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TPC IROC Cooling measurements U.Frankenfeld(GSI), S.Popescu (CERN), H.R.Schmidt(GSI). Introduction Tests set-up Test results Conclusions. TPC. ITS(pixels). 3. Stringent requirement of 0.1 0 C stability/over the drift distance (~ 2.5 m)
TPC IROC Cooling measurements U.Frankenfeld(GSI), S.Popescu(CERN), H.R.Schmidt(GSI) • Introduction • Tests set-up • Test results • Conclusions JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
TPC ITS(pixels) 3 JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Stringent requirement of 0.1 0C stability/over the drift distance (~ 2.5 m) Measurements needed to understand the heat transfer from FEC to the PADs plane and the thermal behavior of the ReadOut Chambers 832W/sector where one sector (IROC + OROC) have 43 + 78 = 121 FEC cards In total 30.2 kW must be removed TPC Requirements JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
July and September tests: Common cooling circuits input for FEC and IROC Set-point t=15 0C for cooling circuits and Thermal box January test: Separate cooling circuits Set-point t= 19 or 21 0C for cooling circuits (FEC and IROC) Set-point t= 21 0C for thermal box Set-up of tests JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
T4 T5 Thermal Box T=15 0C T1 T2 T3 T6 IROC T7 T8 2) T9 1) PUMP Lauda System T=17 0C 1) IROC circuit 2) FEC circuit • Thermal box : water cooling system (Lauda) • T1,T2,T3on the Pad plane • T4in the Thermal Box, T5 between FEC • T6in IROC, T7In cool pipe,T8Out cool pipe • T9room temp • T10on the cooled side of FEC envelope • T11the opposite side of FEC envelope PC W2K July & September 2003 September 2003 January 2004 ELMB OPC server ELMB OPC server CanBus NI Labview application PVSS client 2.12 Software layout Operational Panel 1st ver. System set-up JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Sensors glued on the PADs plane ~ 28.5cm Air sensor T4 PADs plane ~ 43cm IROC Cooling input line ~ 37cm IROC Cooling output line y z ~ 17cm T3 T1 T2 FEC cooling Input pipe x ~ 10cm T11 sensor T10 sensor FEC ~ 10cm ~ 10cm FEC cooling Ouput pipe FEC cooling envelopes Position of sensors inside Thermal Box JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Thermal Box T=15 0C IN Cooling pipes OUT FEC cards LV PS for FEC Temp sensors PT1000 2w T=15.5 0C JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
InnerReadout Chamber Prototype FEC Cooling circuit OUT T5 T6 T7 T8 Chamber Cooling circuit LV power lines for FEC FEC Cooling circuit IN Input Cooling circuit Output Cooling circuit JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
ELMB + PT1000 2w connected PT1000 2w sensors connected Can Bus port AI port JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
~30 min LV OFF LV ON Sensor installed between FECs T5 T3 T6 T8 T7 T2 T4 T1 t1,t3 sensors Installed on the PADs plane Heat transfer from FEC to PADs plane while powering up of FEC. JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
∆ ~ 0.18 0C • Results: • heat transfer from FEC cards to PADs plane ~ 0.18 0C • relaxation time for PADs is approximately 30 minutes JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
∆ ~ 0.18 0C Sensor on Pad behind FEC Air temperature inside the thermal box Sensor on Pad 10 cm away ∆ ~ 0.1 0C JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Chamber cooling On Off On Room temperature ~ 22 0C ∆ ~ 4 0C Sensor on IROC Chamber ~ 160C Pads Sensors on In/Out cooling pipes ∆ ~ 1 0C JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
~ 50 minutes relaxation for Chamber Pad under FEC Pad Cooling In ∆ ~ 1.3 0C Air thermal box JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
FEC Off On Room temperature JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Heat transfer to PADs plane by the FEC’s flat cable LV ONOFF T5 behind FEC with Flat cable T6 aside FEC ∆~ 0.18 0C LV ONOFF T5 behind FEC ∆ ~ 0.14 0C T6 aside FEC without Flat cable JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Heat transfer between the cooling plates transported by screws LV OFFON Temperature difference for a single FEC outside the IROC Without screws ∆ ~ 5.5 0C LV ON Temperature drop measured on a single FEC outside the IROC (while tightening the screws) ∆ ~ 4.5 0C JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Temperature difference between the FEC’s envelope plates when the board is plugged inside the IROC between 2 other boards all cooled, but without screws. Conclusion: we reduced by geometry with 2 0C LV ON OFF ∆ ~ 3.5 0C JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Temperatures evolution during two compensation phases for the FEC cooling circuit - IROC cooling circuit set point is 21 0C constant - Temperature inside thermal box is 21 0C constant Phase 3 19 0C 24 0C LV ONOFF Phase 1 Phase 2 19 0C 24 0C 24 0C 19 0C LV OFFON LV OFFON Sensors on the FEC cooling envelope Sensor between FEC board Room temperature Sensors on the PADs plane Temperature at the inlet cooling circuit for FEC JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Phase 2 24 0C 19 0C LV OFF ON Sensor behind FEC ∆ ~ 0.14 0C ∆ ~ 0.05 0C Sensor aside FEC Phase 3 19 0C 24 0C LV ON OFF Heating compensate better than cooling Sensor behind FEC ∆ ~ 0.05 0C Sensor aside FEC JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Temperatures evolution during two variations of temperature for the IROC cooling circuit - FEC cooling circuit set point is 21 0C constant - Temperature inside thermal box is 21 0C constant - LV is off 21.2 0C 19.5 0C 19.5 0C 21.2 0C ~ 50 minutes relaxation for Chamber Temperature in the IROC (chamber) Temperature at the IROC cooling circuit inlet JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Heat transfer from FEC (LV OFFON) to PADs plane is ~0.2 0C Relaxation time for PADs (OFF ON) ~30 minutes (independent of flow) Temperature variation ~ 4 0C of Chamber body for cooling ONOFF or OFF ON (air temp in average 22 0C and temp of ~ 15.5 0C inside the thermal box and for the FEC cooling circuits) On the PADs plane temperature varies with 1.3 0C for a 4 0C variation in temperature of the chamber’s body Relaxation time for chamber is ~ 50 minutes for the same transition Heat influence between cards is ~ 3.5 0C and ~ 2 0C is removed by the neighbor cooled plates Heat transfer from FEC to PADs plane through the flat cable is negligible (~ 0.04 0C) The stainless screws are removing ~ 4.5 0C between the cooling plates of the FEC board With a 5 0C variation in the input temperature of the FEC cooling circuit we reduced the heat transfer from 0.2 0C to 0.05 0C The two compensations scenarios are showing that a refined adjustment at the FEC cooling circuit inlets and keeping a constant temperature at the IROC cooling inlets are recommended This could be also a proposed method to power up the FEC Summary JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Appendix: FEC’s cooling circuits ROC’s cooling circuits Cooling Plant…. JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
Embedded Local Monitor Board ELMB128 • Technical Data • General-purpose plug-on module (50 x 73 mm2): direct on subdetector FEC or on a general purpose motherboard • CANbus interface (Full-CAN controller) • CANopen communication protocol • In System Programmable also via CAN bus • Optional 64 inputs of 16-bit ADC with 7 bit gain • General I/O • with 18 I/O, 8 Out and 8 IN (or ADC), 3 wire SPI • Flexible power supply circuits incorporated • Radition tolerant up to about 5 Gy and 3*1010 n/cm2 for 10 year • Tolerant in magnetic field up to 1.5 T • Est. cost is < 100 CHF for ADC +CAN • Diagnostic tools available • NI Server Explorer(runs on W2K)-> to have a quick look on OPC items • Canhost: a more dedicate tool(for diagnostics and configuration of ELMB+ bus)-runs on a MS-Dos window • CANalyser : is a universal software for Can bus protocol JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu
General purpose motherboard (front side) General purpose motherboard (back side) JCOV executive meeting CERN S.Popescu