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Proposal for Redistricting

MD 17. Proposal for Redistricting. PCC Bill Phillipi, Chair– State GMT Chair PDG Craig Donecker –District Representative L PCC Bill Phillipi - District Representative I PDG Bernard Lee – District Representative O PDG Dan Funke –District Representative N

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Proposal for Redistricting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MD 17 Proposal for Redistricting

  2. PCC Bill Phillipi, Chair– State GMT Chair • PDG Craig Donecker –District Representative L • PCC Bill Phillipi - District Representative I • PDG Bernard Lee – District Representative O • PDG Dan Funke –District Representative N • PDG Mel Greene –District Representative S • PDG Chris Bauer – Constitution and By-Laws • PCC Tom Badger – State GLT Chair • CC Helen LeBlanc – State Council Chair • Statistical and Historical Resource • Linda McCormick – State Secretary Members of the Committee

  3. Unified Effort Commitment to Final Outcome Commitment to Kansas Lionism Expectations of Committee &Leadership

  4. History up to September 1, 2012

  5. Travel Corridors • Population Areas • Geographic Areas - Potential Growth / Loss • Areas of the state that in recent years have shown the least decline in membership as a district. • Areas of the state that in past history have shown the most decline in membership. • Move vs. Merger into new District Factors the Committee Considered

  6. Western Kansas has less members, has the largest geographic area, however in recent years has shown the least decline in membership as a district. • Since 1962 SE Kansas has shown a greater membership declinethan any another area of the state. Considerations

  7. Divide state into 3 sub districts. Draw boundaries by county lines. Keep each district as close to 2,000 as possible. Proposal

  8. History of Combined Losses

  9. Move four counties from Sub-District I • Jewell, Mitchell, Lincoln, Ellsworth • Move five counties from Sub-District N • Rice, Reno, Kingman, Barber, Harper • Increase of 19 clubs • Increase of 421 members • New total clubs = 85 • New membership of sub-district =1863 as of 9-1-12 Western Kansas Proposal

  10. Combine these two sub-districts together • Sub-District I and Sub-District O • This would also take into consideration that four counties of “I” would move to the proposed new western Kansas sub-district. • Jewell, Mitchell, Lincoln, Ellsworth • Additionally, three counties from “O and I” would move into the new proposed southeast Kansas sub-district • Morris, Osage, Franklin • Total number of 88 clubs • New membership of sub-district =2085 as of 9-1-12 Northeastern Kansas

  11. Combine these two sub-districts together • Sub-District N and Sub-District S • This would also take into consideration that five counties of “N” would move to the new proposed western Kansas sub-district. • Rice, Reno, Kingman, Barber, Harper • Additionally, three counties from “O and I” would move into this new proposed southeast sub-district • Morris, Osage, Franklin • Total number of 91 clubs • New membership of sub-district =2149 as of 9-1-12 Southeastern Kansas Proposal

  12. Map of Proposal

  13. Proposal presented to Governors on Friday, Oct. 19 • Proposal presented to General Membership at Council Meeting on Saturday, Oct. 20 • Approve the proposal by the Council of Governors on Sunday, Oct. 21 Timeline October

  14. At MWR Council of Governors approves the resolution for the redistricting proposal to be put on ballot at State Convention Only Sub Districts that have membership 1,250 or above are required to vote for approval of the proposal at their District Convention. Timeline January - March 2012

  15. Sub Districts that have membership below 1,250 may vote on the proposal at the sub-district convention. However, the vote is not required for the proposal to advance to Lions Club International Timeline January 2012

  16. If approved by those sub districts that have 1,250 or above in membership at their District Conventions will the following take place. • Publish in Kansas Lions News – April/May • At State Convention of MD17 delegates approve new districts. • Proposal, if approved, goes to LCI Board for approval • Redistricting goes into effect July 2014. Timeline February – June 2012

  17. We must leave our personal issues and desires at the door. • We must come out of this meeting united! We are doing this because it is • What is best for the future of Kansas Lionism • What is best for our communities Role of District Leadership

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