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  1. Thank you for your interest in the Political Science major.

  2. IMPORTANT NOTICE:At this time, we cannot add the POL major for you. After priority registration is complete, we will be able to declare the major for you. Please return to this session after priority registration. This session is available now for informational purposes only.

  3. In this information session you will: Review Degree Requirements Review Major Requirements including the six concentrations within the major Understand fees associated with major Receive information on advising

  4. You will be responsible for the following: 1. Reviewing and understanding information presented. 2. Completing and submitting major fact sheet, advising agreement and change of major form.

  5. Degree Requirements: Overall requirements to complete your degree include completing a minimum of 120 units. At least 42 of those units must be in upper-division (300-400 level) coursework. To graduate you must have a minimum 2.0 GPA in your major, minor, and overall. You are required to have a minor for this degree. A minor is not required for students pursuing a double major. Students completing a double degree are still required to have a minor (i.e., BA degree and BS degree).This is a Bachelor of Arts degree and therefore, a 4th semester proficiency in a foreign language is required. *If you decide to pursue the Foreign Affairs concentration (discussed later in this session), you will be required to have a 6th semester proficiency in foreign language.The math requirement for this degree is College Algebra or higher. Please see next slide for a chart that reflects this information.

  6. Political Science major degree requirements: You must have a minimum of36-40units of Political Science coursework. At least 18 of these units must be upper-division (300-400 level). At least 18 of the 36-40 units must be completed at the U of A. A minimum 2.0 GPA is required in the POL major. There is a Mid Career Writing Emphasis Requirement (referred to as MCWA). Depending on your English 102 grade (or ENGL 109H if you took Honors English), you will be required to take 1 or 2 writing emphasis courses in the major. -If you received B or higher in second semester Engl: 1 POL writing emphasis course with a grade of B or higher is required -If you received C or lower in second semester Engl-2 POL writing emphasis courses with grades of B and C are required. Writing Emphasis courses are indicated with a * next to them on the major outline.

  7. Political Science Introductory Courses Most students take these courses during their sophomore year after completing general education requirements. 1. Pol/PA 206 Public Policy and Administration2. Pol 201 American National Government3. Econ 200 Basic Economic Issues4. SBS/PA/POL 200 Intro to Statistics for Social Sciences5. Pol 202 or 204 International Relations or Comparative Politics

  8. Political Science Major Courses • After students complete the intro or core courses, they will then be eligible to take concentration courses in the concentration they have chosen. • In addition to these concentration and intro courses, students will need to complete two upper division School of Government and Public Policy Electives. These are courses in POL or PA that are not necessarily part of your set of concentration courses. The major outlines in the next several slides will show these requirements.

  9. Political Science Concentrations • There are six concentrations within the major. You will need to choose one concentration: -American Politics -Ideas and Methods -Law and Public Policy -Comparative Politics -International Relations -Foreign Affairs

  10. American Politics Concentration • Study of the major branches of American national government and the theoretical and constitutional foundations upon which they are built, American political culture, public opinion and voting behavior. Students will also have the opportunity to study US intelligence, security and American foreign policy. Students in this concentration will take courses such as: POL 301 Methods of Political Inquiry; POL 434 Quantitative Analysis; POL 309 The Judicial Process; POL 326 American Political Thought; POL 335 Gender and Politics; POL 407 Congress and American Politics; POL 435 Public Opinion & Voting Behavior; POL 469 Law And Social Change; POL 471 Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties; POL 455 American Foreign Policy; PA 479 Intelligence & U.S. National Security and PA 487 US National Security and the Use of Covert Action.

  11. Ideas and Methods Concentration • Philosophical, normative and empirical approaches to the study of political life with a focus on the problems of democracy, liberty, authority, obligation, and ideology. Students in this concentration will take courses such as: POL 203 Political Theory; POL 301 Methods of Political Inquiry; POL 434 Quantitative Analysis; POL 363 Games of Strategy; POL 323 Modern Political Theory; POL 428 Problems in Contemporary Political Theory; POL 433 Feminist Political Theory; POL 461 Feminist IR Theories; and POL 437 Democracies Emerging and Evolving.

  12. Law and Public Policy Concentration • Systematic study of the law, judicial processes and how they intersect in the formation, implementation and adjudication of public policy. Students in this concentration will take courses such as: POL 210 US and AZ constitution; POL 309 The Judicial Process; POL 469 Law And Social Change; POL 470Constitutional Law: Federalism; POL 471 Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties; POL 476 Women and the Law; POL 456 International Law; PA 344 Law and Public Policy; PA 416 Health, Ethics, and Public Policy; PA 446 Crime and Public Policy; and PA 481 Environmental Policy.

  13. Comparative Politics Concentration • Examination of cross-national study of politics by looking at the different types of constitutional and institutional systems from around the world, including the relation between different governmental structures, national economic and social organization and political cultures. Students in this concentration will take courses such as: POL 340 Politics in Advanced Industrialized States; PA 411 Comparative National Level Security Institutions; PA 419 Governance, Security, State Formation & Terrorism; POL430 Electoral Systems & Their Consequences; POL 437 Democracies Emerging and Evolving; POL 442A European Politics and Society; POL 452 the Politics of the EU; POL 443 Russian Politics; POL 446 Comparative Political Elites; and PA 481 Environmental Policy.

  14. International Relations • Investigation of the mechanisms of global order and change, such as war and peace, diplomacy, conflict resolution, and alliances. Students in this concentration will take courses such as: POL 202 International Relations; POL 360 International Political Economy; POL 361 International Organizations; POL 365 POL Contemporary International Politics; POL 441Arab-Israeli Conflict; POL 465 International Politics of the Middle East; POL 451 Russian Foreign Policy; POL 454 Theories of International Relations; POL 455 American Foreign Policy; POL 456 International Law; POL 462 Armed Conflict & Conflict Management.

  15. Foreign Affairs Concentration • This concentration combines courses from international relations and comparative politics and is meant for those students interested in international careers in fields such as diplomacy, development, and security. This concentration requires 6th semester proficiency in a foreign language, participation in a professional seminar and it requires some foreign experience. Examples of foreign experience are domestic internships that are international in scope or study abroad in a foreign country.

  16. Major Outlines for each individual concentration will follow this slide. Please print the forms for the concentrations you are interested in. These forms list all the major requirements for a POL major in that specific concentration.

  17. American Politics Concentration

  18. Ideas & Methods Concentration

  19. Law and Public Policy Concentration

  20. Comparative Politics Concentration

  21. International Relations Concentration

  22. Foreign Affairs Concentration

  23. School of Government and Public Policy Fee • Students who have earned 60 or more units (Junior Standing) will be charged a $400.00 per semester fee • This fee has been used to hire adjuncts and ultimately make more seats available to Political Science and Public Management majors • The School is also excited about beginning a Speaker Series, bringing professionals from the field to UA to speak to SGPP students • The School plans to hold events to help students grow professionally such as resume writing workshops

  24. Beyond the Classroom… • We encourage students to study abroad and complete internships to make the most of their undergraduate experience • SGPP offers two direct credit programs abroad-one is in China and the other in the Ukraine (see next slide for more details on Ukraine Program) • Internships are encouraged and can be used for POL credit, if approved. The Internship POL 393 credit would be applied to the “SGPP elective” area of the major (refer to major outline) • Please see your advisor for more details.

  25. Exciting Opportunity to study abroad in the Ukraine! • Summer or Semester-Long programs available • Program includes excursions and cultural activities • Classes are conducted at the facilities of Kharkov National University of Economics and students live on campus in a modern dormitory • Courses count just the same as POL courses taken at UA: course grades calculate into your UA GPA • Courses are offered on rotation and include: • POL 443 Russian Politics • POL 451 Russian Foreign Policy • POL 315 Political Sociology • POL 399 Independent Study • Elementary Russian courses are also offered • UA Alumnus Professor Mikhail Beznosov teaches courses as well as other UA faculty. • For more information contact: mikhailb@email.arizona.edu or visit studyabroad.arizona.edu

  26. Advising Social Sciences 3rd Floor phone: 520-621-7601 ~Website http://sgpp.arizona.edu ~Academic Advisors for Political Science: Advises Last Names A-K Michael Greeley, greeley@email.arizona.edu Advises Last Names L-Z Heidi Creel, heidim@email.arizona.edu ~You should make an appointment with your advisor at least once a semester. ~To Schedule an appointment or view walk-in hours: http://sbs.arizona.edu/advising/student/login.php

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