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LEED was created by the USGBC to: Define "green building" by establishing a common standard of measurement Promote integrated, whole-building design practices Recognize environmental leadership in the building industry Stimulate green competition
LEED was created by the USGBC to: • Define "green building" by establishing a common standard of measurement • Promote integrated, whole-building design practices • Recognize environmental leadership in the building industry • Stimulate green competition • Raise consumer awareness of green building benefits • Transform the building market EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
LEED™ • Sets high performance criteria for: • Sustainable Sites (14 +1) • Water Efficiency (5) • Energy And Atmosphere (17 +3) • Materials & Resources (13 +1) • Indoor Environmental Quality (15 + 2) • Innovation & Design Process (4 + LAP) LEED™ Key Tower Base Remodel, City of Seattle Hewitt Architects EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
LEED Rating System Major Project Target 26 33 39 52 EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
LEED Categories EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Sustainable Sites 14 Site Selection • Avoid development on inappropriate sites 1 credit • Urban Redevelopment • Use sites that are within an existing minimum development density of 60,000 square feet per acre (2 story downtown development).1 credit • Brownfield Redevelopment • Rehabilitate damaged sites 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Sustainable Sites Alternative Transportation • Locate building within ½ mile of a commuter rail, light rail or subway station or ¼ mile of 2 or more bus lines. 1 credit • Provide for bicycles, with convenient changing/shower facilities for 5% or more of building occupants. 1 credit • Install alternative-fuel refueling station(s) for 3% of the total vehicle parking. • 1 credit • Parking not to exceed minimum local zoning AND provide preferred parking for carpools or van pools for 5% of the building occupants, • OR, add no new parking for rehabilitation projects AND provide preferred parking for carpools or van pools capable of serving 5% of the building occupants. 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Sustainable Sites Reduced Site Disturbance • Greenfields - Limit disturbance to within 40’ of buildings, 5’ of roads and walks, 25’ of parking - Redevelopment - plant native vegetation on 50%+ open area. 1 credit • Reduce development footprint to exceed local open space zoning by 25%.1 credit • Stormwater Management • No net increase in runoff, OR, if existing imperviousness 50%+, reduce runoff 25%. 1 credit • Treatment systems to remove 80% of post development TSS and 40% of phosphorous • 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Sustainable Sites Landscape and Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands • Provide shade (within 5 years) on at least 30% of non-roof impervious surfaces • OR, use light-colored/high-albedo materials (reflectance of at least 0.3) for 30% of non-roof impervious surfaces, • OR place 50% of parking under-ground • OR use open-grid pavement system for 50% of parking area.1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Sustainable Sites Landscape and Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands • Use ENERGY STAR high-reflectance AND low -e roofing for 75% of the roof surface; • OR, install a “green” (vegetated) roof for at least 50% of the roof area. 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Sustainable Sites Light Pollution Reduction • Eliminate light trespass from the building site, improve night sky access, and reduce development impact on nocturnal environments. 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Water Efficiency 5 Water Efficient Landscaping • High efficiency irrigation, • OR, use rain or recycled site water for 50% reduction in potable water for irrigation.1credit • Use 100% rain or recycled site water for irrigation, • OR, do not install permanent landscape irrigation systems. 1 credit • Innovative Wastewater Technologies • Reduce potable water use for sewage conveyance by 50%+, • OR, treat 100% wastewater on site to tertiary standards • 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Water Efficiency Water Use Reduction • Reduce potable water use 20% below baseline (excluding irrigation) after meeting Energy Policy Act of 1992 fixture performance requirements. 1 credit • Additional 10% reduction (30% below baseline).1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Energy and Atmosphere 17 Energy Performance Optimization • Achieve levels of energy conservation above ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999, as demonstrated by a whole building simulation using the Energy Cost Budget Method. New BldgsExisting BldgsPoints 20% 10% 2 30% 20% 4 40% 30% 6 50% 40% 8 60% 50% 10 EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Energy and Atmosphere Renewable Energy • 5% of total energy use1 credit • 10% of total energy use 1 credit • 20% of total energy use 1 credit • Additional Commissioning • Employ a third party Commissioning Agent to prepare and implement a comprehensive commissioning plan starting at design review and continuing through post occupancy.1 credit • Elimination of HCFC’s and Halons • Install base building level HVAC&R and fire suppression systems that do not contain HCFC’s or Halon.1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Energy and Atmosphere Measurement and Verification • Provide ongoing measurement/verification of energy and water consumption 1 credit Green Power • Engage in two-year contract to purchase power meeting CRS Green-E requirements 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Materials and Resources 13 Building Reuse • Reuse large portions of existing structures during renovation or redevelopment projects.1-3 credits Construction Waste Management • Recycle and/or salvage 50% of construction, demolition and land clearing waste. Recycle/salvage an additional 25% of waste. 1-2 credits Resource Reuse • Specify salvaged or refurbished materials for 5% of building materials. Specify an additional 5% 1-2 credits EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Materials and Resources Recycled Content • Specify minimum 25% of building materials with average of 20% post-consumer, OR, minimum average of 40% post-industrial recycled content material. 1 credit • Specify additional 25% (50% total) of recycled content material. 1 credit Local/Regional Materials • Specify a minimum of 20% of building materials manufactured within a radius of 500 miles. 1 credit • Of these, specify minimum 50% of materials extracted, harvested or recovered within a radius of 500 miles. 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Materials and Resources Rapidly Renewable Materials • Specify rapidly renewable materials (replenished faster than traditional extraction demand) for 5% of total building materials 1 credit Certified Wood • Use a minimum of 50% of wood-based materials certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council guidelines 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Indoor Environmental Quality 15 Access Floor with Underfloor Air CO2 Monitoring • Install permanent CO2 monitoring system and set points to maintain indoor CO2 levels no higher than outdoor levels than 530 ppm at any one time. 1 credit Increased Ventilation Effectiveness • Design mechanically ventilated building system with air change effectiveness greater than or equal to 0.9 (ASHRAE 129-1997). In naturally ventilated buildings, demonstrate distribution and laminar air flow 90%+ of room or zone for at least 95% of hours of occupancy 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Indoor Environmental Quality Construction IAQ Management Plan • Meet or exceed SMACNA IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Building under Construction . 1 credit • Conduct minimum two week building flush-out at 100% outside air prior to occupancy . 1 credit Low Emitting Materials Meet pr exceed VOC limits as follows: • Adhesives - SCAQMD Rule # 1168. Sealants - BAARB Reg. 8, Rule 51 • Paints and Coatings - VOC and chemical component limits of Green Seal Requirements • Carpet systems - Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label Indoor Air Quality Test Program limits. • Composite wood or agrifiber products contain no added urea-formaldehyde resins 1 credit each EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Pollutant Source Control • Minimize cross-contamination of regularly occupied areas by chemical pollutants . • 1 credit Controllability of Systems • Provide 1 operable window and 1 lighting control zone per 200 sq. ft for all occupied areas within 15 ft. of perimeter . 1 credit • Provide controls for each occupant for airflow, temperature and lighting for 50% of non-perimeter, regularly occupied areas. 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Indoor Environmental Quality Thermal Comfort • Comply with ASHRAE 55-1992, Addenda 1995 for thermal comfort including humidity control. 1 credit • Install permanent temperature and humidity monitoring system to provide operator control (building automation system). 1 credit Daylight and Views • Orient buildings to maximize daylighting options. Consider shallow or narrow building footprints. Employ courtyards, atriums, clerestory windows, skylights, and light shelves to achieve daylight penetration. 1 credit • Direct line of sight to vision glazing from 90% of all regularly occupied spaces, not including copy rooms, storage areas, mechanical, laundry, and other low occupancy support areas. 1 credit EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
Innovation 5 • Four potential points for Innovation • One point for at least one LEED Accredited Professional • The intent of the innovation design credit is to provide design teams and projects the opportunity to be awarded points for exceptional performance above requirements set by the LEED Green Building System and/or innovation Performance in Green Building categories not specifically addressed by the LEED Green Building categories not specifically addressed in the LEED Green Building Rating System EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop
LEED Certification Process • Register Project: The project team registers with USGBC. • Application Submittal: The project team submits two copies of the project application and the corresponding fee to the LEED Certification Manager. • Administrative Review: An administrative compliance review is completed within one week from the USGBC's receipt of the application. Each credit is reviewed for compliance and completeness. The technical review begins when the issues raised by the administrative review are resolved. • Technical Review: Within two weeks of administrative approval, the USGBC issues a Preliminary LEED Review document noting points earned, pending and rejected. The project team has 30 days from the receipt of the preliminary review to provide corrections and/or additions as a supplementary submittal to the application. The USGBC conducts a Final LEED Review of the application within 30 days of receiving the resubmittal and recommends a final application score to the LEED Steering Committee. The LEED Steering Committee accepts or rejects the recommended final application score within two weeks of receipt and notifies the project contact of the LEED Certification. • Award: Upon notification of the LEED Certification, the project team has 30 days to accept or appeal the awarded certification.. The USGBC presents the project team with a certificate and a metal LEED plaque indicating the certification level. EFS West-Building to Sustainability Workshop