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Welcome to the 5 th NAME Science Working Group Meeting

Welcome to the 5 th NAME Science Working Group Meeting. Special Thanks To :. Our local hosts: Armando Rodriguez Davilo, SMN Francisco J. Ocampo, CICESE Chris Watts, CIDESON - Gus Emmanuel, UCAR JOSS / NAME Project Office

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Welcome to the 5 th NAME Science Working Group Meeting

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  1. Welcome to the 5th NAME Science Working Group Meeting

  2. Special Thanks To: • Our local hosts: Armando Rodriguez Davilo, SMN • Francisco J. Ocampo, CICESE • Chris Watts, CIDESON • - Gus Emmanuel, UCAR JOSS / NAME Project Office • Jose Meitin, UCAR JOSS / NAME Project Office

  3. Workshop goals • Bring extended NAME research community together to exchange ideas and results • Review scope of Current / Planned NAME Activities • Focus Plans for NAME 2004 Field Campaign • Field Observations • Coordination (SWG-FOC’s-Project Office) • Identify key deficiencies • Discuss future priorities • How best to capitalize on results from NAME 2004? What’s next? How to strengthen links to other process studies? • Roadmap for post NAME 2004 modeling / analysis / enhanced long-term monitoring activities (e.g. NAME CPT focus) • NOAA developments: PACS/GAPP merger, ISIP

  4. SWG-5 Agenda and Format 6 Sessions: (1)NAME Overview * programmatic * commitments from the U.S. Government / research institutions * costs/tradeoffs (e.g. NAME Project Office) (2)NAME International Partnerships * commitments from the Mexican Government / research institutions (3)NAME 2004 Field Campaign Breakout Session * technically and logistically focusedpresentations (4)NAME Forecast Operations Centers (FOCs) * functions / coordination (5)NAME Modeling and Diagnostic Studies * roadmap * NAME CPT (6)    SWG Executive Session (Open) * actions / SWG rotation / next meeting Workshop Format: Short talks with ample time for dedicated discussion. Session chairs to keep track of ACTIONS

  5. NAME Science & Implementation PlanJuly 2003 • NAME is the North American Implementation of the WCRP/ CLIVAR VAMOS Program; • NAME is a warm season process study included in the US CLIVAR Pan American S&IP and the GAPP S&IP; • Principal US funding contributions from NOAA (OGP, NWS), NASA (THP), NSF; • NAME S&IP will be updated shortly after this meeting. NAME Science and Implementation Plan NAME Science Working Group* July 2003

  6. NAME Modeling and Data Assimilation “White Paper”June 2003 • Provides a strategy for accelerating progress on the fundamental modeling issues pertaining to the NAME science objectives • Unveiled at NAME Modeling and Data Assimilation Workshop (UMD, June 03) • Reviewed by the US CLIVAR Pan American Panel. • Emphasizes activities that bring observationalists, modelers and physical parameterization experts together to focus on key physical processes that are deficient in coupled models. NAME Modeling and Data Assimilation: A Strategic Overview NAME Science Working Group* June 2003

  7. NAME Scientific Objectives Promote a better understanding of, and more realistic simulation of: a) warm season convective processes in complex terrain; b)intraseasonal variability of the monsoon; c)the response of warm season atmospheric circulation and precipitation patterns to slowly varying, potentially predictable oceanic and continental surface conditions;\ d) the life cycle of the North American monsoon system and its variability. Is NAME on track toward achieving its objectives? Can linkages between NAME and other process studies (e.g MESA; EPIC) be strengthened? How?

  8. PanAm Process Studies Timeline (June 2003) • The PanAm panel seeks community input to extend this timeline to 2006 and beyond, striving to optimize contributions to US CLIVAR science goals, driven by: Prioritized research needs and opportunities The national and international programmatic context US funding agency strategic plans

  9. NAME Science Working Group(updated September 2003)

  10. Workshop goals • Bring extended NAME research community together to exchange ideas and results • Review scope of Current / Planned NAME Activities • Focus Plans for NAME 2004 Field Campaign • Field Observations • Coordination (SWG-FOC’s-Project Office) • Identify key deficiencies • Discuss future priorities • How best to capitalize on results from NAME 2004? What’s next? How to strengthen links to other process studies? • Roadmap for post NAME 2004 modeling / analysis / enhanced long-term monitoring activities (e.g. NAME CPT focus) • NOAA developments: PACS/GAPP merger, ISIP

  11. Executive Session • SWG-5 Post Mortem Action 1: Session chairs to provide summaries to Higgins by Nov. 30. Action 2: Update NAME S&IP by Jan 1 2004 (Higgins and SWG) Action 3: Summary of SWG-5 and list of SWG Action Items (Higgins) • Review of Actions from each session of meeting by session chairs Actions: • SWG Membership In Executive Session (Aug 03) the US CLIVAR Panam panel endorsed the NAME SWG rotation plan and the 2003 rotation. The endorsement was conveyed to the US CLIVAR SSC, the GAPP SAG and the VAMOS Panel. Action 1: SWG rotation to be approved by CLIVAR SSC, GAPP SAG and VAMOS Panel (Gutzler, Higgins will coordinate)

  12. Executive Session, cont. • Next Meeting • Coordination for NAME 2004 is urgent. • An Operations Review is needed prior to the field campaign. • NAME FOC’s need to coordinate with NAME Forecasters and SWG. Proposal: NAME 2004 Operations Review / SWG-6 Meeting / FOC Forecaster Orientation Workshop Meeting April 21-23 2004 (Tucson, AZ). Action 1: NAME Project Office (Emmanuel), SWG, and NAME FOC (Maddox, Pytlak) to organize NAME 2004 Operations Review and SWG-6 (Tucson, AZ).

  13. Executive Session, cont. • NAME Modeling-Observations Strategy • Summary of suggestions by Pan AM Panel for NAME Modeling “White Paper” (Higgins) Action 1: Incorporate specific changes into NAME “White Paper” (Higgins) • Focus of NAME CPT activity * Phenomenological: diurnal cycle of convection in complex terrain; * Key processes: (e.g. orographic forcing of convection); * Consistent with NOAA (PACS/GAPP and ISIP) goals, the activities must be integrated, requirements based (e.g. improving warm season precipitation forecasts for the nation) and products driven. Action 2: NAME Modeling / Obs team (Schubert, chair) to refine plans (roadmap) and seek formal endorsement of SWG, US CLIVAR, GAPP SAG. - Additional discussion of the modeling white paper

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