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ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop Using the Internet as a Learning Tool

ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop Using the Internet as a Learning Tool. Angela Benson Assistant Professor Department of Human Resource Education The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign December 9, 2001. Introductions. Name Program Technology use in program

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ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop Using the Internet as a Learning Tool

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  1. ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology WorkshopUsing the Internet as a Learning Tool Angela Benson Assistant Professor Department of Human Resource Education The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign December 9, 2001

  2. Introductions • Name • Program • Technology use in program • Expectations for this session • Specific problem you’re facing related to the use of the Internet as a learning tool ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  3. Agenda • First Segment • Resources Review • Objectives and Framework • Getting Started with Internet Tools • Internet Tools for TRIO/ASPIRA Instructional Activities, Part 1 • Second Segment • Internet Tools for TRIO/ASPIRA Instructional Activities, Part 2 • Case Studies from YOU! • Final Questions • Evaluation ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  4. Resources Review • Using the Internet as a Learning Tool • http://www.BensonInk.com/OnlineLearningASPIRA • Resources for Online Learning • http://www.BensonInk.com/OnlineLearningTRIO • Summary Table – Tools and Activities for Online Learning • http://www.bensonink.com/OnlineLearningTRIO/tool_summary_table.htm • Book: Learning with Technology: A Constructivist Approach by Jonassen, Peck and Wilson, ISBN: 0-13-271891-X ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  5. Objectives • After this session, you will be able to: • Identify instructional applications of 3-5 online technology tools for your TRIO/ASPIRA program • Identify resources that you can leverage to support the online learning objectives of your TRIO/ASPIRA program ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  6. Framework for Online Learning • Models for Use • Areas of Knowledge Acquisition • Meaningful Learning ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  7. Models for Use • As a supplement to classroom work • Class projects, e.g., web research • Class discussions, e.g., book discussions • As a standalone class • Class-paced or self-paced • Credit or non-credit • Informal learning not associated with a course • Leisure activities, e.g., trip planning ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  8. Areas of Knowledge Acquisition • Internet/web as a tool to facilitate and support subject matter learning, e.g., researching the web for a class project • Internet/web as a subject matter area, e.g., learning a web development language • A combination of the two, e.g, using streaming media to demonstrate the trajectory of a satellite’s orbit ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  9. Meaningful Learning • Active – Learners manipulate or observe • Constructive – Learners reflect on what they manipulate and observe in order to form new mental models • Intentional – Learners have a goal. • Authentic – Learning context is representative of complex, real-world situations. • Cooperative – Learners converse and collaborate with each other and the instructor. ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  10. Getting Started – 4PHAS • Plan • Personnel • Partner • Programs • Hardware • Access • Safety ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  11. Getting Started - Plan • Develop a technology integration plan • Contributes to program objectives • Promotes active learning for clients/students • Get computers into the hands of clients/students ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  12. Getting Started - Personnel • Build your knowledge base • acquire the knowledge yourself or secure a resource person with the knowledge (could be a learner) • “technical” technology skills • “learning” technology skills ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  13. Getting Started - Partner • Leverage local resources (find partners) • Associated school may provide • Space for labs • Fully equipped labs • Internet/e-mail accounts for clients/students • Technical support for equipment • Technology training for staff • Matching funds for any grant money received ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  14. Getting Started - Hardware • Purchase quality equipment first • “fast” computers with “fast” access • 256K RAM • CD-RW • 40 MB hard drive • 17” monitor • Dell Computers at http://www.dell.com • consider portables/handhelds for student loans ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  15. Getting Started - Programs • Microsoft Office suite common, not required • Word for Word Processing • Excel for Spreadsheets • Access for Database • Powerpoint for Presentations • Frontpage for Web Development (or Netscape Composer) • Internet Explorer for Web Browser (Netscape Navigator) • Outlook for E-mail (or Netscape Messenger) • Free stuff at http://www.cnet.com ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  16. Getting Started - Access • Dial-up modem access - 28.8 slow • Cable modem / DSL - fast; requires special wiring • Ethernet/T1 - fast; requires special wiring • Wireless - newer technology; requires special hardware • LowerMyBills.com • http://www.lowermybills.com ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  17. Getting Started - Internet Safety • What/who you allow your students to access • Who/what you allow to access your students • Acceptable Use Policies – http://www.monroe.lib.in.us/~lchampel/netadv3.html ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  18. Getting Started – Internet Basics • The Help Web • http://www.imaginarylandscape.com/helpweb/ • The WebTeacher • http://www.imaginarylandscape.com/helpweb/ • Searching the Web and Evaluating What You Find • http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/FindInfo.html ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  19. E-mail Mailing lists Newsgroups Bulletin boards Chat rooms White boards Streaming media Web sites Web Integrated Learning Tools Internet Technology Tools(http://www.bensonink.com/OnlineLearningTRIO/tool_summary_table.htm ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  20. ASPIRA/TRIO Instructional Roles • Tutor • Homework Helper • Study Skills Trainer • Field Trip Guide • Mentor / Collaborator • Any others? ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  21. Internet Tutors • Discovery School [web site] • http://school.discovery.com • UNC Writing Tutor • http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/online.html • Blackboard [Web Integrated Learning Systems] • http://www.blackboard.com/courses/TRIO101 ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  22. Internet Homework Helper Tools • Discovery School [web site] • http://school.discovery.com • A Library Resource Page • http://www.multnomah.lib.or.us/lib/homework/ • Ask Jeeves [web site] • http://www.askjeeves.com ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  23. Internet Study Skills Trainers • Dr. Ah-Clem • http://thetwocrows.com/ahclem/index.html • Richland Community College • http://www.richland.cc.il.us/staff/sblahnik/studyskills.html • Virginia Tech • http://www.ucc.vt.edu/stdysk/stdyhlp.html ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  24. Internet Field Trip Guides • White House Tours • http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/whtour/ • The Field Trips Site • http://www.field-guides.com/ • Virtual Field Trips • http://www.uen.org/utahlink/tours/links.html • Other Virtual Field Trips on the Web • http://www.uen.org/utahlink/tours/links.html • Create one with your students/clients • http://www.streamingmediaworld.com ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  25. Internet Mentoring and Collaboration Tools • Blackboard [Web Integrated Learning Systems] • http://www.blackboard.com/courses/TRIO101 • Yahoogroups • http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OnlineTRIO/ • Groupboard • http://www.bensonink.com/OnlineLearningTRIO/GroupBoard.htm ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  26. Internet Projects • Individual portfolios • http://students.ed.uiuc.edu/tcho1/ • http://www.arches.uga.edu/~adbenson/ • Student Presentations • http://www.BensonInk.com/OnlineLearningASPIRA • Student Projects • TRIO Thinkquest at http://www.triothinkquest.org • Your Program • http://www.uta.edu/upward/ • http://www.trioprograms.org/council/trio/7_programs.html ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  27. E-mail Mailing lists Newsgroups Bulletin boards Chat rooms White boards Streaming media Web sites Web Integrated Learning Tools Map Tools to Instructional Use ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  28. Case Studies from You • ??? ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

  29. Wrap Up • Q&A • Evaluation ASPIRA Pre-Conference Technology Workshop

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