1. Using Technology as a Tool in the Differentiated Classroom Doing “whatever it takes to ensure that struggling and advanced learners, students with varied cultural heritages, and children with different background experiences all grow as much as they possibly can each day, each week, and throughout the year.”
Carol Ann Tomlinson
2. Essential Questions What differentiation is… and what it is not…
Why use technology for differentiation?
What is the role of technology as a tool for differentiation?
How does differentiated instruction look when integrating technology?
3. Ways to Differentiate Instruction Differentiating the content/topic
Differentiating the process/activities
Differentiating the product
Learning Environment
4. Differentiation Toolbox: Oliver and Shields Take the Quiz then Explore
5. Research Articles Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction
Technology Tips for Differentiated Instruction
Resource: Using Flexible Technology to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners: What Teachers Can Do
6. Providing materials and tasks at varied levels of difficulty with varying degrees of scaffolding, through multiple instructional groups.
Encouraging student success by varying ways in which students work: alone or collaboratively, in auditory or visual modes, or through practical or creative means. Integrating technology can meet these differentiated instruction strategies--Students can work with at a variety of levels using online databases and the Internet. They can work and take in information either individually or in groups through their own style of learning.Integrating technology can meet these differentiated instruction strategies--Students can work with at a variety of levels using online databases and the Internet. They can work and take in information either individually or in groups through their own style of learning.
8. Actively engages students in the learning process
Allows for exploration not possible in the regular classroom
Provides audio and visuals to represent abstract concepts
Provides opportunities to ask “What if?” questions
Provides opportunities to present information Technology does involve active student engagement. It gets students to question and ask deeper questions like “What if…? Students can locate information outside the regular textbook and classroom materials. Technology can help students understand difficult concepts by giving them audio and visual aids. And of course technology is a great way to present information and because students today are digital natives technology is second nature to them--they enjoy it and it motivates them in their learning.Technology does involve active student engagement. It gets students to question and ask deeper questions like “What if…? Students can locate information outside the regular textbook and classroom materials. Technology can help students understand difficult concepts by giving them audio and visual aids. And of course technology is a great way to present information and because students today are digital natives technology is second nature to them--they enjoy it and it motivates them in their learning.
9. Provides opportunities to plan, gather, synthesize, question, predict, and apply
Allows for collecting, graphing, interpreting, and analyzing data
Provides opportunities to construct meaning in a personally relevant manner Technology addresses the writing and research process by giving students the opportunity to plan, etc. These also move the students into higher order thinking skills. The crucial skills of collecting, graphing, etc data can be achieved through the use of technology resources. And an important concept that really helps students learn is making their learning personally relevant.Technology addresses the writing and research process by giving students the opportunity to plan, etc. These also move the students into higher order thinking skills. The crucial skills of collecting, graphing, etc data can be achieved through the use of technology resources. And an important concept that really helps students learn is making their learning personally relevant.
10. Students can access the following to enhance their learning:
Sound clips We are going to give you just a brief overview of each of the Iowa AEA online databases and give you some ideas about how you can use them to meet the diverse needs of students and differentiate with technology. We are going to give you just a brief overview of each of the Iowa AEA online databases and give you some ideas about how you can use them to meet the diverse needs of students and differentiate with technology.
12. Replicates real work tasks
Provides opportunities for greater pride and ownership in work
Supports multiple cognitive styles and learning behaviors
Provides access to a huge amount of
information including original research and primary sources
Challenges students’ research, critical thinking, and problem solving skills With technology, students get involved in real tasks that support their cognitive and learning styles and give them pride and ownership in their work. They have an incredible amount of information, including primary sources, right at their fingertips to research and use critical thinking and problem solving skills.With technology, students get involved in real tasks that support their cognitive and learning styles and give them pride and ownership in their work. They have an incredible amount of information, including primary sources, right at their fingertips to research and use critical thinking and problem solving skills.
13. Provide higher level of sophistication
Create a wider variety of processes to gather and analyze information
Enhance ability to create professional-looking products
Expand the depth and breadth of content available
Provide access to advanced information not available in school or local libraries
Meet their need for content related to their areas of passion
14. Using Technology to Enhance Learning Classroom Examples http://www.sedl.org/pubs/tec26/classtech.html
15. Resources & Tools Tools for Differentiated Instruction Using Technology
Using Technology to Support Diverse Learners
16. More Web Tools Educapes: Ready, Set, What’s Missing?: Success through Differentiation & Technology
Differentiated Instruction Resources
WebToolboxes: Free Tools
17. Online Resources Unitedstreaming
Teacher Center
Classroom Tools
Assignment Builder
Quiz Builder
Writing Prompt Builder
Lesson Plan Library EBSCO
Student Research Center
Kids Search
World Book Online
Advanced and Advanced Search
18. More Online Resources SIRS
Leading Issues
Natural Disasters
Focus on Terrorism
Today’s News TeachingBooks
Author Programs
Book Guides
Book Readings
Author Websites
Educator Area
19. Using Technology for a More Differentiated Classroom: Web 2.0 Tools Blogs
Online Tools
Social Networks
20. Blogs Links to School Bloggers
Class Blogmeister
21. Wikis Westwood
Search Googe: wikispaces +"civil war" -wikipedia
22. Podcasts National Geographic Podcasts
Maths in Motion
Listing of Podcasts
iTunes: podcasts - education
23. WebQuests Example of a WebQuest
Dr. Bernie Dodge - San Diego State University
24. Heartland AEA’s Searchable Online Web Site Databases
25. Contact InformationHeartland AEA 11 Heartland Technology Team
& Instructional Materials Consultants