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Performance & Development Review 2012

Performance & Development Review 2012. P&DR Briefing Session for Academic Reviewers 28 May 2012. Why are we holding this meeting?. P&DR provides an opportunity to reflect on past performance and plan for the future.

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Performance & Development Review 2012

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  1. Performance & Development Review 2012 P&DR Briefing Session for Academic Reviewers 28 May 2012

  2. Why are we holding this meeting? • P&DR provides an opportunity to reflect on past performance and plan for the future. • The primary aim of this meeting is to improve consistency in the P&DR process throughout the College. • In particular we are seeking from the P&DR exercise this year: • • Closer alignment of an individual’s objectives with those of the University, College and School; • Setting of objectives that relate to KPIs; • Enhanced management of expectations and behaviours; • A realistic assessment of performance over the past year (9 months) and guidance on how to improve it going forward; • Information that will allow managers to manage effectively.

  3. Timetable

  4. R & T Grades 7-10 Page 1 Our aim this year is to achieve a higher degree of consistency and improve the quality of objective setting. Different Schools have elected to involve differing numbers of reviewers; some reviewers will review <5 staff; calibration could be difficult for them. Many objectives in the past have not related closely to the Strategic Plan. Even when this is the case, please try to tease out how performance has related to it. This will set the scene for the later discussion on setting objectives for the forthcoming year. It will also help when writing your overall summary (p8).

  5. Page 2 Again, ensure that discussion of progress etc does relate to priority areas as identified in the Strategic Plan and School’s KPIs. REF 2014 is hugely important and only 3* and 4* outputs will attract funding through the REG grant in future. Hence do spend time looking critically at publications, with the expectation that for many colleagues, one of the objectives for the next session will relate to (even) higher quality outputs. Grant funding/FTE won by the College in 2011-12 has been comparable to that in past years. However research grant income is generally running behind target. Hence it is important that all staff have plans for income generation. Where appropriate, explore different sources of income (beyond RC).

  6. Page 3 If grant income is low, explore why this is the case and what can be done moving forward. The number of research students is a University KPI. Currently the College underperforms in comparison to the Russell Group. If the number of RS supervised is low compared with the School average explore the reasons and how numbers might be increased in future. Impact is high on the agenda for the REF and is likely to be an increasingly important KPI in future.

  7. Page 4 For UTs this section is very important and evidence of teaching enhancement/performance should always be covered. Indeed, the majority of staff should be able to detail some contribution here. There are 6 themes to the Internationalisation strategy and all staff members should be contributing to one or more of these. Not only is a substantial part of the funding gap to be plugged by increased numbers of overseas students (another KPI) but international reputation is an important ingredient in many league tables. Hence all should have something in this section.

  8. Internationalisation • : • All academic staff should have one objective chosen from the following 6 key themes of the strategy: • Student Experience: To enhance the student experience at Glasgow by offering a culturally diverse learning environment that prepares students for global employment and citizenship and an experience built upon a wide range of world class support services, from point of enquiry to post graduation • Research and Knowledge Transfer: To grow research and knowledge transfer business internationally to achieve a position in the world’s top 50 research leading universities. • Staff: To support effective engagement of staff with the goals of internationalisation and promote a culturally diverse community • Alumni: To enhance engagement with the University’s international alumni in support of the University’s strategic objectives • Partnerships: To increase partnership working on a sustainable and mutually beneficial basis • Local Engagement:  To work with the city and the West of Scotland region to support social, cultural and economic development through the international profile and reach of the University.

  9. Page 5 For those aspiring to a personal chair, the importance of a track record showing leadership cannot be over stated. The same applies for those holding a Personal Chair who wish to move to a higher zone. More generally has a good balance between School, University and external activities been struck? If esteem indicators are low what can the School/University do to help enhance them?

  10. Page 6 The objectives for next year must align closely with the School’s Plans and KPIs, these having been developed in full knowledge of the University and College strategies. Encourage the use of quantitative and/or SMART targets where possible. One page summaries are currently being updated by the Schools. **HoS action** If the objectives supplied do not fit the criteria they should be sent back with a request for re-working. Professors wishing to move within a zone require ‘Outstanding’ performance assessments, and therefore will wish to set and achieve challenging objectives. Entries here will help guide provision by SDS and others in future years.

  11. Page 7

  12. Page 8 • Evaluate performance against both objectives and all other activities in awarding Performance Assessment. Evaluate in the context of: • Zoning criteria • Promotion criteria • Job family role profiles • Job description • Please keep the summary box as factual as possible. You are strongly recommended to consult your HoS before showing it to the person under review. • Especial care is needed if the reviewer’s perception of performance is significantly more negative than that of the reviewee. You may need to consult the College HRM. • Please do not complete the overall performance assessment at the end of the 1st meeting. Decide which descriptor is most appropriate and consult your HoS. The process hereafter is different for Grade 10 compared to staff in Grades 1-9.

  13. Overall Performance Assessment For Professors performance has to be aligned to the expectations of their zone. Outstanding and High Quality Performance Assessments may inform decision making in relation to Recognition and Reward. Where improved performance is required a Performance Improvement Plan should be developed.

  14. Timetable

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