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Quoting Shakespeare. Author: Klaudia Pietrzczyk.
Quoting Shakespeare Author: Klaudia Pietrzczyk
.WebQuest "Quoting Shakespeare" powstał w ramach europejskiego projektu BELFER ONLINE. WebQuest przeznaczony jest dla uczniów szkół gimnazjalnych i ponadgimnazjalnych, posługujących się językiem angielskim na poziomie co najmniej B1.Jego celem jest zapoznanie uczniów z pochodzeniem oraz znaczeniem zwrotów i wyrażeń powszechnie stosowanych w języku angielskim, które pierwszy raz zostały użyte w utworach Williama Szekspira.
1. Introduction 1.1. Who was William Shakespeare? You would think that his name would need no explaining, but just in case there is someone out there who doesn't know who William Shakespeare is, I will tell you in a nutshell. William Shakespeare (April 26, 1564 - April 23, 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's preeminent dramatist. His plays, of which there are 38, have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. (http://www.squidoo.com/supernatural-shakespeare-quotes) POWRÓT
1.2. Words and phrases coined by Shakespeare William Shakespeare was not only a prolific writer, he is said to have introduced thousands of words and phrases into the English language, from the famous "To be, or not to be" to "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" to a few lesser known, but still widely used. However, it is commonly suggested that Shakespeare might not have invented certain words and phrases, but rather his works are the first time the words were actually written down. The argument by many scholars is that words and phrases attributed to Shakespeare were probably spoken first. This does not discount the fact, however, that Shakespeare was a master of the English language, demonstrating great wit. (http://www.yourdictionary.com/list-of-words-and-phrases-shakespeare-invented.html) POWRÓT
2. Task 2.1. What is this project about? As you have already learnt, there are a lot of phrases widely used in everyday English that originate from Shakespeare’s works. You may be suprised to discover that while chatting with friends or writing e-mails you quite often quote Shakespeare! Some examples can be found in the following movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMkuUADWW2A. The aim of this project is to get familiar with the origin and meaning of some commonly known English phrases that were coined by one of the greatest English writers. POWRÓT
2.2 Your task You are going to work in groups of four. Your task is to browse the Internet and other sources to find phrases invented by Shakespeare and present them in a form of Power Point presentation and a short drama. For further details and guidlines see section Process. The criteria of evaluation can be found in the Evaluation section. POWRÓT
3. Process While preparing your task, please follow these steps: 1. Browse the Internet and other sources to find phrases invented by Shakespear and used in his works (you can find some useful links in the section Resources). 2. Choose 20 phrases that are nowadays commonly known and used in everyday English. 3. Each member of a group is going to prepare information about 5 phrases. The information should include: - the phrase in English and its equivalent in your native language; • source (one of the Shakespeare’s work) and the phrase in the original context; • meaning of a given phrase and an example of usage; - graphic representation of a given phrase (optionally). 4. After completing stage 4, you are going to collect all the information that each member of a group have found and create a presentation of all the 20 phrases in Power Point program. 5. Aditionally, you are going to invent a dialogue, a role play or a short drama to present the phrases in a new, modern context. Write the script, choose roles for each member of a group, practice the drama before presenting it in front of the class. You can find the criteria of evaluation in the Evaluation section. POWRÓT
4. Resources Useful sites: • http://oxforddictionaries.com/ • http://www.pathguy.com/shakeswo.htm • http://www.enotes.com/shakespeare-quotes • http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/phrases-sayings-shakespeare.html • http://quotations.about.com/od/shakespearequotes/a/WilliamShakespeare.htm • http://www.william-shakespeare.info/william-shakespeare-quotes.htm • http://www.nosweatshakespeare.com/quotes/famous-shakespeare-quotes/ • http://www.yourdictionary.com/list-of-words-and-phrases-shakespeare-invented.html POWRÓT
5. Evaluation POWRÓT
6. Conclusion Well done! You have finished your project! By completing this assignment youhave learnt a lot about William Shakespeare and become aware of the influence he has had on English language. You have even become linguistic detectives and put a lot of effort to do some research. What is more, you have developed not only language skills but also computer skills and you have learnt how to use the Internet as a source of valuable information. Finally, you have created you own drama and could feel like Shakespeare himself. I hope that by means of this project you have learnt something interesting and you have really enjoyed it! POWRÓT