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LEED ® -NC Commissioning

LEED ® -NC Commissioning . Presented by MBO Inc. Design Excellence Since 1990. Your Speakers for Today. Jorge Torres Coto, LEED AP Building Systems Commissioning Engineer MBO, Inc. jorge@mbo1.com Brought to you by MBO, Inc. Design Excellence Since 1990. Outline.

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LEED ® -NC Commissioning

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  1. LEED®-NC Commissioning Presented by MBO Inc.

  2. Design Excellence Since 1990 Your Speakers for Today Jorge Torres Coto, LEED AP Building Systems Commissioning Engineer MBO, Inc. jorge@mbo1.com Brought to you by MBO, Inc.

  3. Design Excellence Since 1990 Outline • What is commissioning? • Benefits and cost of Cx • LEED Requirements and tips • EAp1 • EAc3 • Examples and experience on LEED Cx • Who can be the Cx Provider? • Going beyond the LEED requirements and expectations

  4. What is Commissioning (Cx)? • Technical systematic process of verifying and testing Building Systems • TOTAL QUALITY ASSURANCE! • It applies to the Building Design • It applies to the Construction of the Building • It applies to the turnover of the building

  5. Design Excellence Since 1990 What Cx is NOT • Peer Review • Contractor’s Q & A program • Paper only process • Testing, Adjusting & Balancing • System Troubleshooting process • Inspection Process only

  6. Design Excellence Since 1990 Cx Process

  7. Design Excellence Since 1990 What are the Benefits of Cx • Systems perform as intended • Lower energy use and cost • Early detection of potential problems • Better building documentation (Systems Manual) • Trained building operators • Lower Operations & Maintenance (O&M) cost • Enhanced Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) • Reduced construction costs (<Change Orders)

  8. Design Excellence Since 1990 What can and will be Commissioned • Whole Building Commissioning NIBS • Guideline 0 - ASHRAE/NIBS The Cx Process • Guideline 1 - ASHRAE, HVAC&R System • Guideline 2 - ASCE, Structural System • Guideline 3 - BETEC, Exterior Envelope System • Guideline 4 - NRCA, Roofing System • Guideline 5 - AWCI, Interior System • Guideline 6 - NEII, Elevator System • Guideline 7 - ASPE, Plumbing System • Guideline 8 - IES, Lighting System • Guideline 9 - IEEE, Electrical System • Guideline 10 - NFPA, Fire Protection System • Guideline 11 - TIA, Telecommunications System

  9. Design Excellence Since 1990 Economics of Cx • The operating costs of a commissioned building are 8 – 20% lower than a comparable non-commissioned building (GSA Building Commissioning Guideline)

  10. Design Excellence Since 1990 Other benefits of Cx • Reduced change orders. • 0.5% - 10% of total MEP change orders • Reduce RFI’s • RFI’s turn into change orders $$$ • Improved occupant comfort = Productivity • $0.10/ft2/year

  11. Design Excellence Since 1990 Cost associated with Cx Commissioning cost ($/Gft2) Commissioning cost can vary considerably from project to project. Actual cost depend on: • Project size • Project complexity • Rigor of Cx effort The question is not whether you can afford to Cx? But, can you afford not to? Simple Complex

  12. Design Excellence Since 1990 Cx – The Bottom Line • Cx adds value. • Helps maintain and prove the Green excitement • Ensures IEQ benefits • ROI

  13. Design Excellence Since 1990 ASHRAE Cx Process The 4 phases of the Cx Process

  14. Design Excellence Since 1990 LEED Rating System • Sustainable Sites • Water Efficiency • Energy & Atmosphere • Pre-1 Fundamental Systems Cx • Cre-3 Enhanced Cx • Materials & Resources • Indoor Environmental Quality • Innovation & Design Process

  15. Design Excellence Since 1990 Energy & Atmosphere EAp1 Pre-1 Fundamental Systems Cx • Designate a Cx Authority • Document OPR and develop BOD • Incorporate Cx requirements into CD • Develop and implement Cx plan • Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems • Complete a summary of the Cx Report

  16. Design Excellence Since 1990 1.Designate the Cx Authority 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion Part of the owner’s team (ideally) Third party in preferred but can be part of the design team CxA shall be independent of the project’s design and construction management, though they may be employees of the firms providing those services.

  17. Design Excellence Since 1990 2.Document OPR & BOD 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • OPR • Completed by Owner, CxA and Project Team • Owner and user requirements • Environmental and sustainable goals • Energy efficiency goals • IEQ requirements • Equipment and System expectations • Building occupant and O&M personnel requirements • BOD • Completed by the design team • Primary design assumptions • Standards • Narrative descriptions

  18. Design Excellence Since 1990 3.Incorporate Cx into CD’s 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • Project Specifications • Typically the Cx requirements are in the specs. • US DOE / PECI Guide • http://peci.org/library/mcpgs.htm • Whole Building Design Guide • http://www.wbdg.org/ccb/browse_org.php?o=70

  19. Design Excellence Since 1990 5.Develop & Implement Cx Plan 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • Start early • Preferably during DD • It is not a rigid document • changes with planning, scheduling, etc.

  20. Design Excellence Since 1990 7.Verify the installation & performance of the systems 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • Installation inspection • System performance testing • Evaluation of results compared to OPR/BOD

  21. Design Excellence Since 1990 10.Complete Cx Report 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • Executive summary on the process & results • Deficiency list with resolutions • Performance test results

  22. Design Excellence Since 1990 Certification Submittals • LEED Letter template • Completed OPR and BOD • Incorporated Cx into specifications • Cx plan • Verified installation and performance of systems • Completed Cx Report

  23. Design Excellence Since 1990 Energy & Atmosphere EAc3 Cre-3 Enhanced Commissioning • Designate a Cx Authority • Document OPR and develop BOD • Incorporate Cx requirements into CD • Conduct Cx design review prior to CD • Develop and implement Cx plan • Review contractor submittals applicable to Cx scope • Verify the installation and performance of the commissioned systems • Develop Systems Manual • Verify requirements for training are complete • Complete a summary of the Cx Report • Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion

  24. Design Excellence Since 1990 Cre-3 Enhanced Cx • Cx Authority must be an independent party • The CxA shall perform at least: • Design review prior to CD’s • Review contractor submittals • Review building operation (post-occupancy)

  25. Design Excellence Since 1990 4.Design Review 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • Minimum one Cx design review of: • OPR • BOD • Design documents prior to mid-CD phase • Back check review comments in subsequent submission

  26. Design Excellence Since 1990 6.Review Contractor Submittals 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • Only review submittals applicable to systems being commissioned for compliance with OPR and BOD. • Do they meet OPR and BOD • O & M requirements • Facilitating performance testing

  27. Design Excellence Since 1990 8.Develop Systems Manual 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • In addition to the O&M manual that is provided to the staff by the contractor. • Focuses on operations rather than maintenance. • Specifics of interactions between equipment • Final version of BOD • Single line diagrams • As-built sequences of operation • Operating instruction for integrated systems • Recommended maintenance schedules • Recommended retesting schedules with blank test forms • Recommended recalibration schedules for sensors and actuators

  28. Design Excellence Since 1990 9.Verify Requirements for Training 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • Document training expectations and needs with the owner • Ensure staff and occupants receive training and orientation • Special attention should target new or uncommon design features that have a potential of being over-ridden or removed due to lack of understanding.

  29. Design Excellence Since 1990 11.Review Building Operations 1.Designate a Cx Authority 2.Document OPR and develop BOD 3.Incorporate Cx requirements into CD 4.Conduct Design phase Cx Review 5.Develop and implement Cx plan 6.Review Contractor’s Approved Submittals 7.Verify the installation and performance of the Commissioned systems 8.Develop Systems Manual for the Cx Systems 9.Verify the requirements for Training are completed. 10.Complete a summary of the Cx Report 11.Review building operation within 10 months after substantial completion • After handover ( 6 – 10 months) review performance of building/facility with owner and O&M staff. • Create a deficiencies list (prior to manufacturer / contractors warranty expiration) • Any items listed on the deficiencies list that will not be corrected shall be documented in the Systems Manual

  30. Design Excellence Since 1990 Certification Submittals • LEED Letter template • CxA conducted design review • CxA reviewed submittals • Systems Manual • O&M staff and occupants have been trained • CxA review of building operation post-occupancy

  31. Design Excellence Since 1990 USGBC’s CxA inerpretations • CxA for Cre-3 has to be independent, cannot be hired by design or construction team • Late in the game. • If owner commits to LEED late it is acceptable to provide two reviews during and after CD’s in lieu of reviews at SD and CD • For prototype buildings: • Reviews are acceptable after SD • 2 reviews are to be performed on latter stages of design.

  32. Design Excellence Since 1990 Open Forum • Questions?Comments?Complaints?Praises?

  33. Design Excellence Since 1990 Cx References • www.peci.org • http://www.wbdg.org/ccb/NIBS/nibs_gl3.pdf • www.ashrae.org • www.bcxa.org • www.cacx.org/library

  34. Design Excellence Since 1990 THANK YOU MBO INC. 4619 Viewridge Avenue, Suite C San Diego, CA 92071 858.751.0933 jorge@mbo1.com

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