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The Future International Project at GSI - FAIR - F acility for A ntiproton and I on R esearch Walter F. Henning / GSI Darmstadt CARE-HHH-APD, November 2004, CERN. GSI Darmstadt. Introduction Brief Description of FAIR Accelerator Issues Research Goals Summary and Outlook.
The Future International Project at GSI - FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Walter F. Henning / GSI Darmstadt CARE-HHH-APD, November 2004, CERN
GSI Darmstadt Introduction Brief Description of FAIR Accelerator Issues Research Goals Summary and Outlook Member of the Helmholtz Association
G. Franchetti Space charge and optics studies for the GSI complexSession 2 P. SpillerSIS100/300 and high-energy beam transport at FAIR Session 5 G. Moritz Fast pulsed superconducting magnets for SIS and super SPS Session 5 G. Rumolo Intensity limitations by combined and/or Session 6 unconventional impedance sources Other Presentations Related to FAIR
SIS 100/300 SIS UNILAC FRS ESR HESR Super FRS CR NESR RESR The Future International Facility at GSI:FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Existing Future Project 100 m
SIS 100/300 SIS UNILAC FRS ESR HESR Super FRS CR NESR RESR The Future International Facility at GSI:FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Existing Future Project Beams in the future: Intensity:100 – 1000 fold Species: Z = -1 – 92 (anti-protons to uranium) Energies: up to 35 - 45 GeV/u Precision: beam cooling Beams now: Z = 1 – 92 (protons to uranium) up to 2 GeV/nucleon Beam cooling 100 m
Present GSI Accelerators Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS18 (2 GeV/u for A/q=2) Heavy Ion Linac UNILAC (<20 MeV/u) 3 Ionsources 2 injectors Fragment Separator FRS ExperimentalStorage Ring ESR
1GeV/u U + H Production of exotic nuclear beams by fragmentation advantage: shortlived isotopes (T1/2< ms) accessible About 1000 nuclear residues identified A/Z-resolution ~10-3
electron collector electron gun electron collector electron gun high voltage platform high voltage platform magnetic field electron beam electron beam magnetic field ion beam ion beam Electron-Beam Cooling of Energetic Ion Beams G.I. Budker, At. En. 22 (1967) 346 G.I. Budker, A.N. Skrinsky et al., IEEE NS-22 (1975) 2093
electron collector electron gun before cooling after cooling high voltage platform ion intensity magnetic field electron beam 1.03 0.97 1 ion beam rel. ion velocity v/v0 Storage Rings: Cooled Ion Beams Scheidenberger et al. • Electron-Cooled Ion Beams: • highest phase space density • highest momentum resolution • smallest beam diameter • increased (collider) luminosity • sensitivity to low intensity • restoration of beam-target effects • precision mass measurements
Key Technical Features • Cooled beams • Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets FAIR: Facility Characteristics Primary Beams • 1012/s; 1.5-2 GeV/u; 238U28+ • Factor 100-1000 over present in intensity • 2(4)x1013/s 30 GeV protons • 1010/s 238U73+ up to 35 GeV/u • (up to 90 GeV protons) SIS 100/300 SIS UNILAC FRS ESR Secondary Beams Production Targets • Broad range of radioactive beams up to 1.5 - 2 GeV/u; up to factor 10 000 in • intensity over present • Antiprotons 3 - 30 GeV HESR Super FRS CR Storage and Cooler Rings NESR RESR • Radioactive beams • e – A collider • 1011 stored and cooled 0.8 - 14.5 GeV antiprotons
Accelerator Physics and Technology for FAIRMain R&D challenges High gradient, low frequency RF cavities Novel lattice/collimation design: Beam optics studies Superconducting, fast ramping synchrotron magnets control of stripping losses SIS 100 dipole magnet CR compressor cavity Control of collective effects: Large scale simulation studies Ultra high vacuum for intense beams Fast stochastic and electron cooling Working point diagram: Stability of intense beams Desorption test-stand HESR e-cooler
SIS 100/300: Low loss designOr: how accurate do we need to simulate ? SIS 100/300 average (peak) power: (Uncontrolled !) beam loss budget: 1012/s 1.0 GeV/u U28+: 40 kW (1 TW) Quenching/Lifetime of SC magnets: tolerable beam loss in the SC magnets: < 1 % Beam loss induced outgassing: Dynamic pressure below 5x1012 mbar requires < 1 % Structure activation: Hands-on maintenance requires losses < 1 % SIS 100/300 SIS 18 SIS 18 average power (2004/2005): 1010/s 1 GeV/u U73+: 0.4 kW
SIP ion gauge collimator ion gauge RGA from accelerator conductance TSP sector valve TMP TMP sample holder current transformer Experimental Setup for Ion Beam Induced Desorption Yield Measurements at GSI Since 2003: Systematic studies: 4 experiments on over 20 different targets. Experiments by: M. Bender, H. Kollmus, A. Krämer (GSI), E. Mahner (CERN)
Dynamic Vacuum and Desorption Processes P. Spiller, December 2001 8.75 MeV/u U28+ F50 Volt space charge potential septum or collimator vacuum chamber wall X X X hloss X U28+ q e U28+ U28+ X sX sloss X X X Xq+ U(28+q) hX hloss beam loss induced desorption hloss ≈ 104 ion induced desorption hx ≈ 1-10 Beam losses increase with number of injected ions (shorter beam life time due to stronger pressure bumps)
HESR: Beam Dynamics IssuesLow momentum spread + high luminosity ? Electron cooler: 1 A, 8 MeV e-beam 30 m cooling section 0.5 T magnetic Field Internal Target: H2 (=0.08 g/cm3) 70000 pellets/s d=1 mm <ntarget> = 5x1015 cm-2 INTAS Project (April 2004): ‘Advanced beam dynamics for storage rings’ FZJ,GSI,ITEP,JINR,Kiev,TSL 1-15 GeV Nmax=1012 <L>=2x1032 cm-2s-1 E=100 keV (p/p=10-5) • computer modeling • of the interplay of: • intrabeam scattering • target interaction • electron cooling • rf fields (barrier,..) • impedances/feedback • dynamic aperture • trapped particles HESR Long-term phenomena (> 1 s) !
Antiproton Electron Cooling in the HESRMagnetized (!) cooling Feasibility study of fast (‘seconds’) electron cooling for the HESR, Budker Institute, Novosibirsk, RUS HESR Electron Cooler High voltage (8 MV) tank Simulation of cooling dynamics: 12 m H- Cyclotron HESR ESR Cooler: 3 m, 300 kV Solenoid field 1 A electron beam 30 m
RHIC type dipole magnet: B=4T 6T, dB/dt=1T/s Nuclotron dipole magnet: B=2T, dB/dt=4T/s New SIS 100/300 Synchrotron Booster and compressor Stretcher and high energy ring Two synchrotrons in one tunnel (1080 m circumference) SIS 300 R&D programm in rapidly cycling superconducting magnets
R&D in Superconducting Magnet Technology SIS200/300 cos q magnet
SIS UNILAC FRS ESR HESR Super FRS CR NESR RESR The FAIR Project SIS 100 SIS 300 GSI today SIS18 Upgrade Beamlines CBM Antiproton Production Target Plasma Phys. Atom.Phys. PANDA El.Cooler High En. Expt. Low En. Expt. FLAIR NESR Expts
SIS UNILAC FRS ESR HESR Super FRS CR NESR RESR The FAIR Project SIS 100 SIS 300 • Nuclear Structure Physics and • Nuclear Astrophysics with • Radioactive Ion-Beams • Hadron Physics with Antiprotons • Physics of Nuclear Matter with • Relativistic Nuclear Collisions • Physics of Dense Plasmas with Highly • Bunched Laser and Ion Beams • Atomic Physics, Fundamental • Symmetries and Applied Sciences • Accelerator Physics GSI today SIS18 Upgrade Beamlines CBM Antiproton Production Target Plasma Phys. Atom.Phys. PANDA El.Cooler High En. Expt. Low En. Expt. FLAIR NESR Expts
Radioactive Beams Plasma Physics 100 Tm Ring 300 Tm Ring Collector & Storage Ring High-Energy Storage Ring Nucleus-Nucleus 100 sec Antiprotons Parallel Operation SIS 300 Duty-Cycles of the Accelerator Rings Duty-Cycles of the Physics Programs Radioactive Beams Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Antiprotons Plasma-Physics 0% 50% 100%
Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei – Radioactive Beams at FAIR • Superheavy elements • Shell stabilization • Long-lived nuclei • Proton-rich nuclei • Proton radioactivity • Proton - neutron pairing • Isospin symmetry • Tests of standard model and symmetries • Nucleosynthesis • Neutron-rich nuclei • Neutron drip line • Shell quenching • Skins and halos • Loosley bound systems • Soft collective modes • Nucleosynthesis
Accreting white dwarf Elements in our solar system Nova Cygni 1992 Proton number Z Sun Neutron number N Nuclear Physics in the Universe
glueballs (ggg) hybrids (ccg) J/ spectroscopy confinement hidden and open charm in nuclei fundamental symmetries: antiprotons in traps (FLAIR) strange and charmed baryons in nuclear fields inverted deeply virtual Compton scattering CP-violation (D/ - sector) Physics program at the High Energy Antiproton Storage Ring (HESR) New proposals: ASSIA, PAX (pol. target; pol. p – beams)
e+e- interactions: only 1-- states formed other states populated in secondary decays (moderate mass resolution) production of 1,2 formation of 1,2 pp reactions: all states directly formed (very good mass resolution) comparison e+e- versus pp Crystall Ball E 760 (Fermilab) sm (beam) = 0.5 MeV
Nuclear Matter and the Quark-Gluon Plasma – Relativistic Nuclear Beams at FAIR QCD- Phase Diagram study of compressed baryonic / strange matter in nucleus-nucleus collisions up to laboratory energies of 35 AGeV important probe: dilepton pairs
SIS 100/300 AGS SIS CERN SPS optimum production of baryons with strange quarks maximum compression in heavy-ion collisions threshold for antiprotons threshold for strange quarks threshold for charm quarks 1 10 100 NN Collisions at 2-40 AGeV Rel.production of strange quarks (red curve) nuclear matter density (blue curve) ion energy [AGeV]
Magnetic Fusion Inertial Cofinement Fusion Temperature [eV] Sun Core PHELIX Laser Heating Ideal plasmas Strongly coupled plasmas Ion Beam Heating Jupiter SIS 18 solid state density Sun Surface Density [cm-3] High Power Density in Matter – Physics of Dense Plasma SIS 100
Atomic Physics 2. Extreme Dynamic Fields U92+ b ~ 106 fm t 0.1 as I 1021 W/cm2 0 87 94 97 98 Percent of Light Velocity MHz
COSTS (CDR Year-2000 Euros) Building and infrastructure: 225 Mio. € Accelerator: 265 Mio. € Experimental stations / detectors: 185 Mio. € Total: 675 Mio. € Users interest SCHEDULE Users, Costs and Schedules Estimates from July 2001