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Title I. Supplemental Educational Service Training August 19, 2013 The main purpose of supplemental educational services is to:

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  1. Title I Supplemental Educational Service Training August 19, 2013 The main purpose of supplemental educational services is to: increase the academic achievement in reading/language arts or mathematics as well as English language proficiency for students with limited or no English proficiency of eligible students as measured by the State's assessments. enable these children to attain proficiency in meeting the State academic achievement standards.

  2. Agenda: • Introductions • Identified Schools, Students and Calendar • Selection Committee Process for SES Providers • Student Identification and Enrollment • (SEP and SSR) • Guidelines • Invoicing • Code of Ethics

  3. Contract Information Barbara Ruley 303-982-6757 bruley@jeffco.k12.co.us Vendor Coordinator Linda Wright 303-982-6597 llwright@jeffco.k12.co.us Providing Tutoring Services to Eligible Title I Students Title I Director Linda Reyes-Quinonez 303-982-7397 lreyesqu@jeffco.k12.co.us Data Analyst Selina Ramos 303-982-6618 sramos@jeffco.k12.co.us http://www.jeffcopublicschools.org/programs/title_I/vendor.html

  4. Jeffco Title I Schools on School Improvement

  5. Eligible Students for Supplemental Educational Services We have identified1441 students. Assurances: How will WE be sure that all students that apply receive services?

  6. Jeffco 2013-2014 District Family Calendar http://www.jeffcopublicschools.org/calendar/index.html

  7. TUTORING DATES TO REMEMBER • November 25-29: No school • December 23-January 7: No school • TCAP: February 19 -20: 3rd Grade Reading • TCAP: March 3 - 21 • March 24 – March31: No school • May 28: Last day of school

  8. Barb Ruley Jeffco Purchasing Agentbruley@jeffco.k12.co.us303-982-6757Selection Process

  9. SES Selection Process • Jeffco received CDE’s 2013/2014 approved provider list (approx. 37) and selection process guidelines. • Jeffco notified providers of our intent to limit the number of providers and to request brochures and brief portfolios (approx. 22 responded). • Jeffcorequested parent participation in the selection process by notifying families at the affected schools. • Jeffco contacted parents of past SES tutored students to participate in the selection process. • Principal or Assistant Principal from each school were on the selection committee. • Committee reviewed the complete 2013/2014 provider list, then reviewed CDE and Jeffco test data, along with the brochures and portfolio sheet from 22 SES providers. • Five providers were selected and notified the week of August 12th. • Providers hand delivered their completed agreement, required insurance and signed criminal background checks today (August 19th).

  10. Selina RamosSEP and SSR Questionssramos@jeffco.k12.co.us303-982-6618

  11. Student Identification and Enrollment • Process Flow Chart & Title I Forms/ Documents • Providers’ Checklist • SES Parent Survey

  12. Student Identification and Enrollment Process Data Flow Forms Provider Selection Form - PSF Student Service Record - SSR 1. Families receive Provider Selection Forms (PSF’s) from Schools. Student Enrollment Plan – SEP 2. Families turn in filled out PSFs to Title I office. 11. Records filed 3. Student qualifies and is assigned to chosen provider NO Family is informed • 8. Title I Data Dept receives SEPs, updates student’s records and informs Title I Financial Secretary 10. Title I Data Dept receives SSR for assessment review. Title I staff reassigns student to different provider YES 4. Title I Data Dept. sends SSR to Provider Jeffco Schools Title I Tutoring Provider NO 6. Provider agrees by requesting SEPs via confirmation e-mail to Title I Data . 9. Provider turns in the SSR spreadsheet with all the students’ performance information up to 15 days after services are complete or before March 31, 2014. • 7. Provider receives SEP forms, completes them, obtainssignatures and submits them to Title I Data Dept. within two weeks or by October 30th 2013 • whichever comes first 5. Provider requests password and reviews SSR. YES

  13. 2013-2014 SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICESPROVIDER SERVICE PROCESS CHECKLIST Chronological Checklist: • Receive Student Service Records (SSR) spreadsheet. • Request SSR password. ( All student information must be password protected) • Review and approve SSR student list. (If unable to provide services to students, inform Jeffco Title I Data Department via e-mail ASAP so students may be reassigned.) • Request Student Enrollment Plans (SEP). • Ensure that all SEP’s are completed, signed and dated by parents and provider. • Send SEP’s to Jeffco Title I Data Department within two weeks of start date for tutoring services or by October 30th 2013. (via e-mail as PDF document to sramos@jeffco.k12.co.us Selina Ramos) • Inform Jeffco Title I Data Department of dropouts within two weeks of incident. • Send SSR via e-mail to Jeffco Title I Data Department within two weeks of last session or before March 31, 2014 • Receive SSR e-mail confirmation from Jeffco Title I Data Department. FINAL Deadline to submit all completed SSR’s is Monday, March 31, 2014.

  14. Linda Wright Invoicing & Questions llwright@jeffco.k12.co.us 1829 Denver West Dr., Bldg. 27 Golden, Colorado 80401 303-982-6597

  15. Mail an ORIGINAL invoice on company letterhead with the following information:Invoice date“Remit to” addressDates of ServiceDescription of Service (location of tutoring, number of hours, etc.)Total amount to be reimbursed

  16. Assessment Charges Jeffco can reimburse providers for pre and post-assessment hours providing these hours are within the hours contracted with CDE and providing they do not exceed Jeffco’s per pupil allocation.

  17. In addition to the invoice, we are requiring that you attach the OMNI District Billing Report each month as evidence of the students that you provide services to. • To recap, please submit an original invoice and the OMNI District Billing Report monthly to the Title I Office.

  18. Monthly billing to Jeffco office BY: 15th of every monthJeffco’s payment terms are net 30.PLEASE: Do not email invoicesSend only originals


  20. CODE OF ETHICS • http://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/documents/fedprograms/dl/ti_ses_code.pdf

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