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Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board. Information & Orientation Presentation. The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) is advisory to the City & County Commissions and the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO). Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison (rev. Jan 2014).
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board Information & Orientation Presentation The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) is advisory to the City & County Commissions and the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO). Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation ORIENTATION PURPOSE -The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board Orientation was created to orient newly appointed BPAB members as well as refresh the established membership with the history, purpose and updates of the BPAB group. This presentation also provides opportunity for greater understanding and operation concerning BPAB business, meetings and issues. 1 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation ORIENTATION OBJECTIVES -The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Orientation will cover the following items: -History -Duties -Meeting Information -General Operations -Meeting Operations -Budget 2 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation HISTORY -The impetus for the Board came from Littlewood Elementary school P.T.A. and focused on off-street bicycle facilities, and a citizen movement for safe bicycle and pedestrian access to schools. Feb. 1968 – Littlewood Ele. P.T.A. bikeway and Bike Path Safety Committee organized Summer 1969 – Bikeways Advisory Committee formed to advise the City of Gainesville Recreation Department. 3 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation HISTORY continued… Nov. 1969 – Citizens Bikeway Council established to advise Gainesville City Commission through the City Recreation Department. August 1982 – Urban Area Bicycle Advisory Board (UABAB) created and approved by City, County and MTPO with each appointing (4) voting members. August 1995 – UABAB becomes the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) with resolutions of the City and County Commissions and the MTPO. BPAB expands focus to include pedestrian issues. 4 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation DUTIES Main Duty -The duty of BPAB is to advise the City & County Commissions and MTPO agency on all matters concerning planning, implementation and maintenance of policies, programs and facilities for the safe and efficient integration of bicycle and pedestrian transportation into the Gainesville Metropolitan Area and Alachua County transportation systems. -BPAB is also to make recommendations to the Commissions and MTPO regarding their budgetary matters in connection with bicycle and pedestrian concerns. 5 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation DUTIES…continued Outreach -BPAB has the opportunity to plan/host events, activities, programs, etc. which are in line with the groups desired outreach to educate and encourage the community. These events/activities would represent the BPAB advising agencies and need to be decided upon by the group. Majority of Work Much of the work for BPAB includes routine/cyclical handling of MTPO agency items in monthly meetings (i.e. review/approve/comment/revise/update reports, plans, documents, policies, budgets, roadway projects, etc.). 6 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation DUTIES…continued Media Matters -BPAB representation should be based in accordance of the group’s meeting action, by-laws and protocol of the advising agencies. BPAB members are able to disclose their BPAB affiliation, however, not allowed to directly represent/speak for the group without approval in a BPAB meeting prior. Sunshine Law -The BPAB advises elected officials and are an extension of these agencies, therefore, any business/operation 7 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation DUTIES…continued Sunshine Law…continued must be conducted in the public sphere. Any communication among 2 or more BPAB voting members regarding current or possible future agenda action items, must be made in a publicly noticed BPAB meeting per Sunshine Law. (myfloridalegal.com or ethics.state.fl.us) Agency Representation As a representative of the agency which appointed you (City/County Commission or MTPO), where applicable, you should keep that constituency in mind when making decisions. 8 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING INFORMATION Meeting Dates Around Nov./Dec. each year, MTPO staff lists the upcoming year’s BPAB meetings, along with the other MTPO committee’s meeting dates, so issues are discussed and input continually provided at MTPO meetings throughout the year. Meeting Time BPAB currently meets about 1 Thursday each 2 months at 7:00 p.m. The 6:00 p.m. hour is reserved for BPAB subcommittee/Special meetings as they are periodically scheduled as needed. 9 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING INFORMATION…continued Meeting Location BPAB meetings are located inside the Alachua County Administration Building (Grace Knight Conference Rm., 2nd Floor) unless otherwise indicated. BPAB must meet in a location accessible by the public, those with special needs/requests should contact the BPAB staff liaison. Public Notice of Meetings By law, BPAB meetings must be publically noticed/posted. Many of the agencies take care of this, as well as advertise in the Sunday Gainesville Sun meetings section, the week prior to meetings. 10 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation GENERAL OPERATIONS Staffing BPAB meetings are staffed by City (PW rep.), County (Growth Mgmt. rep.), MTPO (NCFRPC rep.) and sometimes FDOT (District 2 Office rep.). These (non-voting) rep. may attend meetings to address agenda items or make presentations under the agenda’s “Agency Items” section. The City provides general administrative staffing for BPAB business and meetings. MTPO staff coordinates the agenda’s “Agency Items” section for most items. The City, County and other agencies may have items for BPAB input as well under the . “Agency Items” section 11 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation GENERAL OPERATIONS…Continued Appointments BPAB appointments includes 4 - regular appointees (3-year terms) from the MTPO and each of the City & County Commissions, as well as a student seat appointee (2-year term) from the City Commission. Student Seats are only appointed in the fall. By-Laws The BPAB general operation & structure is further detailed in the BPAB by-laws. 12 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation GENERAL OPERATIONS…Continued Membership Processing BPAB Appointments, terminations and resignations are handled by the individual agencies (MTPO or City/County Commissions). Your appointing BPAB agency has specific information, guidelines, processes and other requirements. Providing Input BPAB members can provide input to the group on BPAB issues in a publicly noticed BPAB meeting, or by contacting/submitting information to the BPAB staff liaison. Other non-agenda BPAB info./input can be sent out directly to BPAB members. 13 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING OPERATIONS Establishing a BPAB Meeting BPAB meetings are set each year by MTPO staff. Additional BPAB meetings can be set by the BPAB chair or subcommittee chair at anytime, or by a majority vote of the group at a publicly noticed BPAB meeting. Cancelling a BPAB Meeting A BPAB meeting is automatically cancelled at any point when the group fails to meet the quorum requirements (50% + 1 persons currently appointed to BPAB, excluding the Student Seat appointment). The BPAB chair or subcommittee chair can cancel their meeting at anytime. 14 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING OPERATIONS…Continued Meeting Protocol BPAB meetings operate under the “Robert’s Rules or Order” structure or basic parliamentary procedure. Visit (robertsrules.com) for more information. Parliamentary Law/Procedure An organized system of basic principles and rules to determine how the group will proceed through the decision-making process. This system helps to protect the rights of individuals, to combine their efforts with others to accomplish common goals. It allows for the opportunity to debate, and take action in an equitable manner with a minimum of controversy. 15 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING OPERATIONS…Continued Conflicts of Interest BPAB voting members must vote on all items unless they have a conflict of interest where they will directly gain or lose as a result of the vote. Must fill out form for conflicts. Visit...flsenate.gov Sect. 112.3143 Florida Statutes for more info. 16
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING OPERATIONS…Continued Items for Agenda To have an item placed on the BPAB agenda, either suggest during the “Member Comment” section of a BPAB meeting, or contact the BPAB staff liaison to check what information may be needed. Please allow about 2.5 weeks to prepare the item. Due to time constraints, some items may be moved to a future meeting date based on a first-come, first-serve basis and priority of issue importance. Meeting Mail Outs Meeting information and backup items will arrive via mail a week prior to the meeting, as well as be available at the City of Gainesville Bicycle/Pedestrian Webpage. 17
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING OPERATIONS…Continued Agenda Sections BPAB meeting agendas are divided into sections: --------------------------------------------------- Call to Order – Opens meeting Public Comment – Non agenda open floor for public Agency Items – Agency specific issues Staff Report – Administrative issues Board Items – Member/community specific issues Member Comment – Member input/requests issues Adjournment – Dismissal 18 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING OPERATIONS…Continued Items for Agenda To have an item placed on the BPAB agenda, either suggest during the “Member Comment” section of a BPAB meeting, or contact the BPAB staff liaison to check what information may be needed. Please allow about 2.5 weeks to prepare the item. Due to time constraints, some items may be moved to a future meeting date based on a first-come, first-serve basis and priority of issue importance. Officers BPAB elects a chair to run meetings and be the designated spokesperson for the group when info. is approved. A vice-chair is also elected to fill-in in the absence of the chair. 19 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING OPERATIONS…Continued MTPO Committees The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) is the transportation authority body for our highly populated, urbanized areas of Gainesville and Alachua County. This group is part of a federally-mandated and federally-funded transportation policy-making organization throughout the United States. In order to receive federal funds for projects in the area, this office is tasked with maintaining certain reports, projects, events, data collection, etc. to plan and shape the community. Part of this process is to have several committees advise the authority (comprised of the County and City Commission), so in turn, the authority can advise FDOT on how to use the funds in the area. BPAB is one of the committees. 20 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation MEETING OPERATIONS…Continued MTPO Committees…continued Other MTPO committees are the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) – Group of area agency staff and the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) – Group of area citizens representing the greater community. Other committees of special interest/expertise may be consulted for advisement, such as the Alachua County Transportation Disadvantaged Board and the Alachua County Community Traffic Safety Team. BPAB, TAC and CAC meetings occur in the same week so that advisement can be provided to the MTPO at the authority meeting that is usually scheduled approximately 2 weeks following. These MTPO items are listed in the “Agency Items” section of the BPAB agenda and are sometimes opportunity for updates/revisions. 21 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation BUDGET Inter-local Agreements To provide the basic funding structure for BPAB, the County and MTPO entered into agreement with the City. The agreement covers funding for specific staffing and administrative services, as well as projects. To receive the funding, the City has to invoice both agencies for BPAB services, and the County for $1000 in special projects. City Special Funding The City allows their advisory boards to request special funds for outreach projects/events that help to reach their goals. Since the City operates on a 2-year cycles, that funding allocation is available for 2 years before another request is needed. 22 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation BUDGET…Continued City Special Funding…Continued EXAMPLE 23 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation BUDGET…Continued Purchases In order for BPAB to purchase/process payments, someone needs to get with staff to propose a presentation on the purchase as an agenda item at a BPAB meeting. If the group approves the purchase in the meeting, staff will purchase under the City’s purchasing protocols, as the BPAB account is under the City’s financial structure. Please provide staff with special details/requests so items can be produced at the group’s prerogative. In the original presentation, the person who proposes purchase/production should communicate event/use date, purpose, as well as the pick-up/drop-off details. 24 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation Pictures 25 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation Pictures 26 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation Pictures…Continued 27 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation Pictures…Continued 28 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation QUESTIONS / COMMENTS ? ? ? 29 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS * = BPAB Chair ** = Vice Chair *** = Student Seat 30 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Information & Orientation Presentation END Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) Dekova Batey, Staff Liaison City of Gainesville PW P.O. Box 490, MS 58 Gainesville, FL 32627-0490 -------------------------------------- Phone: (352) 393-8493 Fax: (352) 393-7987 Email: bikeped@cityofgainesville.org Website: www.cityofgainesville.org/bikeped 31 Prepared by: Dekova Batey, BPAB Staff Liaison(rev. Jan. 2014)