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Creative Writing Skill CLS 1323

Creative Writing Skill CLS 1323. Mdm. Hamidah. Presentation 1. Members: Khayaetiry Mani Nasuha Mohamed Amin Jasween Kaur Ram Singh Nafilah Nafsiah Mohamed Ali. 1. Poem - “The Girl in the Mirror” by Sarah Heffner.

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Creative Writing Skill CLS 1323

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creative Writing SkillCLS 1323 Mdm. Hamidah

  2. Presentation 1

  3. Members: Khayaetiry ManiNasuha Mohamed AminJasweenKaur Ram SinghNafilahNafsiah Mohamed Ali

  4. 1. Poem - “The Girl in the Mirror” by Sarah Heffner.

  5. a) Diction - Word choice. (active) - For example; heartache, afraid, disappointment, pain

  6. - Denotative-For example; smile, love, hope, - Connotative-For example; mask“She hides behind her mask, and pretends to be okay.”

  7. -Slang (illiteracies): grammatical and spelling error. - For example; “wana” “because she's not the girl I wana be.”

  8. b) Grammar- Coordination-For example; but“ she tries the best she can, butit always seem to be wrong.”

  9. c) Punctuation - Period (.) Ex: I look in the mirror and see a girl, Who is staring back at me.- Comma (,) Ex: She hides behind her mask, And pretends to be okay.

  10. -Quotation mark ( “ ” )Ex: "Why am I never good enough“,- Question mark (?)Ex: "Why am I always second choice"?

  11. 2. Short Story - One Is One and All Alone by Nicholas Fisk

  12. Mechanics -Capitalization For example;How do you fancy meeting me in the dinner at 6’oclock for a chocolate milkshake? I grin back and say, “Yum, yum!” (pg 40)

  13. For example; My favourite game is Pop Star, where I can act out being a pop star on VP’s enormous screen. (Pg 42)

  14. Abbreviation For example; Dear Diary, I haven’t spoken to you for ages because I’ve been so busy with my new friend Clo. Clo for ‘Clone’. (Pg 47)

  15. Italics For example;Me, a picker! I never pick at my fingers. (Pg 49)

  16. 3. Short story - “The Good Old Days” by Shirley Lim Geok Lin.

  17. Spelling1. Compound words-hyphenated before a nounEx: He had been a plain … white opened-necked shirt and …-hyphenated after a noun Ex: She was so tightfisted and…

  18. 2) Final silent e Rule 1- dropping the final e when adding a suffix begins with a vowel. Ex: (stumble, stumbling), (survive, surviving)Rule 2-retained the final e when adding a suffix which begins with a consonant Ex: (grate, grateful), (brave, bravely)

  19. 3. Other spelling rulesa. Final consonant is doubled when adding the suffix (begins with a vowel) if the final consonant is preceded by a single vowel. Ex : (hit, hitting), (chop, chopped)

  20. i) No changes when adding the suffix (begins with a vowel) if the final consonant is preceded by a single consonant. Ex: (hurt, hurting), (dry, drying)

  21. b. A final ‘l’ should not be dropped before adding ‘ly’. Ex: (equal, equally)

  22. c. Words ending in y preceded by a consonant, change the y to ii) when the suffix begins with anything except iEx: (dignify, dignified), (carry, carried)

  23. ii. When the suffix begins with i Ex: (carry, carrying), (apply, applying) d. One of the only three words end in –ceed .Ex: proceed

  24. THE END

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