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Government Financial Assistance Seminar by MEXIM

Join MEXIM's seminar on 11th April 2019 to learn about Malaysian Government Financial Assistance for companies. Discover MEXIM's role, values, business model, strategic policies, and interactions with government agencies and international organizations. Gain insights into exporting opportunities and development support for Malaysian enterprises. Be part of the global business network with MEXIM.

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Government Financial Assistance Seminar by MEXIM

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  1. Private &Confidential EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF MALAYSIA BERHAD(MEXIM) Seminar on Government Financial Assistance for Malaysian Companieson 11th of April 2019,Thursday AZRINAZIZUDDIN

  2. EXIMOverview Note: (*)FYE2017

  3. EXIM CoreValues • As a Development FinancialInstitution (DFI) We StriveTo: • Facilite Malaysia’ s global businesses by providing banking and credit takaful products andservices • Provide development advisory services in nurturing Malaysiancross- border businessventures • To be leading Financial Institution forMalaysian cross-borderVentures VISION MISSION • Efficient and professional delivery of products and services • eXcellent in servicing our customers with fullintegrity • Innovative in providing solutions to global financial needs of our customers • Mutual respect among all staff and disciplines teamwork in meeting the expectation ofstakeholders SHARED VALUES CULTURAL BELIEFS • EXIM’s cultural belief represented by Results, Ownership, Focus, Trust, Feedback , Success and Integrity

  4. EXIM BusinessModel • MEXIM’s core business is driven by the Government’s mandate and marketneeds • The Government’s aspirations are complemented by the needs of Malaysianbusinesses • Balancing the two drivers with sound risk management practice ensures the business sustainability ofMEXIM

  5. Strategic Policy BankRole MEXIM address an important gap within the Malaysia financial servicessector • Clientele consists of locally incorporated corporations and SMEs as well as foreign companies and selected foreigngovernments • Willing and able to provide support where required to take internationalexposure • Extensive international experience, backed by Governmentmandate • Provides support tolarge • corporates andSMEs • May not be able to extend exposure to certain countries, given limited overseas operations and lack of internationalexperience Malaysia Banks MEXIM Foreign Banks • Placeholder • Supports foreign multinationals operating inMalaysia • Focused on largecorporates

  6. Interaction with other Agencies of theGovernment The Bank interacts closely with other agencies of the Malaysian government, in their programs for promoting exports. Amongthem: • Regularly participates in trade missions organized byMITI • Participates in the annual SMIDEX exhibition organized by SME Corp., a unit ofMITI • Submit Statement of Corporate Intent and Annual Funding Requirements for theircomments • Regularly participates in trade missions organized byMATRADE • Regularly participates and jointly organize exhibitions/seminars led byMATRADE • Participation in National Investment Seminar and ongoing economic development in regional economiccorridor • Promotion of reverse investmentinitiatives • Sharing marketinformation • Participation in National Investment Seminar and ongoing economic development in regional economiccorridor • Promotion of reverse investmentinitiatives • Sharing market information

  7. Interaction with other Agencies of theGovernment The Bank interacts closely with other agencies of the Malaysian government, in their programs for promoting exports. Amongthem: - Regularly participates in SME Corp Malaysia‘s seminars and events in order to assist Small and Medium Enterprise companies in Malaysia to penetrate the global market. -Among the Financial Institution who finance companies with the 1-InnocertCertification. • Provide assistance to companies referred to by SME CorpMalaysia • Actively participate in their seminars especially for the TERAS companies to help Bumiputera companies achieve success intheir • business. • Participates in seminars or forums organised by Malaysian Biotech Development Corporation Sdn.Bhd. • Provide assistance to BIO-NEXUS certified companies in sourcing for fund in financing their projectoverseas. • Supports the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) • Actively involve in the Business Review Presentation organised by Malaysian Greentech Corporation SdnBhd.

  8. Interaction with InternationalAgencies The Bank has forged strategic alliances with various international organizations, as a means to promote Malaysianexports Description MEXIMinteraction • Member of AEBF since1996 • In 2002, the 8th AEBF was held in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia • In 2010, EXIM Bank Malaysia hosted the 13th Training Program on Risk Management • Participated in various training programs organized by other members, with the objective of improving knowledge of all ECA officers in all areas related to exportcredits • In 2011, EXIM Bank Malaysia hosted the 17th AEBF AnnualMeeting • In 2016, EXIM Bank Malaysia hosted the 33rd AEBF AnnualMeeting - AEBF was established in 1996, through the initiativeof the Export-Import Bank ofIndia - Serves as a forum for discussing a wide range ofissues, and fostering common understanding and sharing information among EXIM Banks inAsia - Members include, among others, JapanInternational Co-operational Agency (“JICA”) and AsiaDevelopment Bank(“ADB”) • Member of Berne Union since1983 • Promote best practices through exchange of information on our activities, policies and procedures and through the development of relevant agreements andstandards • Co-operating and partnering with commercial, bilateral and multilateraland other organizations involved in export trade and investmentbusiness • Training and workshop conducted by subject matter experts across 38 countries - Founded in 1934 as an international,non-profit organization - Dedicated to facilitating world-wide cross-bordertrade and investments by fostering international acceptanceof sound principles in export credits andinvestments insurance, and by providing a forum forprofessional exchanges among itsmembers

  9. EXIM’s Exposure All Around TheWorld BANKING AND CREDIT TAKAFUL BYCOUNTRY MEXIM’s total exposure covers 87 countries while its stand alone credit takaful exposure extends over 52countries.

  10. EXIM’s Banking/CreditFacilities Our offerings of Banking, Trade Credit Insurance and Advisory services via a variety of products and services that, whenputtogether,become anintegratedcross-bordersolutionsforourcustomersandtheiraffiliates. • TradeCredit Insurance • Short-Term • Medium/Long- Term • PoliticalRisk • TermLoan • Working Capital • Guarantee • Country Analysis • Industry • Analysis Advisory Banking • Thefacilitiesofferedby EXIMfallintotwocategories:bankingfacilitiesandtradecreditinsuranceandtakafulfacilities • EXIMoffersawiderangeofconventionaland Islamicbankingfacilitiesclassifiedintotermfinancing,tradefinanceand guarantees • Fortradecreditinsuranceandtakafulfacilities,EXIMoffersshort-termand medium-tolong-termproducts

  11. EXIM’s Banking/CreditFacilities IslamicBanking Cross-Border Financing TradeFinance Guarantee • SupplierFinancing-i • TrustReceipt-i • ExportCredit Refinancing-i • IDBCo-Financing • VendorFinancing Scheme-i • Foreign Bill of Exchange • Purchase-i • Letter ofCredit-i • Overseas Project/Investment • Financing-i • ContractFinancing-i • BuyerFinancing-i • MalaysiaKitchen FinancingFacility-i • Term Financing-i • Export ofServices-i • ImportFinancing-i • BankGuarantee-i • ForwardForeign Exchange-i ‘INTEGRATED CROSS-BORDERSOLUTIONS’

  12. EXIM’s ProgramLending • Anchor Company Ecosystem(ACE) • To facilitate Anchor companies in maintaining a resilient supply ecosystem, thus ensuring the sustainability, stability & improved business continuity of its suppliers/vendors (Tier 1, 2 and beyond) by availing them with a supply chain financingprogram. • Toimprove thesuppliers/vendors’cashflowby financing theirpurchases. • Toimprove thesuppliers/vendors’cashflowby unlocking their cash trapped inreceivables.

  13. Trade CreditTakaful Insurance against losses/ non payment arising from commercial and/or political risks while undertaking project or contract in overseas countries and export activities. Political/ Country Risks Credit Insurance Coverage Commercial Risks

  14. What is Trade CreditTakaful? Takaful against non-payment due to commercial and / or politicalrisks. • RISKS NOT COVERED • Currencyfluctuations • Insolvency or default of exporter’s agent or collectingbank • Exporter’s negligence • TradeDisputes

  15. BUYERUNDERWRITING CreditLimit Application Purchase CreditReport Buyer Underwriting CreditLimit Decision Name of Buyer /Bank Maximum CreditLimit Terms of Payment Maximum Tenor

  16. HOW MUCH DO I HAVE TO PAY FORPREMIUM? • Premium calculations dependon • Turnover • underwriting considerations & the indemnitylimit • other fundamental features of the credit riskanalysis • buyer’s traderisk • country oforigin • global economic situationand • geopoliticalconsiderations.

  17. TRADE CREDIT TAKAFUL PRODUCTFEATURES Afghanistan Libya Lebanon Israel NorthKorea Seychelles Tunisia Yemen Egypt Syria Goods exported from Malaysiato any country except to “off cover”countries Policy Period– 12months Irrevocable Letter ofCredit (ILC) Documents AgainstPayment (DP) DocumentsAgainst Acceptance(DA) Credit periodup to 180 days Acceptable paymentterms Open Account(OA)

  18. BENEFITS TO MALAYSIANEXPORTERS • Peace ofmind • Financial security in good and badtimes • Provide Indemnity up to90-95% • Confidence in expandingbusiness • Enable exporters to venture into new and unfamiliarmarkets • Enable exporters to sell more on creditterms • Facilitate trade financing • assigned as security to banks • Provide credit managementservices • by screening of buyers/clients leading to fewer latepayments • Provide assistance in debtrecovery • Double Deduction Tax Relief for premiums paid (only forExports)

  19. Private &Confidential THANKYOU

  20. Disclaimer This presentation is confidential and has been prepared by Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (“MEXIM” or the “Bank”) for selected recipients for information purposes only and may not be retransmitted, reproduced or distributed to any other person or published in whole or in part, for any purpose. The Arrangers do not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein, nor have they independently verified such information. The Arrangers shall not have any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from this presentation or its content or otherwise in connection therewith. Opinions and estimates constitute thesolejudgmentof MEXIMasofthedateofthispresentationandaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice. Certain statements contained in this presentation may be statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on third party sources and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements contained in this presentation regarding past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. There is no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this presentation. Any securities, financial instruments or strategies mentioned herein may not be suitable for all investors. The recipient of this presentation must make its own independent decision regarding any securities or financialinstrument. This presentation does not constitute an offer or invitation to sell, or any solicitation of any offer to subscribe for or purchase any securities and nothing contained herein shall form the basis of any contract or commitment whatsoever. No reliance may be placed for any purposes whatsoever on the information contained in this presentation or on its completeness, accuracy or fairness. The information in this presentation is subject to verification, completion and change. The contents of this presentation have not been verified by MEXIM. Accordingly, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made or given by or on behalf of MEXIM or any of its shareholders, directors, officers or employees or any other person as to the accuracy, completeness or fairness of the information or opinions contained in this presentation. Neither MEXIM nor any of its shareholders, directors,officersoremployeesnoranyotherpersonacceptsanyliabilitywhatsoeverforanylosshowsoever arisingfromanyuseofthispresentationor its contentsor otherwise arisinginconnectiontherewith. Investors and prospective investors in securities of MEXIM are required to make their own independent investigation and appraisal of the business and financial condition of such company and the nature of the securities. Anydecisiontopurchasesecuritiesin thecontextof a proposedofferingofsecurities,ifany, shouldbe madesolelyonthebasisofinformationcontainedin anofferingcircularor prospectuspublishedinrelationtosuchan offering. The Arrangers may act as market maker or trade on a principal basis, or have undertaken or may undertake to trade for their own account, transactions in the financial instruments or related instruments of the Bank and mayactasunderwriter,placementagent,advisoror lendertothe Bank.TheArrangersand/ortheiremployeesmayholdapositioninany securitiesorfinancialinstrument. This presentation does not constitute an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase any securities, in the United States, Canada, Japan or otherwise, and nothing contained herein shall form the basis of any contract or commitmentwhatsoever. This presentation is being furnished to you solely for your information and may not be reproduced or redistributed to any other person. In particular, this presentation may not be taken or transmitted, directly or indirectly, intotheUnitedStates,CanadaorJapanordistributed,directlyorindirectly,intheUnitedStates,CanadaorJapan. Neither this presentation nor any copy of it may be taken or transmitted into the United States of America, its territories or possessions, or distributed, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, its territories or possessions. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of U.S. securities laws. The presentation is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities of MEXIM may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended. MEXIM does not intend to register any portion of any proposed offering in the United States or to conduct a public offering of any securities in the UnitedStates. Private &Confidential 20

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