To be literate in the native language implies the ability to read and write.This skills that students for centuries,have practiced in class.To native language learning has transferred to the foreign-language classroom,without much consideration of its appropriateness or inappropriateness for student who do not already have the spoken form of the language at their command. • With so much writing in foreign language classes over so many years one would expect to find higly effective methods for teaching this skills and marked succes in learning it. • Many college and university students with with four,five even six or more years of study of another language behind them are still unable to express themselves in a clear correct and comprehensible manner in writing.
Two facts often ignored by language teachers ,something as a demonstration of learning :First,persons express themselves very inadequately in writing in their native language. • Second :Only a minority of the speakers of any language acquire the skill of writing it with any degree of finesse and then only after years of training in school and practice out of school. • The novice writer has to learn how to make such things explicit and unambiguous,once and for all,through syntatic arragement and lexical choice,whereas in speech the omissions,ambiguities and misconceptions can be clarified by action restatement or expansion on the part of the speaker or even of the interlocutor