativestowardshome-owners? • What types of institutionalset-up’sarebeingused? • Whatare the experiences; arethe initiativestowardslocalhome-owenersable to deliver results in term of energysavings, and howcanothermunicipalitieslearn from this?
Modes of Urban ClimateGovernance • Self-governing, where the municipality acts as a consumer, and initiates climate goals on own buildings, as for instance energy optimisation of schools and administration buildings, establish networks with other municipalities, formulate green procurement polities etc. • Governing through enabling, where the municipality acts as a facilitator for establishing collaboration and networks between the municipality, local companies and institutions, citizens, industries etc. • Governing through provision, where the municipality acts as a provider of energy, transport, waste, water etc., and thereby has an excellent position to formulate and steer climate policies. • Governing through authority, where the municipality act as a regulator, exploiting its formal authorities in for instance by urban planning, land zone administration, building permissions etc. Source: Alber& Kern (2009); Bulkeley et al (2009)
Modes of Urban ClimateGovernance • Self-governing, where the municipality acts as a consumer, and initiates climate goals on own buildings, as for instance energy optimisation of schools and administration buildings, establish networks with other municipalities, formulate green procurement polities etc. • Governing through enabling, where the municipality acts as a facilitator for establishing collaboration and networks between the municipality, local companies and institutions, citizens, industries etc. • Governing through provision, where the municipality acts as a provider of energy, transport, waste, water etc., and thereby has an excellent position to formulate and steer climate policies. • Governing through authority, where the municipality act as a regulator, exploiting its formal authorities in for instance by urban planning, land zone administration, building permissions etc. Source: Alber& Kern (2009); Bulkeley et al (2009)
Methodology • Survey consisting of interviews with 22 municipalities on their initiatives towards local home-owners • Literature- and document studies • Case studies of “five spear-head” initiatives towards local home-owners
Institutional set-up to reachhome-owners SME’s Education institutions Bank Municipality Energy consultant Standard Value Cathalogue Energy supplier National Energy Agency
Energy City, Frederikshavn • Raisingawarenessamongsthome-ownerson energyretrofitting • Collaboration with localenergysupplier to finance an energyconsultant • Re-education of localcraftsmen and SME’s on energyissues • Convincinglocal banks to financehome-ownersenergyretrofitting
ESCO-light, Middelfart SME’s Education institutions Bank Municipality Energy consultant Standard Value Catalogue Energy suppliers EA
2100.nu, Copenhagen Agenda 21-center Municipality Energy consultant Standard Value Catalogue Energy supplier EA
Houseowner in focus”, Ringkøbing-Skjern SME’s Municipality Energy consultant Standard Value Catalogue Energy supplier EA
Reportedenergysavings Severaluncertainties of documentation: DIY, nosubmitting of documentation, behaviouraleffects, initiativeswerecompletedanyway(additionality) etc.
Results • Challenge to makeenergyretrofittinga business case for energysuppliers– more efficient alternatives under consideration • Municipalinitiaitives (Urban ClimateGovernance) supports business case • Initiativesareimportant for a number of otherreasonsthan CO2-reductions – ”secondaryeffects” supports municipalpolicies