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Are you environmentally-minded?. SCORE Always=4 usually=3 sometimes=2 never=1 X I turn off the lights when I leave the room. 32
Are you environmentally-minded? SCORE Always=4 usually=3 sometimes=2 never=1 X • I turn off the lights when I leave the room. 32 • When I see paper on the floor, I stop to throw it away. • I write on both sides of a piece of paper. • I turn off water when I brush my teeth. • I always check the lost property box. • I reuse plastic bags and newspapers. • I recycle plastic bottles and caps. • I organise and clean my place (desk, hanger,locker).
What´s Biology? Biology is the science that studies LIFE. Life can be found in most places on Earth. All living things do processes but in different ways. pag. 4 and 5 Biologists are the people who study life. They specialize in different areas so there are many kinds of biologists such as botanists, zoologists, physicians, microbiologists, ecologists, geneticits, paleontologists, ecologists, marine biologists and others. page 6 Biologists have studied living things for centuries and with their discoveries they have done our lives safer. Hospitals, food and water are safer and cleaner since the biologists discovered germs. They also developed vaccinations to fight diseases, operations on the body and decoded the DNA . Some famous biologists are Louis Pasteur who mmade the vaccine for rabies and developed the pateurization to kill germs in food and Joseph Lister who developed antiseptics to kill germs. Page 7
Can you find more important biologists in Argentina?afsaiz@gmail.com Eduardo Holmberg Luis Agote Marine biologist Francisco Moreno Florentino Ameghino Jorge Abalos Luis Leloir Kornblit Page 7
What is the environment? The environment is what surrounds us. There are living things like plants and animals and non-living things like air, soil, water, climate and light. The actions of the man make changes in the environment for good or bad. We must take care of the environment. What is an ecosystem? An ecosystem is a community made up of living and non-living things (biotic and abiotic factors). Different ecosystems have different light, soil, water and temperature conditions. This determine which plants and animals can live there.
Ecology is the science that studies how living things exist together in an ecosystem. Page 77
How the humans change the environment. Pages 84 and 85 • Habitat destruction: For wood and paper, houses , factories. Plant trees, build reserves, green belts.
Pollution and waste:Chemicals from cars, factories and fertilizers. Trash.Reduce harmful gases,chemicals and trash. Reuse and recycle.
Climate change: Burning fuels for electricity, cars and factories. Reduce carbon dioxide and use solar , wind and hydroelectric energy
ABIOTIC FACTORS IN AN ECOSYSTEM • Air • Water • Soil • Light (shade) • Temperature
The soil provides plants with the support and nutrients they need to grow. • Observation of the soil in an ecosystem • You want to determine the best soil for growing plants in a garden. • Collect a sample of your garden soil, construction soil and sand. Label the pots. • Observe the three samples and compare the physical differences. Feel each sample with your hands. • Get three flasks with water and put the soils into them. Allow the samples to settle for 15 min. • Complete the chart. • By your observation, infer which soil contains more water and air. • 6. Which soil do you recommend to use in a garden?
CONCLUSION: The best soil to grow plants is the loam because it has a lot of air, water and organic matter that the plants need. This is very important to choose loam soil and take care of it to grow crops and produce enough food.
The airprovidesthe gases tocarryoutthelifeprocesses of allthe living things. The Atmosphere It is a layer of gases which surrounds the earth. Air is a mixture of several different gases. • Atmosphere • What is the percentage of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and argon in the atmosphere? • Which gas is found in larger amounts in the atmosphere? • Why are carbon dioxide and oxygen so important? • How can we identify these gases? • What are the uses of the gases in the atmosphere? Use a table like the following one to answer this question. • Carbondioxide • Oxygen • Nitrogen • Argon • 1.Used to put out fires • 2. • 6. What are the names of the other gases in the air?
Water is needed for life processes. Water cycle 1.Why is water so important? 2. What are the three forms we can find water in? 3. What is the freezing point of water? 4.What is the boiling point of water? 5. What is the water cycle? Explain this with a diagram showing the water in its three states.
BIOTIC FACTORS Animals Plants Fungi