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The Defense Acquisition Workforce

Our charge is to assess and address the following:. Successfully Meeting All Demands on Acquisition Workforce Our Acquisition Outcomes are Critical to National SecuritySuccessfully Competing for

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The Defense Acquisition Workforce

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    1. The Defense Acquisition Workforce

    2. Our charge is to assess and address the following: Successfully Meeting All Demands on Acquisition Workforce – Our Acquisition Outcomes are Critical to National Security Successfully Competing for & Retaining Talent “Big A” Workforce Needs Integrated Total Force Human Capital Planning Resourcing Human Capital Initiatives To name a few... Other workforce topics we address: Mitigating Loss of Skilled/Experienced Workforce Better equipping/supporting the workforce for successful performance Transferring Knowledge/Expertise to New Generation of Defense Acquisition Workforce Other workforce topics we address: Mitigating Loss of Skilled/Experienced Workforce Better equipping/supporting the workforce for successful performance Transferring Knowledge/Expertise to New Generation of Defense Acquisition Workforce

    3. Reagan build-up 80s followed by post Cold War draw-down in the early 90s 1998 represents the height of the Acq Wkfce size @146,071 After 9/11, goods and services began to grow rapidly, while the size of the workforce continued to decrease. The 2005 count was 134,368; the end of FY08 count was 125,879. The Obama years represent a notional time where $’s obligated to goods may remain steady, services decrease, and RDT&E increase. $Dollars Obligated up 188% since 2001 # MDAPs up 36% 2001 to 2007 (70 to 95) Reagan build-up 80s followed by post Cold War draw-down in the early 90s 1998 represents the height of the Acq Wkfce size @146,071 After 9/11, goods and services began to grow rapidly, while the size of the workforce continued to decrease. The 2005 count was 134,368; the end of FY08 count was 125,879. The Obama years represent a notional time where $’s obligated to goods may remain steady, services decrease, and RDT&E increase. $Dollars Obligated up 188% since 2001 # MDAPs up 36% 2001 to 2007 (70 to 95)

    4. The fact of the matter is that DoD and AT&L are older than national average workforce. So, not only is our workforce being downsized, but we have a very retirement-ready workforce.The fact of the matter is that DoD and AT&L are older than national average workforce. So, not only is our workforce being downsized, but we have a very retirement-ready workforce.

    5. Congress has also taken notice of poor Acq outcomes.Congress has also taken notice of poor Acq outcomes.

    6. As such, they have been very helpful in providing ways to improve the Acq wkfce such that Acq outcomes will improve. There have been 35 legislative actions since FY06 in efforts to increase the quality of the wkfce in the ways seen in the chart. Ex: NDAA FY07, Sec. 813: ESTABLISHMENT OF PANEL ON CONTRACTING INTEGRITY. NDAA FY 08, Sec. 852: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ACQUISITION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FUND. NDAA FY08, Sec. 851: REQUIREMENT FOR SECTION ON DEFENSE ACQUISITION WORKFORCE IN STRATEGIC HUMAN CAPITAL PLAN. NDAA FY09, 834: CAREER PATH AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL IN THE ACQUISITION FIELD. NDAA FY07, Sec. 820: GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE OF CRITICAL ACQUISITION FUNCTIONS.As such, they have been very helpful in providing ways to improve the Acq wkfce such that Acq outcomes will improve. There have been 35 legislative actions since FY06 in efforts to increase the quality of the wkfce in the ways seen in the chart. Ex: NDAA FY07, Sec. 813: ESTABLISHMENT OF PANEL ON CONTRACTING INTEGRITY. NDAA FY 08, Sec. 852: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ACQUISITION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FUND. NDAA FY08, Sec. 851: REQUIREMENT FOR SECTION ON DEFENSE ACQUISITION WORKFORCE IN STRATEGIC HUMAN CAPITAL PLAN. NDAA FY09, 834: CAREER PATH AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL IN THE ACQUISITION FIELD. NDAA FY07, Sec. 820: GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE OF CRITICAL ACQUISITION FUNCTIONS.

    7. Defense Acquisition Workforce Recent Reports

    8. Leadership Vector on DAW Leadership has aligned with Congress’ push for a stronger Acq wkfce.Leadership has aligned with Congress’ push for a stronger Acq wkfce.

    9. One of the outcomes of the leadership alignment was the JAT on DAW.One of the outcomes of the leadership alignment was the JAT on DAW.

    11. The JAT initially planned to address these 5 focus areas; however it was determined that addressing each of these adequately would require more than 60 days.The JAT initially planned to address these 5 focus areas; however it was determined that addressing each of these adequately would require more than 60 days.

    12. Task: DAW JAT Total Force Objective: Assess and provide recommendations to support AT&L’s ability to build capability/capacity of Defense acquisition workforce (DAW) Determine the appropriate size and mix of the DAW In-source functions that are inherently governmental or exempt from private sector performance, or when it would reduce workforce costs Goal: Provide recommendations to reshape and increase the organic DAW over the FYDP—reach the “right size” and mix of the total DAW Scope of Effort: Consider the five major DoD Components: Military Departments, DCMA, and DLA Account for the total DAW—i.e., to include military, DoD civilian, and contract support Key Enablers for Growing the Organic DAW include: In-sourcing contracted functions per sec. 324 guidelines Validating additional manpower requirements for new/expanded missions; but divest/restructure where it makes sense Closing the gap between what is required, authorized, and available to perform DAW missions in order to eliminate workforce gaps and rebuild capability and capacity Key Enablers for Growing the Organic DAW exclude: Arbitrary increases across all DAW functions—i.e., without regard to workload or priority Therefore, “total force” became the focus for this JAT. Total force includes both organic and contract employees. Total force focus is critical to determine how 852 funds are spent, what size the workforce should be, and what the mix should look like. Discussions were driven by Sec. 807, Sec. 324, and SECDEF’s charge to grow the workforce. This meant there needed to be a determination of our baseline total force.Therefore, “total force” became the focus for this JAT. Total force includes both organic and contract employees. Total force focus is critical to determine how 852 funds are spent, what size the workforce should be, and what the mix should look like. Discussions were driven by Sec. 807, Sec. 324, and SECDEF’s charge to grow the workforce. This meant there needed to be a determination of our baseline total force.

    13. Based on DataMart, which is populated with Component data under 5000.55 each quarter, the acquisition workforce was just under 126K as of the end of FY08. The majority of the acquisition workforce falls under SPRDE and Contracting, with substantial populations also in PM and LCL. There are currently 14 career fields. As of Oct 1, 2009, BCEFM will split into Business – Cost Estimator, and Business – Financial Manager, making 15 career fields for the DAW. “SPRDE” includes all of the SPRDE career paths; “Other” includes Property, Facilities Engineering, Purchasing, and unknown.Based on DataMart, which is populated with Component data under 5000.55 each quarter, the acquisition workforce was just under 126K as of the end of FY08. The majority of the acquisition workforce falls under SPRDE and Contracting, with substantial populations also in PM and LCL. There are currently 14 career fields. As of Oct 1, 2009, BCEFM will split into Business – Cost Estimator, and Business – Financial Manager, making 15 career fields for the DAW. “SPRDE” includes all of the SPRDE career paths; “Other” includes Property, Facilities Engineering, Purchasing, and unknown.

    14. Total Force Management

    15. Total Force Management So, while we are able to continuously track the size of our organic workforce, the JAT forced us to start nailing down our contractor force. As such, Components gave us their best available data , at just under 57K.So, while we are able to continuously track the size of our organic workforce, the JAT forced us to start nailing down our contractor force. As such, Components gave us their best available data , at just under 57K.

    16. Total Force Management

    17. DAW—Contracted Portion Unknown However, even though we are beginning to wrap our arms around the total number, we cannot look at those contractors in the same buckets that we place our organic force.However, even though we are beginning to wrap our arms around the total number, we cannot look at those contractors in the same buckets that we place our organic force.

    18. The baseline determined in the JAT is used to apply SECDEF’s workforce rebalance. SECDEF wants the organic force to increase by 15%, and the contractor force to decrease by 20% through conversions and separations. Maintains and strengthens core capability of organic workforce Improves oversight of all acquisition activitiesThe baseline determined in the JAT is used to apply SECDEF’s workforce rebalance. SECDEF wants the organic force to increase by 15%, and the contractor force to decrease by 20% through conversions and separations. Maintains and strengthens core capability of organic workforce Improves oversight of all acquisition activities

    19. The strategy to implement the rebalance begins with an aggressive hiring/conversion process by the end of FY10. Meetings are taking place with the Components to determine what career fields will receive the new hires and converted personnel. There are also initiatives being worked to ensure the best people are recruited into the acquisition workforce, and that they appropriately/adequately trained.The strategy to implement the rebalance begins with an aggressive hiring/conversion process by the end of FY10. Meetings are taking place with the Components to determine what career fields will receive the new hires and converted personnel. There are also initiatives being worked to ensure the best people are recruited into the acquisition workforce, and that they appropriately/adequately trained.

    20. Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund Initiatives Note that the vast majority of 852 spending for this FY is devoted to recruiting and hiring. Potential follow-on JATs will discuss how we can improve/provide more robust retention strategies for Defense acquisition.Note that the vast majority of 852 spending for this FY is devoted to recruiting and hiring. Potential follow-on JATs will discuss how we can improve/provide more robust retention strategies for Defense acquisition.

    21. Civilian Hires - Estimate 90 Hires (FY08-09) Additional student travel dollars to support expanded training courses (approximately 7000 new students in FY09) Facilities (additional regional classrooms, DC Metro Campus) IT Infrastructure (expanded Help Desk for online courses, more laptops, etc.) New Learning Asset Initiatives Virtual Training Environment (US Nexus) Simulation & Gaming Small Business Training Modules

    22. NSBE: National Society for Black Engineers NBMBAA: National Black MBA Association NSHMBA: National Society for Hispanic MBAs CAHSEE: Center for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering; funded by NASA SHPE: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers AISES: American Indian Science & Engineering Society JEOM: Joint Educational Opportunities for Minorities Program - Created by DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program, JEOM focuses on students who have an interest in or would like to explore computational science and high performance computing challenges important to the DoD. A corollary goal is to ensure a competitive and diverse workforce within the DoD by offering training, mentorship, and career development for undergraduate students in the STEM disciplines. To help students and the DoD, JEOM also provides practical work experience and an introduction to the DoD's supercomputers and applications. NSBE: National Society for Black Engineers NBMBAA: National Black MBA Association NSHMBA: National Society for Hispanic MBAs CAHSEE: Center for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering; funded by NASA SHPE: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers AISES: American Indian Science & Engineering Society JEOM: Joint Educational Opportunities for Minorities Program - Created by DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program, JEOM focuses on students who have an interest in or would like to explore computational science and high performance computing challenges important to the DoD. A corollary goal is to ensure a competitive and diverse workforce within the DoD by offering training, mentorship, and career development for undergraduate students in the STEM disciplines. To help students and the DoD, JEOM also provides practical work experience and an introduction to the DoD's supercomputers and applications.

    23. Continue to define and refine total force capability. Grow, right size, and right shape MDAPs with the right skilled people such that we improve program outcomes. Establish robust recruiting strategies focused on interns, journeymen, and highly qualified expert (HQE) initiatives. Attract and retain the highest caliber military and civilian members into the acquisition workforce. Way Ahead

    24. Questions Comments Discussion

    25. BACK-UP

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