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Environmental Management System Training

Learn about ISO 14001, EMS implementation, terms, aspects, impacts, operation, checking, and corrective actions in environmental management systems. Understand the importance of continual improvement and accountability. Dive into the drivers behind EMS, its history, benefits, and compliance requirements. Discover why implementing an EMS is crucial for organizations.

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Environmental Management System Training

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  1. Environmental Management System Training United States Forest Service July 6, 2004 Ed Pinero, Acting Federal Environmental Executive

  2. EMS Implementation Workshop An Overview of Environmental Management Systems (EMS)and the ISO Standard EMS Implementation Workshop

  3. WHAT IS AN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM? The ISO 14001 Definition • “The overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.” EMS Implementation Workshop

  4. “ems” vs. “EMS” • All organizations have some type of environmental management system regardless of what they do • For this discussion, the focus is a more formalized, recognized, and structured approach defined in the international EMS standard, ISO 14001 • In most cases, additional effort is needed to transition from existing environmental activities to the more formal ISO 14001-type EMS EMS Implementation Workshop

  5. An Effective EMS is: • Flexible • Transparent • Useful to the “practitioner” • In harmony with mission focus • Focused on continual improvement EMS Implementation Workshop

  6. EMS and ISO 14001 • 14001 is one of the standards in the 14000 series • Created by International Organization for Standardization (Geneva, Switzerland) • Each participating nation has a committee that develops consensus and contributes (one vote each, for US it is ANSI) EMS Implementation Workshop

  7. Important EMS Terms • “Shall” • “Establish and Maintain” • “Responsibility and Authority” EMS Implementation Workshop

  8. Plan Do Check Act Continual Improvement Management Review Environmental Policy Planning Checking & Corrective Action Implementation & Control EMS Implementation Workshop

  9. Planning Determine Identify Environmental Significant Develop Aspects and Impacts Environmental Aspects Establish Identify Environmental Activities, Objectives Products and Management Targets and Services Program DetermineLegal and Other Requirements EMS Implementation Workshop

  10. Environmental Aspects and Impacts-ISO 14001 Definition ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Elements of an organization’s activities, products or services which can interact with the environment. (For example: wastewater discharges, air emissions, resource consumption, energy usage, ecosystem alterations, etc.) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partly resulting from an organization’s activities, products, or services(based on the aspects, for example: air emissions impacts the air by degrading the air quality). EMS Implementation Workshop

  11. Implementation and Operation Capabilities & Organization & Controls Accountability Communications Document Control Training, Awareness and Competence Operational Control Structure and Responsibility Communication Emergency Preparedness and Response EMS Implementation Workshop

  12. Checking and Corrective Action Non-conformance, Monitoring and Corrective and Measuring Records Preventive Action Periodic Internal EMS Audits EMS Implementation Workshop

  13. Management Review • To Assess the • suitability, • adequacy, and • effectiveness of the EMS • Take account of: • audit findings • progress records on objectives • changes to facilities • changes in activities, products or services • changes in technology • concerns of interested parties • other relevant information • In order to determine the need for change and improvement to: • the environmental policy • the objectives and targets • other elements of the EMS EMS Implementation Workshop

  14. Plan Do Check Act Continual Improvement Environmental Policy Management Review Planning Checking & Corrective Action Implementation & Control EMS Implementation Workshop

  15. Keep in mind… • The EMS and related measurement tools are just that, tools. Alone, they will not guarantee success. The organization must use the tools, not just have them. • An effective EMS is “alive”; constantly measuring performance, making adjustments, and looking for opportunities for continual improvement • Accountability is critical EMS Implementation Workshop

  16. EMS Implementation Workshop Why Implement an Environmental Management System?

  17. The Drivers - Why EMS?History/perspective • EMS responded to “root causes” for poor environmental program management and compliance problems • EMS has corollary benefits of management systems to mission and environmental stewardship • EMS represents the next step in evolution from compliance, to pollution prevention (for compliance), to EMS EMS Implementation Workshop

  18. EO 13148 • Establishes EMS as environmental management policy for the Federal government • Requires agencies to incorporate EMS into agency environmental directives and policies • Requires facilities to develop and implement EMS by December 31, 2005 EMS Implementation Workshop

  19. What an EMS is • A formal, structured framework of policies, procedures and practices to manage and reduce an organization’s environmental footprint • Based on a PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT framework • An approach that reflects the relationship between environmental issues and core mission EMS Implementation Workshop

  20. What an EMS is NOT • A one-time project, plan or initiative • Focused solely on regulatory compliance • An effort solely for the environmental shop EMS Implementation Workshop

  21. Benefits of an EMS • Improved environmental awareness, involvement and competency across organization • Better communication of environmental issues - internal and external • Positive effect on regulatory compliance and environmental performance EMS Implementation Workshop

  22. Benefits of an EMS • Improved efficiency, reduced costs, greater consistency in environmental program • Flexibility and opportunity to correct imperfections through “continual improvement” • Identification of risk and prevention of problems outside of regulatory - e.g., aging infrastructure, known unregulated hazards EMS Implementation Workshop

  23. Barriers - What stands in the way of EMS? • Organizational change - natural resistance to change in any organization • Lack of top management involvement and visibility • Organizational issues - “that’s an environmental responsibility” • “That’s my responsibility” from the environmental shop EMS Implementation Workshop

  24. Potential Barriers • small p and BIG P political uncertainty - is EMS here to stay? • Perception that EMS already exists - systems exist now, why change? • Misunderstanding of relationship to mission “environment only gets in the way of mission” EMS Implementation Workshop

  25. The Three C’s of an Effective EMS Conformance Meets the requirements (Implements the “shalls”) Consistency Various elements inter-related (i.e., Significant aspects reflected in emergency planning, etc.) Continual improvement Mechanisms are in place to improve the EMS and organizational performance, supported by management commitment and support EMS Implementation Workshop

  26. Keep in mind - AN EMS • Is a management system - • THAT’S WHAT MAKES IT WORK!! • Is more than compliance - includes safety, energy, water etc. and non-regulated impacts • Supports mission! • Takes time - it is a process, not an event • Requires the environmental people to get out of their box - • EMS requires commitment - its not a part-time job! EMS Implementation Workshop

  27. Using Measurement as a Management Tool • Knowing existing conditions allows informed management decisions. • An EMS identifies, directs and facilitates relevant measurements. • Measurements include environmental conditions, status of programs, compliance, and the EMS itself. EMS Implementation Workshop

  28. Examples of Metrics to Measure Benefits • Improves the environmental condition (environmental indicators) • Facilitates meeting your mission (how often environmental issues interfere with your mission) • Minimizes accidents and problems (incidents, losses) • Reduces redundant paperwork (time spent per task) • More efficient use of resources (investment per unit activity) • Facilitates compliance with requirements (number of non-compliances, penalty costs, missed EO deadlines) • Responds to public scrutiny trends (complaints, communications) EMS Implementation Workshop

  29. Managing Aspects vs. Impacts • It is more prudent and more efficient to manage “how” you interact with the environment than to manage “what” you have done to the environment • An EMS is built around identifying, prioritizing, controlling, and improving upon, those elements of the organization that interact with the environment EMS Implementation Workshop

  30. Fixing the Root Causes • An EMS is designed to identify the root causes of non-conformances and initiate corrective and preventive action. • This helps minimize the “bandage” syndrome, where the fixes are simply superficial. EMS Implementation Workshop

  31. Achieving and Maintaining Compliance There is “compliance management system” embedded within the broader “environmental management system” • First- the theme of compliance is seen throughout the plan-do-check-act elements • Second, there are specific compliance-related requirements in an EMS (such as periodic compliance audits) that help address compliance issues before they occur. EMS Implementation Workshop

  32. Supporting Mission • An EMS identifies and addresses environmental issues that can hamper mission through emergencies or non-compliance • The EMS perspective identifies opportunities that ultimately support mission through increased efficiency EMS Implementation Workshop

  33. Connecting the Environment and the Process Owners • An EMS helps each member of the organization understand their role in the environment, and to see how their role at the facility impacts the environment • An EMS provides for responsibility, ownership, and accountability of actions and related impacts • Results? People that are more aware, better trained, more motivated, and more enthusiastic EMS Implementation Workshop

  34. Connecting the Organization With the Public • An EMS allows an organization to identify issues which may become a concern to the public • An EMS indicates to the public that an organization is aware and responding to environmental issues • An EMS provides a forum for discussion and reaction to environmental interests of the public EMS Implementation Workshop

  35. EMS Implementation Workshop Selecting and Preparing the EMS Team

  36. Function of the Team • Conduct the gap analysis • Gather and analyze existing data • Identify needs • Develop implementation plan • Initiate early stages of EMS • Policy, Aspects/Impacts, Objectives/Targets Environmental Management Program • Monitor implementation of EMS EMS Implementation Workshop

  37. Responsibilities of the Team • Collect input and information from employees and Management • Educate members of the organization or facility on the EMS • Awareness training • Activity specific training • Brief and advise Management • Interact with local community EMS Implementation Workshop

  38. Knowledge and Skills All • EMS knowledge and understanding • Enthusiasm and energy • Organizational / (p)olitical savvy Specialists • Communication skills • Project management skills EMS Implementation Workshop

  39. The Team Members • Keep numbers manageable • Strong leadership • Known ability to communicate with management • Good people skills • Best leadership may be outside of environmental shop EMS Implementation Workshop

  40. Team Members • Broad base - Include resource (budget) personnel, facilities, representative process owners, on- site contractors, management representative EMS Implementation Workshop

  41. Process • Get commitment and authority to act • Find appropriate members • Provide initial background information of EMS • Get commitment from Team • Get fully trained • Consider consultants help • Keep management apprised of progress EMS Implementation Workshop

  42. Level of Effort • Leverage existing resources - budget/ planning cycles etc. • Depend on Team champions • Don’t underestimate effort needed and ensure commitment is there EMS Implementation Workshop

  43. EMS Implementation Workshop Defining Your Fenceline: What is the scope of an EMS?

  44. EMS Fenceline • Link to aspects - “can control” or are “expected to have an influence” • Define the scope of your EMS -alternatives • Use physical boundaries of facility • Reflect existing management systems • Reflect organizational structure EMS Implementation Workshop

  45. EMS “Boundaries” • Geographic fenceline or boundary • Consider where activities primarily occur • Reflect of top management control • Management boundaries previously established • Existing management plans or systems • Corporate boundaries • Reflect existing management structure EMS Implementation Workshop

  46. Don’t forget to consider! • Non mission activities • Visitor and personnel support, housing, food service, recreation • Contractors and services • Geographically separate areas • Local governments and neighbors EMS Implementation Workshop

  47. Use caution: • Don’t artificially exclude processes that you clearly control but are “unmanageable” • Don’t artificially exclude something because you believe you can’t control it organizationally • Contracted processes are still within your control - they can’t be excluded EMS Implementation Workshop

  48. Questions to ask • Are all organizations associated with activities, products, and services included? • Will the boundary include process owners and those with authority to improve processes? • Is there management control available for the selected boundary? • Is primary mission covered? EMS Implementation Workshop

  49. EMS Implementation Workshop Gap Analysis and Implementation Plans

  50. Gap Analysis • A gap analysis is an assessment process used to compare the current state of your facility’s EMS against a standard. It is not an audit; you cannot “fail” a gap analysis • Other similar processes are “Initial Environmental Reviews (IERs)” or “Environmental Management Reviews (EMRs).” EMS Implementation Workshop

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