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Learn about the mission, strategic objectives, legislation, and initiatives of the Department of Labour to reduce unemployment and inequality. Explore the 15-point programme, skills development, employment equity, and more.
MISSION STATEMENT The Department of Labour will play a significant role in reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality through a set of policies and programmes developed in consultation with social partners, which are aimed at:
Improved economic efficiency and productivity • Skills development and employment creation • Sound labour relations • Eliminating inequality and discrimination in the workplace • Alleviating poverty in employment
15 POINT PROGRAMME • Guides our work in this five year period • 15 points are: • Policies developed by Department seek to achieve an appropriate balance between security and flexibility • Employment creation • Implementation of Presidential Job Summit resolutions • Implementation of skills development strategy
15 POINT PROGRAMME (cont) • Employment equity • Protection of vulnerable workers • Occupational health and safety • An adequate social safety net • Promoting stable labour relations • Productivity • Social partnerships • International relations • Monitoring impact of policy • Institutional restructuring • Legislative amendments
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • Monitor and review labour market policies on an ongoing basis • Advance Employment and Skills development • Promote Employment equity • Protection of vulnerable workers
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (cont) • Provide Social Safety Net • Promote Occupational Health and Safety • Promote Stable Labour Relations
LEGISLATION The following legislation enables the Department to achieve its mission: • Basic Conditions of Employment Act • Labour Relations Act • Employment Equity Act • Skills Development Act • Skills Development Levies Act • Occupational Health and Safety Act • Unemployment Insurance Act • Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act
1. Monitor and Review Labour Market Policies • Conduct research on: • Co-operatives and employment creation • Atypical forms of employment
2. Skills development • Accelerate delivery of and access to learnerships by 50 000 unemployed young people • Plan, implement, monitor, support and evaluate the achievement of the 2004/5 National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) targets, including Equity Targets (85% black, 54% women and 4% people with disabilities
2. Skills development (Cont…) • NSDS impact studies conducted
2. Skills development (Cont…2) • Support skills development initiatives from the National Skills Fund • Spend NSF to support the achievement of NSDS • Implement strategies for SMME, informal and co-operatives sectors with other departments • Integrate skills development with Provincial and local initiatives to promote employment creation
2. Skills development (Cont…3) • SETAs achieve targets for 2003/4 • Support SETAs to achieve 2003/4 performance targets as per MOU entered into with the DoL • Support SETAs who do not achieve the targets, where appropriate and where required, take appropriate disciplinary action • Train 164 763 people via the strategic project fund
3. Employment equity • Strengthen enforcement mechanisms • Improved procedural equity compliance achieved • Progress in substantive equity compliance monitored • Encouraging compliance through showcasing of best practice • Analysis of income differentials • Prepare report on income differentials
Employment equity (cont…) • Publish guidelines to assist implementation of Codes of Good Practice • HIV/ AIDS • Disability • Amend regulations to ensure appropriate data collection
4. Protection of Vulnerable workers • Implement and enforce legislation and sectoral determinations • Educate and enforce domestic and farm workers sectoral determinations • Investigate working conditions in the following sectors : Forestry, minibus taxi, glass and glassware, fishing, clothing and knitting, civil engineering • Consolidate the Department’s Inspection and Enforcement strategy
4. Vulnerable workers (cont…) • Support Home Affairs to implementImmigration Act in respect of migrant workers in particular
4. Vulnerable workers (cont…) • Finalize and implement national policy on the eradication of child labour
5. Occupational health and safety • Targeted advocacy and enforcement strategy, which is sector and issue specific. • Increase number of inspections. • Embark on joint campaigns in high risk sectors, • Promote compliance. • Increase awareness. • Support health and safety structures to assist industry to ensure effective OHS implementation.
5. Occupational health and safety (cont…) • Promote OHS accord in provinces • OHS accord signed and implemented by all provinces • Finalise the development of policy to integrate OHS competencies across government • Identify and address subtle causes of occupational diseases
6. Improved social safety net: Unemployment Insurance • Strengthen administrative and financial management capacity of the UI Fund • Implement the fraud reduction strategy • Develop and implement enforcement and revenue collection strategy for categories of workers that were formerly excluded from Act • domestic workers
6. Improved social safety net: Unemployment Insurance (cont…) • Improve financial viability of the Fund • Improve service delivery
6. Improved social safety net: Compensation Fund • Improve service delivery: • Improved claims processing • Decentralisation of claims enquiries to Provincial offices. • Automation of the FYI IT system to process claims in alignment with PPP • Improved revenue collection and fraud detection.
7. Promoting stable labour relations • Develop and implement advocacy strategy for small business • Ensure bargaining councils take concerns of small business on board • Efficient registration of labour organizations and deregister non bona-fide unions and employers organizations
7. Promoting stable labour relations (cont…) • Oversee and assist in respect of overall governance of CCMA including Essential Services Committee • Monitoring of strikes and labour market trends and events. • Reduction in workplace conflict and industrial unrest
7. Promoting stable labour relations (cont…2) • Promote social dialogue • Facilitate and support transformation of bargaining councils. • Facilitate establishment of new councils and amalgamation of councils.
MAIN DIVISIONS OF THE VOTE • Administration • Occupational Health and Safety of Persons • Social Insurance • Employment and Skills Development Services • Labour Relations • Labour Policy • Service Delivery • Auxiliary and Associated Services
BUDGET 2003/2004 As contained in the Estimate of National Expenditure (ENE)
MTEF ALLOCATIONS R, 000 MIL TOTAL DoL UIF 02/03 R1,296 R0,976 R0,320 03/04 R1,291 R1,041 R0,250 04/05 R1,292 R1,142 R0,150 05/06 R1,218 R1,218 R0,000 R, mil -0,3% 0,0% -5,7% DoL UIF VOTED ESTIMATE
BUDGET PER PROGRAMME VOTE: 03/04 PROG R’mil % ADMIN 210,8 16,3 OHS 26,5 2,0 SI 19,7 1,5 ESDS 175.0 13,6 L R 185,5 14,4 L P 27,8 2,2 S D 373,8 28,9 AUX 21,9 1,7 S-TOTAL 1041,0 UIF 250,0 19,4 TOTAL 1,291,0100,0 R, mil
BUDGET PER STANDARD ITEM VOTE: 03/04 S ITEM R’mil % PERS 371,9 28,8 ADMIN 149,5 11,6 INVENT 27,7 2,1 EQUIP 42,0 3,3 LAND 66,7 5,2 PROF 99,8 7,7 TRANS 269,9 20,9 MISC 13,5 1,0 S-Total 1041,0 UIF 250,0 19,4 TOTAL 1,291,0 100,0 R, mil
TRANSFER PAYMENTS Year R’mil DoL UIF 99/00 441,9 00/01 285,6 01/02 251,3 605,0 02/03 257,9 320,0 03/04 269,9 250,0 R, mil DoL UIF