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CITY OF CAPE TOWN . Municipal Disaster Risk Management Framework. Presented by: Greg Pillay Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2006. Statutory Requirements. Section 42 (1) of the Disaster Management Act, Act 57 of 2002, provides for a Municipal Disaster Management Framework:
CITY OF CAPE TOWN Municipal Disaster Risk Management Framework Presented by: Greg Pillay Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2006
Statutory Requirements Section 42 (1) of the Disaster Management Act, Act 57 of 2002, provides for a Municipal Disaster Management Framework: • Each metropolitan and each district municipality must establish and implement a framework for disaster management in the municipality aimed at ensuring an integrated and uniform approach to disaster management in its area by –
Roleplayers • (a) the municipality and statutory functionaries of the municipality; • (b) all municipal entities operating in its area; • (c) all NGO’s institutions involved in DRM in it’s area; • (d) the private sector; • A MDMF must be consistent with the provisions of the DM Act, NDMF and the PDMF.
Synopsis of MDMF • KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM • KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment • KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction • KPA 4: Response & Recovery • Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication • Enabler 2: Education, Training, Public Awareness & Research • Enabler 3: Funding Arrangements for Disaster Risk Management
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management OBJECTIVE • Establish integrated institutional capacity within the municipality to enable the effective implementation of disaster risk management policy and legislation
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management • Arrangements for the development of DRM Policy through the establishment of: • Municipal Disaster Risk Management Advisory Forum (MDMAF); • Inter-Departmental Planning & Risk Reduction Management Committee (IDPRRMC); • Disaster Co-ordinating Team (DCT);
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management • Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • The MDMAF has been established and is operational; • Inter-Departmental Disaster Risk Management Planning Committee (IDRMPC) has been established and is operational; • Key roleplayers for different disaster situations pre-identified for representation on the Disaster Operations Committee (DOC). • Mechanisms for developing and adopting DRM Policy have been established and put into operation.
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management 2. Arrangements for Implementation of DRM Policy through: • Establishment of a fully resourced and funded Municipal Disaster Risk Management Centre (MDRMC); • Municipal Departments and Entities.
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management • Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • Job description and KPI’s have been developed for the Head: MDRMC; • The appointment of the Head: MDRMC; • The MDRMC has been established and is fully operational; • Sufficient staff have been appointed, trained and developed for the effective functioning of the MDRMC; • The MDRMC has been equipped with modern technological infrastructure;
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management • Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) (continued) • Roles and responsibilities of municipal departments and entities involved in DRM have been identified; • Staff in municipal departments and entities have been identified and assigned as focal/nodal points for DRM;
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management 3. Arrangements for Stakeholder Participation and Engagement through: • Establishment of community involvement; • Identifying NGO’s, CBO’s, FBO’s area of specialization, capacity, resources, etc. • Establishing various categories of DRM volunteers
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management • Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • Mechanisms for stakeholder participation in DRM have been established and are operating effectively; • NGO’s, CBO’s, FBO’s have been identified and tasked for the responsibility for the provision of services for DRM; • A register of DRM stakeholders established and maintained; • A register of DRM volunteers established and maintained.
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management 4. Arrangements for regional, national and international co-operation for DRM through: • Giving effect to the principle of co-operative governance between the various spheres of government; • Provision of Mutual Assistance Agreements where necessary; • Provincial Co-operation • National Co-operation • Regional Co-operation • International Co-operation
KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risk Management • Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • Mechanisms identified and implemented to ensure the application of the principle of co-operative governance; • Guidelines have been development for entering into partnerships in concluding mutual assistance agreements and memoranda of understanding; • Mechanisms have been identified and established for regional and international participation in DRM activities;
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment OBJECTIVE • Establish a uniform approach to assessing and monitoring disaster risks that will inform disaster risk management planning and disaster risk reduction undertaken within the municipality
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Planning through: • Identifying hazards and situations requiring a Disaster Risk Assessment (DRA); • Undertaking DRA; • Selecting DRA methods and approaches; • Consolidation and classification of disaster risk information; • Generating a Disaster Risk Profile; • Monitoring, updating and disseminating risk information; • Conducting quality control
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • MDRMC applying the national standard / methodology for conducting DRA’s; • MDRMC applying the national standard for assessing priority disaster risks; • MDRMC applying statutory requirements to lessen disaster risk; • Findings of the DRA’s to be integrated into the IDP and development plans of municipal departments and entities.
KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)(continued) • Producing disaster risk maps; • Disseminating DRA and monitoring information, for ongoing planning; • Establish SOP’s to interpret and disseminate early warnings for rapid- and slow-onset disasters; • Conduct field consultations with communities at risks;
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction OBJECTIVE • Ensure all disaster risk management stakeholders within the municipal area develop and implement integrated disaster risk management plans and risk reduction programmes in accordance with the MDRMF.
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction • Disaster Risk Reduction through: • Disaster Risk Management Planning by producing Level 1, 2 and 3 DRM Plans; • Prioritize municipal disaster risks; • Identifying most vulnerable areas, communities and households; • Giving priority to protecting strategic infrastructure (life-line services, i.e. water, electricity, etc.)
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • MDRMC to ensure that the various levels of DRM plans of municipal departments and entities are consolidated for submission. • Municipal priority risks have been identified and mapped by the MDRMC, for reporting to the NDMC in the annual report; • Specific priority areas, communities and households within the municipal area have been identified, mapped and documented by the MDRMC for reporting to the NDMC in the annual report;
KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • Focus initiatives to reduce priority disaster risks in the municipal area have been identified by the MDRMC and documented in annual reports to the NDMC • Mechanisms to ensure input and involvement by the MDRMC in development projects with disaster risk potential. • Mechanisms to ensure input and involvement by the MDRMC in sport, recreation, social, religious, political and community events with a disaster risk potential.
KPA 4: Response & Recovery • OBJECTIVE • Ensure effective an appropriate disaster response and recovery within the municipal area by: • Implementing uniform approach to dissemination of early warnings; • Averting or reducing the potential impact in respect of personal injury, health, loss of life, property, infrastructure and the environment; • Implementing immediate integrated response and relief measures • Implementing rehabilitation and reconstruction strategies following a disaster in an integrated and developmental manner.
KPA 4: Response & Recovery • Disaster Response & Recovery through: • Dissemination of Early Warnings; • Assessment, classification, declaration and review of a disaster; • Integrated response and recovery; • Relief Measures; • Rehabilitation and reconstruction;
KPA 4: Response & Recovery Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • Effective and appropriate early warning strategies and systems have been developed and implemented; • Communication of information to stakeholders to enable appropriate responses; • Guidelines and SOP’s including templates for assessment and costing of disasters have be developed; • Mechanisms for the rapid and effective classification and declaration of a disasters have been established.
KPA 4: Response & Recovery Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • Mechanisms for conducting and updating disaster reviews and reporting, have been developed and implemented; • Municipal departments and entities that have primary responsibility for contingency planning and co-ordination of known hazards have been identified and allocated such responsibilities; • Stakeholders that bear secondary responsibility for contingency planning and co-ordination of known hazards have been identified and allocated such responsibilities;
KPA 4: Response & Recovery Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) • Contingency plans for known hazards within a municipal area have been developed; • Response and recovery plans are reviewed and updated regularly ; • Response SOP’s and checklists have been developed and understood by all stakeholders; • Regular progress monitoring of the status of the disaster have been developed.
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication OBJECTIVE • Guide the development of a comprehensive information management and communication system, and establish integrated communication links within the municipal area with all disaster risk management roleplayers, internally and externally.
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 1. Establishing an information management and communication system • An integrated uniformed system that provides for information exchange between all the relevant interest groups in all three spheres of government, in communities and in the private sector through a variety of communications mechanisms; • The system must provide for the receipt, storage, analysis and dissemination of information; • The information management and communication system, which must be compatible, will include the establishment of communication links between various levels of Disaster Risk Management Centres.
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 2. Integrated Information Management and Communication Model • An integrated information management and communication model must be established to achieve the objectives of the four (4) KPAs and three (3) Enablers; • The model must encompass the following primary functionalities: • Data Gathering; • Be able to capture data based on the four (4) KPAs and three (3) Enablers;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 3. Data Acquisition (Data Collection and Capturing) • The following types of data amongst others, will be required: • Base Data (e.g. typographical, census, land cover, infrastructure, deeds, environmental); • Dynamic Data (e.g. contact and other relevant detail of all roleplayers); • Field Data (e.g. features of buildings and infrastructure); • Research and Historical Data (e.g. research projects, data on historical incidents); • Hazard Tracking (e.g. weather conditions, flood, fire hazard conditions, etc.) • Early Warnings; • Situational Reporting System (e.g. incidents, local conditions)
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 3.1 Key Performance Indicators • Data needs for the MDRMC have been defined; • Data sources have been identified by the MDRMC; • Data collection and capturing methodologies have been developed and implemented;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.1 KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • A directory of names, contact details, roles and responsibilities of all key roleplayers in municipal, provincial and national organs of state involved in DRM must be developed and maintained; • A record of decisions and recommendations made by the Municipal Disaster Management Advisory Forum (MDMAF) must be disseminated to all roleplayers affected by the decisions;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.1 KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM • Minutes of meetings of the Municipal Disaster Management Advisory Forum (MDMAF), Inter-departmental Planning And Risk Reduction Management Committee (IPRRMC) and the Disaster Co-ordinating Team (DCT) must be recorded, disseminated and records kept;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.1 KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM • A central 24-hours communications facility (Disaster Operations Centre (DOC)) for reporting purposes as well as for managing the dissemination of early warnings, must be established; • The DOC must provide for the co-ordination of response measures in the case of significant events and disasters; • Memoranda of Understanding, mutual assistance agreements must be recorded and updated;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.1 KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity for DRM • An accurate record keeping system incorporating disaster risk reduction contingency plans, hazard-specific plans, minutes, reports, memoranda and correspondence must be established and maintained; • A register of units of volunteers must be established and maintained.
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.2 KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • Identifying hazards and their potential impacts; • Mapping of hazards and disaster risks; • Planning appropriate disaster risk reduction measures; • Monitoring and tracking hazards for the purposes of early warnings and updating of information; • Facilitating response management when significant events or events classified as disasters occur; • Assessing and tracking damage caused by hazards; • Planning appropriate response and recovery measures;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.3 KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • Must be able to assist roleplayers within all spheres with the development and updating of disaster risk management plans; • Be able to draw on risk profiles and a detailed resource database in order to facilitate risk reduction planning and contingency planning;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.3 KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction • Must be able to facilitate the inclusion of disaster risk reduction strategies and IDPs and development programmes; • Must enable tracking of status of initiatives, programmes, plans, etc. in relation to disaster risk reduction measures. • Must be linked to GIS for easy retrieval and updating;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.4 KPA 4: Response & Recovery • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • Facilitate the management of response and recovery operations; • Provide for the recording, retrieval and updating of specific real-time information during incidents/disasters;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.4 KPA 4: Response & Recovery • Indicate area affected, type of event, analysis of status of critical lifeline infrastructure (e.g. water, electricity, etc.), • Provide analysis reporting of impacts; • Monitoring of progress of recovery operations;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.4 KPA 4: Response & Recovery • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • Situation reporting, tracking and analysis of status of critical disaster operations such as search and rescue, emergency medical care, access routes and fires suppression
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.4 KPA 4: Response & Recovery • Manage a response and recovery database that identifies primary agencies, response and recovery plans, resources and support agencies, and relevant service providers. • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • Manage a response and recovery database that identifies primary agencies, response and recovery plans, resources and support agencies, and relevant service providers.
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.5 Enabler 2: Education, Training, Public Awareness and Research • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • Education, training, public awareness and research programmes pertaining to DRM must be recorded and monitored; • Content of education and training programmes as well as records of participants (e.g. volunteers, community members, etc.) must be recorded;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.6 Enabler 3: Funding Arrangements for DRM • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • Record data relating to all funding matters (e.g. OPEX, CAPEX, Projects, etc.); • Management of a Disaster Relief Fund;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 4. Information Management & Communication Support for KPAs and Enablers 4.7 Key Performance Indicators • For evaluating the information management and communication system must cover the following areas: • Integrated institutional capacity; • Disaster risk assessment; • Disaster risk reduction programmes and plans; • Response and recovery; • Education, training, public awareness and research; • Funding mechanisms and financial controls;
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 5. Specialised System Functionalities • Information management and communication system must provide for the following functionality: • Document Management System; • Resource and Capacity Database; • Modelling and Simulations; • Monitoring and Evaluating Systems; • Management of DRM programmes and projects; • Quality Management System
Enabler 1: Information Management & Communication 5. Specialised System Functionalities 5.1 Key Performance Indicators • A uniformed document management system has been developed and implemented by the MDRMC; • A comprehensive, uniform and easily resourced and capacity database has been developed and implemented; • A modelling and simulation application has been developed; • An integrated monitoring evaluation system has been developed and implemented; • A uniform programme and project management tool (Project Portfolio Office (PPO)) has been developed and used by all roleplayers; • A QMS has been developed and implemented, and a designated individual in the MDRMC have been assigned responsibility to administer the system;