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Publishing Engaged Scholarship. Amanda Wittman, PhD Manager of Academic and Strategic Initiatives Campus Compact Oct. 14, 2011. Welcome. Introductions Definitions, outputs and topics Small group discussion Getting started writing, authorship Writing intro, methods, results and discussion
Publishing Engaged Scholarship Amanda Wittman, PhD Manager of Academic and Strategic Initiatives Campus Compact Oct. 14, 2011
Welcome Introductions Definitions, outputs and topics Small group discussion Getting started writing, authorship Writing intro, methods, results and discussion Abstract activity Where to publish
Definitions • Community based research • Participatory/action research • Engaged scholarship • Be strategic • For the article • For your discipline
Topics "I once asked this literary agent what writing paid the best, and he said, 'ransom notes.'" Harry Zimm, character in the movie Get Shorty • Process • Reflection • Methods • Framework • Results
Types of Outputs Articles Books Curriculum tools Creative writing Writing for non-academics Reports Industry journal publications Art performances/displays
Examples of Output Public History of Slavery: At Brown University, Professor James Campbell (working at the instigation of President Ruth Simmons) led the Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice in a research project on the university as a “site of conscience” inseparable from its city and region. This effort led to the production of rich documentary and curricular resources. • Campbell, J. “The Public History of Slavery and Justice: An Introduction,” The Public Historian 29,2 (2007), pp. 13-34. Arts and Civic Dialogue: The Animating Democracy Initiative funded the participation of writers from both academic and nonacademic backgrounds in three “arts and civic dialogue” projects. The writers interacted with creative teams during projects such as the Dentalium Project, which explored political and cultural issues surrounding the construction of a Native American casino in the rural community of Blue Lake, California. Resulting essays, with responses from the arts organizations and community collaborators, were published as Critical Perspectives: Writings on Art and Civic Dialogue and have been used in a number of college classes. Teachers as Public Scholars: Sarah Robbins of Kennesaw State University led the Keeping and Creating American Communities Project, based at the National Writing Project’s Kennesaw Mountain site. This multiyear project developed a theoretical and critical framework for community-engaged research and teaching for K-12 teachers. Two books—one composed of critical essays, the other of teaching models—resulted from the project. • Writing America: Classroom Literacy and Public Engagement. Eds. Sarah Robbins and Mimi Dyer. New York: Teachers College Press of Columbia University, 2004 • Teachers’ Writing Groups: Inquiry, Reflection, and Communities of Practice .Eds. Sarah Robbins, George Seaman, Kathleen Blake Yancey and Dede Yow. Kennesaw: Kennesaw State University Press, 2006. Examples adapted from “Scholarship in Public: Knowledge Creation and Tenure Policy in the Engaged University” (Ellison and Eatman 2008).
Compelling Elements Talks about mistakes author makes in her collaborations Connects real-life advocacy in the classroom Highlights reflection It’s a good story! Engaging format Connects to the readers passion Captures the non-linear process Contains recommendations Talks about the controversy – courageous! Doesn’t claim to be the final word Reflects the author’s learning process – the act of writing was developmental Short and sweet – v. well written Accessible language Easy to read Added picture evidence
Getting Started • Define specific aim of paper • Identify targeted audience • Pick appropriate journal • Biomedical or social science • Check journal’s instructions & editorial board • Call editor if in doubt • Outline basic structure of paper
Authorship Discuss expectations for authorship early Give partners an opportunity to contribute Establish a publication protocol or committee Don’t assume partners understand the academic approach to authorship & writing Use acknowledgments liberally
Engaging Authors Embrace a participatory process for writing Ask what partners want to write about Explain how journals differ from magazines Consider options for capturing thoughts of partners Warn partners that editing will be necessary
Introduction • General Principles • Succinctly explain rationale for work including conceptual model or theory • Provide just enough information to orient targeted audience • Cite the most pertinent references • Clearly state aims, questions, or hypotheses • Why engaged scholarship? • What is the problem & its prevalence • Are specific groups affected disproportionately? • Are affected groups difficult to reach, poorly understood, or disenfranchised? • What are limitations of traditional research • What are advantages of using engaged methods for this study? • Remember to define ‘engaged methods’
Methodology – General Principles • Identify study design • Create appropriate subsections • Study population & setting • Participatory methods • Intervention • Study variables & measurement methods • Analysis methods • IRB approval • Cite references for established methods • Document how human subject & community concerns were addressed • Explain financial support & incentives for participants • Don’t put results in Methods!
Methodology – Community Involvement Study Population & Setting How did community participate? Who were community partners? Why/how were they chosen? What roles did they have in design, implementation, analysis, interpretation & dissemination? What was done to ensure data integrity & methodological rigor? • How does study define the community? • How is community organized or structured? • What are points of contact? • What are the means of influence? • How is setting relevant to community of interest?
Results – General Principles • Use appropriate subheadings • For original research: • Characteristics of study population • Results of main analysis: • univariate then multivariate for quantitative • themes or patterns for qualitative • Results of secondary analyses • Use tables & figures to present key information succinctly • Don’t repeat in text all data in tables & figures • Don’t put methods in Results! • Save commentary for Discussion!
Results – focus on engagement • What’s unique about CBPR? • Report both process & outcome measures • Include community-level findings & responses to study • Explain what is happening in the community as a result of study
Discussion General Principles Adding engagement Strengths & Weaknesses– What were strengths of using an engaged approach? How did partners influence interpretation of findings? What challenges & opportunities were created by using an engaged approach? Implications – How were results shared with community? How did community respond? How do findings apply to other communities? What recommendations & limitations do community leaders need to know about? • Summarize key findings, emphasizing what’s unique or innovative • Identify and explain strengths & weaknesses relative to other work, noting differences between studies • Discuss implications for clinical care, education, research and/or health policy in communities of interest • Don’t surprise reader with results in Discussion! • Cite pertinent references & do so appropriately • Avoid conclusions not supported by results!
Summary Pay attention to principles for each part of a paper Reinforce text with strategically selected & clearly labeled tables & figures Explain why an engaged approach used Specify how community-based methods were used Specify what an engaged approach added to results
Title and Abstract • Keep title simple & succinct • Avoid jargon • Use it to grab attention • Pose a question • Highlight the main finding • Write abstract last but well! • Use structured format whenever possible • Make sure abstract consistent with results • Remember your targeted audience
Publishing Outlets • Campus Compact: Publishing Outlets for Service-Learning and Community-Based Research • The Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education • University of NC Greensboro list • Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning • Gateways: International Journal of Community Research & Engagement • Action Research • Don’t forget disciplinary journals that focus on teaching and learning, pedagogy, classroom techniques, curriculum design, etc