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Get updated on the OHSAA preseason meeting, athletic policies, and important forms for athletes and parents. Find schedules and important information online.
OHSAA Preseason Mtg.Spring, 2018-19 Review Athletic Policies OHSAA/Bath OHSAA DVD can be found at www.ohsaa.org at the bottom-OHSAA Preseason Meeting Video Q & A
Preseason Athletic Forms New-Online Registration Requirement-instructions found on front page of our athletics homepage at http://oh.8to18.com/BathHS • Emergency Medical Form • Uniform Training Rules • Athletic Participation Waiver Form • Parent/Coach Communication • Concussion Form • St. Rita’s Medical Release Form • Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Lindsay’s Law) • Physical Forms in HS/MS
Physicals • All athletes must have on file in the MS office prior to participation • Good for one calendar year • Given free each May at O.I.O. • Forms can be found in HS/MS offices or online at www.bathwildcats.org or at www.ohsaa.org
Schedules • Pocket Schedules will be out mid-. • www.bathwildcats.org link at the left side of the page-click Sports Calendar • http://www.athletics2000.com/BathHS/ • www.ohioalerts.com text alerts for changes • www.ohsaa.org – top right-click School Directory & Schedules-type in Bath • Please note: all schedules are subject to change
2019SPRING SPORTS PICTURE DAYWEDNESDAY MARCH 20TH • 3:30 pmBoys Varsity/JV Baseball – Varsity Field • 4:00pm Girls Varsity/JV Softball – Varsity Field • 4:30pm Coed Varsity Track - Stadium • 5:00pm Boys Tennis – Tennis courts • 5:50pm Varsity/JV Cheer HS Gym March 22th MS Teams (Friday) • 3:30pm Boys 8/7 Baseball – Field #4 • 3:45pm Girls 8/7 Softball – Field #5 • 4:15pm Coed MS Track - Stadium
OHSAA Transfer Bylaw • Transfer- If a student changes high schools at any time after establishing eligibility as a 9th grader, the student is INELIGIBLE at the new high school for the first fifty percent (50%) of the maximum allowable regular season contests in those sports in which the student participated during the twelve months immediately preceding the transfer. • There are now 10 exceptions to this bylaw- Exceptions can be found at www.ohsaa.org
OHSAA - Age Limitation • HS- Once a student attains the age of 20, the student will no longer be eligible for interscholastic athletic competition notwithstanding where that 20th birthday falls in relation to the sports season. • MS- If a student enrolled in middle school reaches the age of 15 prior to August 1, the student shall be INELIGIBLE to participate in middle school athletics for that school year
OHSAA Home School • The home educated student who resides in your district • shall be afforded, which the student is entitled to attend • school the opportunity to participate in any extracurricular activity offered at the district school to which the student otherwise • would be assigned during that school year • The home-educated student must meet all other eligibility requirements • The home educated student who does not reside in your district and is not entitled to attend school in the • district may afford to attend another school outside of the district to which the student is entitled to attend and does not offer that extracurricular activity
OHSAA Non-School Teams • Athletes may not participate in a contest, try-out, train or practice with a non-school team in that same sport during the school team’s season. • For example, a soccer player may not tryout for a travel team during soccer season- however, they may tryout for an AAU basketball team during the soccer season
OHSAA Non-School Teams • Prior to or after the school team’s season-an athlete may participate in a contest, training or practice provided the # of team members from the same school is limited to the 50% rule. • For example, baseball 4, basketball 2, soccer 5, softball 4, volleyball 3 • Individual sports have no restriction on #’s
Bath Athletic Policy • Primary purpose: Education-based athletics • Athletics provides +/- experiences for student-athletes to manage • OH 300,000 athletes competing • Less than 1% Div. I scholarship • Less than 5% play at any level after HS
Parent-Athlete Communication • At age 13, I went to my dad to complain about a situation where I didn’t think I was being treated fairly by a coach. My dad listened very closely to the whole story and then looked at me and told me something that stuck with me for the rest of my life…He simply said, “Work harder” and walked away. Lesson learned.
Parent-Athlete Communication • A college athlete once quoted- “Playing time is earned- If I wasn’t playing enough, I worked twice as hard as I was previously. I took the mentality that I wanted to be so good that the coach had no choice but to play me.”
Parent-Athlete Communication • GOAL & BIG PICTURE: • Success or lack of success in sports by your kids does not indicate what kind of parent you are…BUT, having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient, and who tries their best is a DIRECT reflection of your parenting.
Parent/Coach Communication • Athlete approach the coach • Parent call in and schedule an appt with the coach- please no emails, texts, etc. • If there still is an issue, call the AD to schedule an appointment for you, the coach, player and myself to discuss • Parent vs. Coach mentality- we all lose
Video-You Tube • http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=geufhfqUi5s&feature=youtu.be
Team Concept • “Toughness” by Jay Bilas • Roles- Every player on the team is a role player, and every player on the team should strive to excel at being a great teammate • No role on a TEAM is more important than any other role • AAU/Travel has diminished the importance of the team and strengthened the “ME”
Team Concept • Get rid of “me” and embrace “we” • Trust in your coach and your teammates • Jim Tressel- traits in recruiting • #1 Selfless • Grit • Curiosity • Talent
Bath Athletic Policy • Accidents/Injuries-report to your coach and trainer • 10:00am day of school/Friday for Sat. • Cancellation of school-sport season policy • Quitting a sport after the first match/game • Two sport athletes • Conflicts with schedules-Communication
Bath Athletic Policy • PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Students who participate in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps for two full years, Interscholastic Athletics, Marching Band or Cheerleading for two seasons are permitted to substitute these activities for ½ unit (120 hours) of physical education. • All such participating students must complete a course of at least 60 contact hours (1/4 unit) in place of their PE course in order to meet the Ohio Core graduation requirements. • Effective Date: July 31, 2011 • [Adoption date: May 17, 2011]
Bath Athletic Policy • SPECTATOR CONDUCT AT SCHOOL EVENTS • (AT HOME AND AWAY) • The Bath Board of Education believes that instilling good habits of sportsmanship should be one of the primary goals of athletic endeavors within the District. Parents/guardians and other adult spectators are expected to act as models for young people by demonstrating self-control and dignity at all athletic events home and away. • Unsportsmanlike conduct by spectators will not be tolerated. Unsportsmanlike behavior includes, but is not limited to, verbal assaults, rude gestures, taunts, obscenities, and thrown objects. • The Board reserves the right to ban from its property under its control persons who demonstrate or have demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to act with proper decorum at athletic events, including athletic events held within other school districts. The length of the ban will be determined on a case by case basis considering the seriousness of the conduct involved. • If the behavior of anyone becomes disruptive of a school event or dangerous to the individual or others at the event, school authorities have the authority to take action pursuant to R.C. 3313.20 and R.C. 2911.21. Such action includes, but is not limited to, warning the disruptive person that his or her conduct is inappropriate or asking or requiring the disruptive person to leave the school event. • The Superintendent and other administrators are authorized to make determinations under this policy and to implement this policy. • [Adoption date: July 20, 2004]
Uniform Training Rules • Cumulative 7th through 12th grade • 365 days a year • Any drug of abuse-alcohol, tobacco • 1st offense-50% loss of sport season; Ed program/Neg. Drug Test reduces to 20% • 2nd offense-removed from athletics for one calendar year from infraction • 3rd offense-done for remainder of years
Uniform Training Rules Additional Expectations • Theft • Vandalism • Insubordination • Instigating of violence • 24 hour dismissal • Each coach has sport specific training rules
Training Rules-Social Media • Adopted August 28, 2012 • “Inappropriate use of social media according to the athletic code of conduct.” • “The use of e-mail messages, text messages, blogs, websites, or other electronic communications to make inflammatory or derogatory comments, and/or inappropriate descriptions or pictures regarding another team member, another student, a coach, another school or teacher, or other staff member is strictly prohibited. For the purpose of this policy, inappropriate comments may include, but are not limited to, inappropriate comments/pictures/descriptions regarding another person’s race, ethnic background, culture, religion, gender or sexual orientation.” • Education-based athletics • Consequences will be enforced on a individual basis
Social Media • It’s a tool, not a toy • Nothing is truly private…ever! • If you retweet it (or share it), you own it • Personal branding: Every tweet, post on Instagram, like on Facebook- it reflects who you are as a person • Be smart!
Eligibility • Must be currently enrolled at Bath full time • Must have received passing grades in a minimum of 5 one credit classes in the preceding grading period • Summer school does NOT count towards eligibility • Rule of thumb in scheduling: DO NOT DROP A CLASS OR CHANGE A SCHEDULE WITHOUT CHECKING WITH THE PRINCIPAL OR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR
Eligibility • Incoming 7th graders are automatically eligible for the fall • The eligibility or ineligibility of a student continues until the start of the fifth school day of the next grading period, at which time grades from the immediately preceding grading period become effective • A student coming off “ineligible status” may become eligible 24 hours after the mandatory grade reporting date • Eligibility/Ineligibility lasts an entire 9 week grading period • Summer school does not count towards eligibility
Bath Local Schools Smoke-Free Campus • The Bath school board designated the Bath Local School District campus as a tobacco free site including e-cigarettes and vaping. • This policy was put in place to provide a healthier environment for our children and community members. While on school grounds, this includes the athletic fields across from the middle school and high school, smoking of any kind and chewing tobacco is now prohibited. • We hope you will all respect and embrace this policy as an improvement to our school environment.
College Signings • Signings will take place for athletes committing to Division I, II and NAIA where the institution is giving athletic monies • Parents & athletes must schedule a signing through the respective high school coach and Athletic Director • The Athletic Director will contact the institution and acquire National Letter of Intent (NLI) prior to signing • The local media will be contacted and scheduled by the Athletic Director • Press release to the media will be completed by the Athletic Director
NCAA Academic Requirements • www.ncaaclearinghouse.net • Register by end of junior year • See Bath’s list of approved courses • Meet with guidance counselor if you have any questions • See Game Plan in Student Athlete Manual
NCAA Academic Requirements • Eligibility Center Quick Reference Sheet- A complete breakdown of the NCAA Divisions I and II initial-eligibility standards. http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/eligibility_center/Quick_Reference_Sheet.pdf
Injuries • Notify the coach and trainer immediately • Make an appt. to see the trainer asap • Trainers will refer to Dr. or Specialists • Still attend every practice unless told otherwise • Follow treatment from trainer/dr • Bring clearance note to coach/trainer
Concussions • Concussions are a major healthcare issue and current legislation – coupled with increased awareness – has resulted in increased accountability all for schools, clubs and teams. By administering the ImPACT program and working with healthcare professionals trained by ImPACT, you can assure the highest level of care for your teams – from baseline testing to treatment and safe return to play. • Impact testing began this fall for athletes in football, boys soccer and girls soccer. Concussion Resources can be found at the following sites: • http://ohsaa.org/medicine/sportssafety.htm • www.nfhslearn.com
Concussions • Board adopted protocol • Procedures & Steps will followed to bring our athletes back at the right time • IMPACT testing will aide in diagnosis Jennifer Van Horn, or appointed St. Rita’s AT will be the only ones to clear our athletes
Bath Concussion Protocol • Coach will notify the parent and trainer(s) of incident the day the incident occurs • Athletes must follow up with trainer the next day • Trainers will follow adopted steps to transition athlete back to participation • Jennifer Van Horn or appointed St. Rita’s AT are the only two people that can clear an athlete back to participation
Nutrition • Water, Gatorade, Powerade • Stay away from carbonation-no pop or energy drinks • Carbs-preferred source of energy • Protein-reduces muscle breakdown • Refueling-post workout is extremely important- 2 hour recovery period after exercise- low-fat chocolate milk • www.ohsaa.org
10 Things Parents Need to Know in Sports • 1. It’s not about you, its about them. Do not live your own sports dreams through your kids. It’s their turn now. Let them make their own choices, both good and bad. • 2. Never talk to a coach about your child’s play time after a game. Actually you never should. You should have your kid do that. That said, if you just can’t help yourself, send an email the next day and ask for some phone time. • 3. NEVER yell at referees. They are trying. How would you like it if someone came to your job and screamed at you? Not. So. Much. If you have a real issue file a grievance the next day. • 4. Do NOT coach your kid from the sideline. Your job is to be a cheerleader, not a coach. If you wanted to coach, you should have volunteered. • 5. It is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY you are raising a professional athlete. I promise you. Relax, let them have a good time and learn the lessons they are supposed to be learning in sports. • 6. Kids should play the sport that is in season until they are in middle school. Then they can decide which one or two sports they want to play and become more focused. Cross training prevents injuries and burnout. • 7. If you have nothing nice to say, sit down and be quiet. Don’t be “that” parent. • 8. If you are losing your mind on the sideline of game, it’s time to look in the mirror and figure out why. It’s not normal to care that much about sports. Put that energy into something more productive. • 9. Let them fail. Forgotten equipment, not working out, not practicing at home? Let them suffer the consequences of that. It will make them better. • 10. Your kids are watching you. Make them proud not embarrassed.
SUMMARY MS & HS Athletics: “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” Stephen Covey