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Elements of Surveying (CEL271)

Elements of Surveying (CEL271). Gazala Habib Dept. of Civil Engg. Contact: Room No. 303, Block-4 E-mail: gazalahabib@gmail.com Phone: 1192 (Office). Books. Surveying by S K Duggal, Tata McGraw Hill, Vol 1 Surveying: Theory and practices, S. S Bhavikatti

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Elements of Surveying (CEL271)

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  1. Elements of Surveying (CEL271) Gazala Habib Dept. of Civil Engg. Contact: Room No. 303, Block-4 E-mail: gazalahabib@gmail.com Phone: 1192 (Office)

  2. Books • Surveying by S K Duggal, Tata McGraw Hill, Vol 1 • Surveying: Theory and practices, S. S Bhavikatti • Surveying and levelling by N. N Basak • Plane surveying A M Chandra • Surveying (Vol-1) by B. C. Punmia, Ashok K. Jain and Arun K. Jain

  3. Laboratory • Lab timing for all group: 2-4 pm (Monday-Friday) • Room Number: Block IV, 335 • Contact: Mr. Rajeev Sharma (Phone: 6442)

  4. Attendance policy • All students must attend all classes. Attendance record will be maintained and will be periodically uploaded through the UG web-site. • Lectures: 70 marks for attendance, surprise quizzes, homework, assignments and exams • Laboratory: 30 marks for attendance, surprise quizzes, notebook, viva • If attendance of the student is greater than 90%, result of the best three quizzes will be considered else average of all quizzes will be considered. • If a student’s attendance is less than 75%, the student will be awarded one grade less than the actual grade that he(she) has earned. For example, a student who has got A grade but has attendance less than 75% will be awarded A- grade.

  5. Marks, Exam, Assignment

  6. Attendance Policy …Contd. • If a student has a valid medical certificate (from IITD hospital or a registered medical practitioner) because of which he/she has missed an evaluation component the compensation will be decided and put on notice board. • If a student has missed any of the minors due to medical reasons or family emergency alternatives will be arranged. For example if a person misses minor-1 because of health problem he/she should produce the medical certificate immediately after re-joining the class and the re-minor will be conducted last working day of next week after minor-1. • If a student misses Major examination he should apply for an I-grade or an extended-I grade. HOD will approve I-grade based on his/her assessment of the situation. In that case examination must be conducted within 10 days of completion of the majors. Dean, UGS will award the extended-I grade and in that case examination must be conducted within the first ten working days of the next semester.

  7. Marks policy • Full marks will be awarded for correct procedure and correct answer. 3/4 marks for correct procedure but wrong answer. Zero marks for wrong procedure and correct answer. • All evaluation components including Minor and Major scripts will be shown to the students. Within 7-15 days after exam along with the model answer. • The date and time for showing script will be displayed in the notice board. The schedule will be group wise. • Grading of a course will be finalized and displayed after following the process of moderation. • THEREFORE, NO INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN ABOUT GRADING BEFORE THE MODERATION COMMITTEE’S MEETING, AND NO CHANGES WILL BE DONE ONCE THE GRADE IS DISPLAYED AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OF MODERATION COMMITTEE’S SUGGESTIONS. [PLEASE DO NOT BEG TO CHANGE THE GRADE ONCE IT IS FINILIZED AFTER MODERATION COMMITTEE’S MEETING]

  8. Surveying • What is surveying? Surveying may be defined as the science of determining the position, in three dimensions, of natural and man-made features on or beneath the surface of the Earth. These features may then be represented in analog form as a contoured map, plan or chart, or in digital form as a three dimensional mathematical model stored in the computer.

  9. Objective of course • To understand the basic concept of surveying • Apply the surveying concept and equipments in real life • You should be able to use a set of tools to solve the problems in an optimal way • You should be able to understand the pitfalls (sources of error) to avoid them

  10. Application of surveying in civil Engineering • The planning and design of all Civil Engineering projects such as construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, dams etc are based upon surveying measurements. • Project of any magnitude is constructed along the lines and points established by surveying. Thus, surveying is a basic requirement for all Civil Engineering projects. • Other principal works in which surveying is primarily utilized are • •  to fix the national and state boundaries; • •  to chart coastlines, navigable streams and lakes; • •  to establish control points • •  to execute hydrographic and oceanographic charting and mapping; and • •  to prepare topographic map of land surface of the earth.

  11. Instruments… Levelling Staff Tilting Level Dumpy Level • Telescope is fixed cannot be tilted • or moved • Telescope can be tilted slightly about its horizontal axis with the help of tilting screw. • The line of collimation is made horizontal for each observation with the help of tilting screw • Instrument can be levelled automatically within a certain tilt range Digital level

  12. Levelling staff

  13. Sewer Projects • Firm under contract • Preliminary studies • General layout map • Buildings located on general layout • Treatment site search • Preliminary paper layout • Make sure every building and potential building site can be served • Manhole system placed on general layout

  14. Sewer Projects • Preliminary filed work • Preliminary profiles • BM system established • Manholes set • Profiles run • Basement elevations acquired • Design mapping • Final plans • Treatment area • Boundary survey • Complete topo of area

  15. Sewer Projects • Design process • Sewer line design • Preliminary profiles drawn • Basement elevations plotted • Manholes placed on profiles • Slope between manholes computed • Problem areas – alternate service routes selected • Manholes set in field • Profiles run • Revert to 3A

  16. Sewer Projects • Treatment plant design • Topo map prepared • Type system verified • Treatment system sized based on existing and projected population • System designed • Plans drafted • Sewer plans normally prepared on plan/profile sheets

  17. Sewer Projects • Treatment plant drawn using plan sheets and cross sections • Quantities computed • Specifications • Written instructions on how every item to be built • Include contract documents and bid proposal • Bidding procedure • Notice of bid advertised on local paper • Pre-bid meeting

  18. Sewer Projects • Bidding • Each contractor submits sealed bid • Bids opened and tabulated • Engineer reviews proposals • Engineer recommends which bid to accept • Contract awarded

  19. Sewer Projects • Construction • Surveying • Contractor required to hire surveyor for stakeout • Manholes referenced • Staking methods • Batter board method • Laser method • Measurement of quantities • As Built

  20. Water distribution systems • Put under contract – water district formed • Preliminary studies • General layout prepared • Water district signs up users • Water source located • Waterlines placed on general layout • Hydraulic gradient plotted from USGS topo

  21. Water distribution systems • Pump station and water storage sites • Property acquired by perpetual easement or purchased • Boundary survey performed for each site • Topo each site • Field work • Plan preparation • Normally photogrammetrically • Flight plan sent on general layout • Take photos and post measure horizontal control • Plan sheets marked on photos using template

  22. Water distribution systems • Waterlines placed on plan sheets • Crossings and easements • Every location where waterline crosses paved road, railroad – has to be topo, cross sectioned, and tied to nearest stationing or milepost • Crossings plotted and permits applied for – railroads, state DOT, township and county roads • Easement descriptions prepared

  23. Water distribution systems • Final design • All waterlines and appurtenances on plans, easements, acquired and in docket form, rock excavation on plans • Quantities computed • System driven to make sure nothing missed • Tanks and P.S. • Designed and sized • Quantities computed

  24. Water distribution systems • Bidding • Construction • Water distribution system • Waterline stakeout • Each easement plotted on plans • Crossings as permitted staked • Quantities • Tanks and PS • Foundation staked • Must be checked for plumb • As built

  25. Architectural Projects • Firm Under contract • Preliminary fieldwork • Boundary survey • Description provided • Fieldwork • Monument search, traverse site • Compute data and analysis • Final stakeout • Easement and encroachment search • Plat of survey

  26. Architectural Projects • Topo – grid method most common • Grid pattern 25’ – 100’ • BM – USGS • Entire tract topo and adjacent areas to access • Utilities – nearest tied in • Include all objects above, on or below, ground • Prepare topo map • Field check map

  27. Architectural Projects • Construction • Control • If large building – you may want to establish TBM’s on control Mon. • Stakeout • Convert architects dimensions to engineering • Layout clearing and excavation limits • Layout underground piping

  28. Architectural Projects • Layout footings and foundations • Layout building corners and supports • Locate roads and parking areas • Locate lighting and other project extras • As built

  29. Structure and Terrain Movement • Used to monitor: • Movement of buildings ( x, y, and z) • Movement of bridges • Movement of dams • Landslides and earthquakes • Amusement park rides

  30. Structure and Terrain Movement • Description – error within system must be less than smallest movement to be observed • 2 groups of monuments installed • Reference or control monuments • Deformation or movement monuments

  31. Structure and Terrain Movement • Control – generally concrete pillars extending 3-4 feet out of ground with tribrach permanently attached • Movement monuments – for earthquake or landslide may be similar deep monuments

  32. Structure and Terrain Movement • Equipment: • GPS • Turned angles • Angle/Distance • Leveling

  33. Classification of surveying: Based on function • Primary division based on shape of the earth • Geodic survey: if the area surveyed is more than 1000 km2 geodic surveying must be employed • Plane survey • Classification based on function of survey • Control surveying: establishing the horizontal and vertical positions of widely spaced control points using geodic method. • Land surveying: to determine the boundaries and areas of parcel of land. • City surveying: urban planning • Topographic surveys: depiction of topography of a region. Including natural and man made features • Engineering survey: for laying out engineering projects. • Route survey: planning designing and execution of highways, railways, canals, pipelines etc. • Construction surveys: required to establish points lines, grades and for staking out engineering works after the plans have been prepared and the structural design has n=been done.

  34. Classification of surveying: Based on function • Astronomic survey: are conducted for the determination of latitudes, longitudes, azimuths, local time etc. for various places by observing heavenly bodies such as suns and stars. • Geological survey: to determine the strata of the earth’s crust for geological studies. • Archaeological surveys: unearthing relics of antiquity • Mine surveys: exploration of mineral deposits, and to guide tunnelling and other operations associated with mining. • Satellite surveys: to establish intercontinental, interdatum and interisland geodic ties over the world by making satellite observations. • Military surveys: conducted for military purpose.

  35. Classification of surveying: Based on instruments • Chain survey: only linear measurements are made with chain or tape no angular measurements are taken • Compass survey: horizontal angles are measured with the help of magnetic compass • Plane table survey: The map is prepared in the field itself by determining the directions of various lines making linear measurements, and plotting the details on paper using a plane table • Levelling survey: this type of survey is used to determine the elevations and relative heights of the points with the help of instrument known as level. • Theodolite survey: theodolite survey is primarily used in traversing and triangulation for providing controls. The horizontal and vertical angles are measured with the help of theodolite. • Tacheometric survey: a special type of theodolite known as tacheometer, is used to determine horizontal and vertical distances directly. • Photogrammetric survey: measurements are made with help photograph. • EDM Survey: linear measurements are made with the help of EDM instruments.

  36. Principles of surveying • Fixing the points in relation to points already fixed http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-ROORKEE/SURVEYING/modules/module1/htmlpage/9.htm#

  37. Principle of surveying • Working from whole to part: • to localize the errors and • to control the accumulation of errors. • Establish primary control points with high precision • Establish secondary and tertiary control points within the system boundary and form triangle/rectangle may be with less precision. • This will help in localizing the error and to control the propagation of error.

  38. Working from whole to part

  39. Errors

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