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2. PSERC. Our core purpose:Empowering minds to engineer the future electric energy system. What is important to us:Pursuing, discovering and transferring knowledgeProducing highly qualified and trained engineersCollaborating in all we do. 3. PSERC. What we're working toward:An efficient, secure, resilient, adaptable, and economic electric power infrastructure serving societyA new generation of educated technical professionals in electric powerKnowledgeable decision-makers on critica34411
1. Power Systems Engineering Research Center National Science Foundation Industry / University Cooperative Research Center
2. 2 PSERC
3. 3 PSERC
4. 4 Collaborating Universities Arizona State University - Gerald Heydt
University of California at Berkeley - Shmuel Oren
Carnegie Mellon University – Marija Ilic
Colorado School of Mines - P.K. Sen
Cornell University - Robert J. Thomas
Georgia Institute of Technology - Sakis Meliopoulos
Howard University - James Momoh
University of Illinois at Urbana - Peter Sauer
Iowa State University - Jim McCalley
Texas A&M University - Mladen Kezunovic
Washington State University - Anjan Bose
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Chris DeMarco
Wichita State University - Ward Jewell
5. 5 Industry Members
6. 6 Researchers 40 researchers in 3 research areas
Multidisciplinary, specializing in:
power systems, applied mathematics, non-linear systems, power electronics, control theory, computing, operations research
economics, industrial organization and public policy.
7. 7 Students Strong synergy between research and education
Almost 85 graduate students working on PSERC research projects
Research improves quality of education experience
Research required of faculty
Quality power programs (grad and undergrad)
Students receiving quality and diverse education
Interaction with industry invaluable
Employment search assistance
Faculty available for consultation
Resume and profile books on PSERC students
Job opportunities web site folder
Student listserv for directly contacting students
8. 8 Why Multi-University? Pooling of expertise needed
No single school can afford the necessary breadth of expertise.
Research questions today require multidisciplinary approaches
Industry dispersed geographically
9. 9 Organizational Philosophy PSERC’s mission is research and education.
Its research spans both member and industry-wide needs.
It is organized to facilitate collaboration and to educate the next generation of power engineers, not to just to fund research.
Researchers need from $200K to $350K per year, much of which supports graduate students.
40 researchers X $200K ea = $8M, much more than is provided through PSERC.
10. 10 PSERC Research Successes Advanced power system visualization tools (including commercialization of PowerWorld)
Institutional concept of testing power market designs and policies before they are implemented
Power system reliability
Expertise for national grid reliability studies
Joint formation of the Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions
Blackout of 2003 investigation and information resources
Development of microgrid control systems
11. 11 PSERC Education Successes Graduating over 400 undergraduates and 300 engineering graduates in power each year.
Placing graduating engineering students with PSERC members (over 75 in 2007).
Expanding distance education programs for credit and professional development.
Working with IEEE Power and Energy Society
to create an on-line career service for the US and Canada (www.PES-Careers.org)
to begin the Power and Energy Engineering Workforce Collaborative(www.ieee.org/go/collaborative)
12. 12 History Professor Robert J. Thomas, Founding Director
NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) planning meeting - May 1996
Established with four schools - Dec 1996
Added one school in 1998
Added six in 1999 and 2000
Re-organized organization in 2000
Added Executive Director in 2000
Added two more schools in 2001
13. 13 Our Organization
14. 14 Other Support
Facilitator: Frank Wayno, Professor, Cornell University
Provides critical organizational process guidance
Listens to industry members and faculty
Support Staff (ASU)
Theresa Herr, Administrative Assistant
Laura DiPaolo, Accountant
15. 15 Industry Advisory Board Industry Advisory Board (IAB) provides a critical linkage between industry members and university members.
Partners with university members to identify research and education needs/directions
Prioritizes projects and recommends project funding levels
Reviews research progress and results
16. 16 2007 Research Program PSERC funded projects ($2 Million plus some $600K in university contributions)
About 20 projects, 34 researchers and 60 graduate students
Pooled and targeted projects
Leveraged research ($1.3 Million)
Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) involving about 15 researchers and their graduate students
PSERC projects often are seed projects for further research.
17. Markets Research Stem Markets research concerns fundamental issues in efficient power markets: market design, reliability, auctions, asset valuation, market power and decision-making tools.
18. 18 Systems Research Stem
19. 19 T&D Technologies Research Stem T&D research improves transmission and distribution systems with technology innovations.
20. 20 Stem Committees Leadership and participation from industry and universities
Facilitate industry and university discussions on new research needs and ideas
Maintain the stem research plan
Develop a research solicitation with suggested priority areas and topics
Facilitate collaboration in PSERC research
21. 21 2008 Research Planning Process Research needs and ideas discussions
Led by Stems beginning in Dec. 2007
Continues through conference calls and industry-university meeting in May
Aug. summer workshop used to complete solicitation
Proposals due in September
Industry and university reviews by early October
Executive Committee and Director recommendations to industry in November
Industry’s final recommendations at Dec. meeting
Final review by Executive Committee
Decision by Director
22. 22 Additional Membership Funds Members can contribute beyond the standard membership fee ($250K of such funding in 2007).
Projects can be developed without going through the solicitation process
Approval is given by Director based on consistency with PSERC’s research program.
Additional membership fund projects are treated like other PSERC projects (such as results are shared with other PSERC members).
23. 23 Industry Involvement in Research Amount of involvement is up to the member.
Serve on Stem Committees or project teams
Discuss research with project teams at IAB meetings
Attend summer research planning workshop
Review and distribute research papers, reports, presentations, etc.
Review project status and research results
Participate in IAB decision-making
24. 24 Consortium for Electric Technology Solutions Created in 1999 to research, develop, and disseminate electric reliability technology solutions
Goal: to protect and enhance the reliability of the U.S. electric power system under the emerging competitive electricity market structure <http://www.certs.lbl.gov>
Funding: DOE Office of Electric Delivery and Energy Reliability Transmission Reliability program and California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research program
Performers: PSERC; 4 National Labs (LBNL, ORNL, PNNL, SNL); and Electric Power Group among others
PSERC provided researchers who participated in the DOE National Transmission Grid Study (2001/2) and Power Outage Study Team (1999/2000)
25. 25 PSERC Tele-Seminars Monthly
Participants: 150-200 people from industry and government agencies, and universities (faculty and students)
Available via webcast and conference call
PDH certification: Provided upon request. Sent to about 30 engineers per seminar.
Archived slides and audio-slide productions available for downloading
26. 26 Other PSERC Activities Member visits
Professional development
Executive forums
Listserv (IAB-L@cornell.edu)
Web site (http://www.PSERC.org)
27. 27 PSERC: A One-Stop Shop to Leading Power Programs Membership in PSERC provides access to experienced researchers at schools in the U.S. that have strong electric power programs.
Membership provides access to a large pool of well-trained students.
28. 28 PSERC’s Value to Members Contact with students exploring job opportunities
Supporting students working on PSERC projects
Opportunities for collaboration with leading researchers in power engineering and markets
Leveraged research funding with low overhead on industry membership fees
Early access to results of innovative research and research publications
Business opportunities for commercialization of intellectual property
29. 29 PSERC’s Value Networking with others in industry, universities and government
Information source for sound policy-making
Education and professional development such as through workshops, short courses, tele-seminars (with PDH credit) and on-site seminars
Helping sustain high quality power engineering programs at U.S. universities
30. 30 PSERC meets its mission using collaboration within communities of interest
Between universities
Between industry / university members
Collaborating working groups include:
Stem committees
Project teams
Partnership is key.
Identifying issues and needs
Creating, choosing and implementing projects