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Atam Rao SH-NPTDS and INPRO Technical Coordinator

Clarification discussion on topics and guidelines for the implementation of collaborative projects in INPRO Phase 2: general rule to built CPP consensus, expected outcome of this meeting and criteria to recommend CPPs to SCM. Atam Rao SH-NPTDS and INPRO Technical Coordinator.

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Atam Rao SH-NPTDS and INPRO Technical Coordinator

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  1. Clarification discussion on topics and guidelines for the implementation of collaborative projects in INPRO Phase 2:general rule to built CPP consensus, expected outcome of this meeting and criteria to recommend CPPs to SCM Atam Rao SH-NPTDS and INPRO Technical Coordinator CONSULTANCY MEETING ”TO REVIEW THE COLLABORATIVE PROJECT PROPOSALS (CPPs) FOR INPRO PHASE 2” 21-25 May, 2007 IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

  2. Received CPPs (1) ARM1: Investigation of method for treatment of spent nuclear fuel and radwaste in a country with small territory ARM2: Safety operation of nuclear unit(s) to comply with different regimes of the small power grid CAN1: Development of scenarios for actinide burning thermal reactors as part of a sustainable nuclear fuel cycle CZE1: Meeting of energy needs in the period of raw materials insufficiency during the 21st century FRA1: Reliability Assessment of Passive Gaseous Provisions (RGAP) 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  3. Received CPPs (2) FRA2: Environmental impact benchmarking relative to an INS FRA3: Proliferation Resistance analysis and methodology improvements for multinational INSs IND1: Investigation of safety issues for advanced high temperature reactors and their combined operation with hydrogen producing plants IND2: Investigation of technological challenges related to advanced high temperature reactors IND3: Collaborative research related to advanced water cooled reactors 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  4. Received CPPs (3) IND4: Study on probable development of nuclear energy systems in different regions and time frames and for different application areas including non-electric applications IND5: Integrated approach for the design of safety grade decay heat removal system for Liquid Metal Reactor (LMR) ROK1: Acquisition/diversion pathway analysis for the assessment of proliferation resistance including misuse and possible concealment strategies 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  5. Received CPPs (4) • RUS1: Development of a Global Architecture for Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems with thermal and fast reactors based on closed fuel cycle (GAINS) • RUS4:Floating NPPs with SMRs for various applications in developing countries 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  6. Nature of CPPs 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  7. Administrative Guidelines for Implementation of Collaborative Projects at Phase 2 INPRO. 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  8. CPPs Grouping By Technical Areas 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  9. Proposed options of implementation in CPPs 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  10. Recommended discussion flow INPRO reports summary of initial consideration on compliance with Framework document and characteristics of implementation options (TCP,CRP, JI) A presentation to explain (a) proposal(s) by a proponent + clarification questions A presentation to explain (a) proposal(s) by a proponent + clarification questions A presentation to explain (a) proposal(s) by a proponent + clarification questions A presentation to explain (a) proposal(s) by a proponent + clarification questions A presentation to explain (a) proposal(s) by a proponent + clarification questions A presentation to explain (a) proposal(s) by a proponent + clarification questions A presentation to explain (a) proposal(s) by a proponent + clarification questions • For each proposal, SC will • indicate interested partners • endorse the proposal • identify implementation option (CRP, TCP, JI) and resource commitment Set next action (e.g. technical meetings to discuss further detail) 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  11. Summary of initial consideration on compliance with Framework document *: one GIF member identifies its concern 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  12. Summary of implementation options 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  13. Proposed format for discussion **NS: not specified *Endorsement to go next step 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  14. 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  15. Clarification: Implementation options • Technical cooperation (TCP) • New projects start in 2009 • Some limited possibility of inter-regional option earlier • Coordinated Research Project (CRP) • Using existing mechanisms of IAEA, best for long term proposals – beyond 2009 • Some limited items can be included in 2008/09 plans • Joint Initiative (JI) • More flexible but requires new procedures e.g. the response to the 50th General Conference resolutions • Additional resources needed for coordination when large number of projects are started 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

  16. Summary • Promising options for future collaborative projects have been identified • Addressing member needs more directly • Addressing specific tasks allows more flexibility for participation in extra budgetary programs • Members encouraged to consider active participation • Need to agree to specific future actions/dates • Probably incorporate follow up actions from joint study on “fast reactors and closed fuel cycle” 10th SC, 7-8 December 2006

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