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How to Complete Job Applications

How to Complete Job Applications. Erin O’Hanlon Sharon Holtzman. How to Complete Job Applications. Introductions Tell us who you are…. What line of work are you looking for?. Universal Parts of Job Applications. Personal Information Name, address, citizenship.

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How to Complete Job Applications

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  1. How to Complete Job Applications Erin O’Hanlon Sharon Holtzman

  2. How to Complete Job Applications • Introductions • Tell us who you are…. • What line of work are you looking for?

  3. Universal Parts of Job Applications • Personal Information • Name, address, citizenship

  4. Universal Parts of Job Applications • Work History • Where you have worked before, what your job skills are

  5. Universal Parts of Job Applications • Education • All education should be listed, including one time workshops and technical schools, even if not completed

  6. Universal Parts of Job Applications • Criminal History Question

  7. Universal Parts of Job Applications • Depending on the field, may include specific questions • availability (retail) • References (professional) • Licensing information (medical or casino)

  8. Universal Parts of Job Applications • Signature section • Typically includes statement and signature

  9. Additional Parts of the Application Process • May include personality tests • May include specific demographic information about race, ethnicity, etc. • May include consent and release for drug testing

  10. Online Applications • Generally based on paper applications • Complete all areas, leave no blanks • Put in N/A for not applicable

  11. Tips for Completing Job Applications • Be honest in your answers • Come prepared – bring ball point pens (blue or black), and your “cheat sheet” • Be neat and legible • Apply for a specific position, even if its not currently open • Leave no blanks – write N/A for “not applicable” • Use complete sentences

  12. Tips for Completing Job Applications • Explain lengthy gaps in work history • Sign and date the application • Be sure that the application gets back to the right person/department • Proof read your work before turning it in • Bring your important documents – SS card, drivers license, professional licenses • If you have additional resume and references, hand in, even if it is a repeat of information provided on application

  13. How do applications get into the “no” pile? • Applicant doesn’t follow instructions • Misspelled words • Crossed out writing or can’t be read • Wrinkled or messy application form • Incomplete or blank information • Use of words such as quit or fired • Application not signed • Salary requirements not realistic

  14. Tricky Application Areas • Salary • Try not to get boxed in • Be broad in this area, or write “Open” or “Negotiable” • Only write within the salary range you know they are offering (from previous ad, etc.)

  15. Tricky Application Areas • Health and Ability • Legal vs. illegal • Legal: “Can you lift 50 lbs. from the ground?” • Illegal: “Do you have a disability?” • Previous workers compensation questions are legal

  16. Tricky Application Areas • Criminal Record • Legal Question: conviction only • Illegal Question: arrest or imprisonment • Be honest! Be specific to what the question that is asked.

  17. Tricky Application Areas • Work History • List all jobs, even part time ones, so that gaps are filled • List self employment between full time jobs, if applicable • Volunteer positions in between full time jobs

  18. Tricky Application Areas • Why did you leave your last job? • Plant closed or relocation • Moved • Seasonal work ended • Company downsized or reorganized • Corporate merger • Lack of work/lay off • Avoid the word “fired,” if applicable, use “terminated” or “irreconcilable differences”

  19. Tricky Application Areas • What led you to consider becoming an employee of this company? • “Good working conditions” • “I’ve heard good things about the company” • “I feel it is a great opportunity, with lots of growth potential.” • “Excellent work environment”

  20. Tricky Application Areas • References • Use no more than three references • Best, most recent, should be first • best references are a previous supervisor if possible, then co-worker, then friend or personal • Ask the person’s permission to use as reference • Don’t list anyone you’re not completely sure will give a good reference • Provide detailed contact information about reference

  21. What is a cheat sheet? • Pre-completed document with all your information on it • You will only have to refer to it for information, not carry that info in your head • Never hand it in, still write out applications

  22. Let’s try some applications! • Fill out at least three applications and then share for feedback.

  23. Thank You. • Sharon Holtzman, Home to Work Program • 609-601-9925, ext. 202 • Erin O’Hanlon, Self Sufficiency Program • 609-601-9925, ext. 201

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