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How we created a student support network كيفية إنشاء شبكة دعم الطالب

How we created a student support network كيفية إنشاء شبكة دعم الطالب. Jumeirah College, Dubai. Jumeirah College:. Is14 years old – عمر كلية جميرا 14 عاماً. Follows a British Curriculum – تتبع المنهاج البريطاني. Is coeducational - مختلط ة.

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How we created a student support network كيفية إنشاء شبكة دعم الطالب

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  1. How we created a student support network كيفيةإنشاءشبكةدعمالطالب Jumeirah College, Dubai

  2. Jumeirah College: Is14 years old – عمر كلية جميرا 14 عاماً Follows a British Curriculum – تتبع المنهاجالبريطاني Is coeducational - مختلطة Educates students from 11-18 – الطلاب من عمر 11 إلى عمر 18 Supports 1200 Students – تقدم الدعم ل 1200 طالب Holds a DSIB Outstanding ratingمصنفة من هيئة الرقابة كمدرسة ممتازة

  3. Putting students at the centre of all we do!

  4. What drives this Philosophy • A pedagogical paradigm shift in delivery in the classroom • British Curriculum – Every Child Matters (Children's Act 2004) • ‘Failure to thrive’ – development of student entitlement • Safeguarding – Wadeema’s Law – Higher Ministry – introduction of Child Protection Unit – ‘Shared responsibility’

  5. DSIB Quality Indicators • 2.1 Attitudes and Behaviour المواقفوالسلوك • 2.2 Students’ understanding of Islamic values and cultural awareness فهمالطلبة للقيمالثقافيةوالإسلامية • 2.3 Community and environmental responsibility • المشئولية ناحية المجتمع والبيئة المحيطة • 5 Protect and support الحماية والدعم المقدم للطلاب

  6. DSIB Quality Indicator 5.1 – Health & Safety • Child protection حمايةالأطفال • Regular and transparent training programme – 3 tier programme • Counsellor – Open Door Policy and positive proactive mentoring • Links with external providers – Accuro, STS, Ecoventure • Parent Engagement • A network approach – vertical and horizontal integration

  7. PE Staff Head of Year Vice Principal Pastoral Form Tutor House Staff Pastoral Support Mechanisms College Nurses Student Counsellor

  8. DSIB Quality Indicator 5.1 – Health & Safety • Promoting healthy livingتشجيعالحياةالصحية • Personal, Social, Health, Cultural and Economic Education (PSHCEE) • Physical Education • ECA Programme • Parent engagement ‘Get fit with the Principal’

  9. DSIB Quality Indicator 5.1 – Health & Safety • Health and Safety الصحةوالسلامة • Regular audit of the site – Operational and Educational • Supplementary Staff Support Document • External audit – from specialist organisations • Municipality and KHDA Compliance check list and guidelines • Emergency Action Plan and Normal Operating Procedure

  10. DSIB Quality Indicator 5.1 – Health & Safety • Suitability of premises ملائمةالمباني والموارد • Compliance Audits • Provision for Special Educational Needs – Evacuations

  11. DSIB Quality Indicator 5.1 – Health & Safety • Critical incidents الحوادثالخطيرة • Regular Evacuation Drills – Fire and Lockdown with evaluation • CIRP (Critical Incident response Plan) • Regular cyclical training (Annual) for all staff

  12. Putting students at the centre of all we do. • Student Entitlement Model: • Extra-Curricular Activities – Sport, the arts, debating • Student Leadership Opportunities • Incentives to succeed – the House System

  13. Leadership Opportunities • Student Executive • House Captains • Sports Captains • College Council • Year Council • Form Representatives • House Representatives • Peer Mentors • Debating – Model United Nations • GEMS Young Leader Programme

  14. The House System

  15. The House System • Incentives to take part and succeed • Vertical integration – support from senior peers • Tiered event programme with breadth • Executive House Points

  16. Summary • What is support? More than Just being there. • Who is responsible? Everyone – shared responsibility • How do we achieve this? • Build capacity • Training • Safeguarding • Be PROACTIVE not REACTIVE • Create a NETWORK

  17. Questions from the floor Learn. Aspire. Be.

  18. Thank you Learn. Aspire. Be.

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