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PSYCHOLOGICAL WRITER. STUDENTS: Antúnez Natalia, Avila Lisbet , Campo Lucia, Díaz Marina and Micaela Monsalve. LANGUAGE V 2013. WILLIAM FAULKNER ( 1897-1962 ).

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  1. PSYCHOLOGICAL WRITER STUDENTS: Antúnez Natalia, AvilaLisbet, Campo Lucia, Díaz Marina and Micaela Monsalve. LANGUAGE V 2013

  2. WILLIAM FAULKNER (1897-1962) • He was a psychological writer because he was more interested in the characters' reaction to the incidents of a story than in the incidents themselves. • He was well-known for using the literal technique: STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

  3. STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS … … is a technique whereby the author writes as though inside the minds of the characters. As a technique, stream-of-consciousness was first used in English by James Joyce and Virginia Woolf. But Faulkner's use of this technique in The Sound and the Furyis probably the most successful and outstanding use that we have yet had. • Do you remember any story that we have seen in previous years in which this technique has been used ?

  4. In literature, it records character's feelings and thoughts through stream of consciousness in attempt to capture all the external and internal forces that influence their psychology at a single moment. • Any logical or sequential approach is disregarded.

  5. In “A Rose for Emily”… • The unnamed narrators are the townspeople of Jefferson, Mississippi, who have for some years watched Emily Grierson with considerable interest but also respectful distance. • Readers learn about the main characters and main events of the story through the townspeople’s eyes. They always use the first person plural we to describe the story. While the narrator notes and reports many things about Miss Emily's history and personality, we only get to infer what Emily feels and thinks because Faulkner never gets to go inside Emily’s mind. It’s the reader’s job to understand several important factors affecting her.


  7. What can youinferaboutEmily’s mental healthtowardstheending of thestory?

  8. The final scene of thestorysuggeststhat Emily is a … Necrophiliac.Necrophilia typically means a sexual attraction to dead bodies. In a broader sense, the term also describes a powerful desire to control another, usually in the context of a romantic or deeply personal relationship. Necrophiliacs tend to be so controlling in their relationships that they ultimately resort to bonding with unresponsive entities with no resistance or will—in other words, with dead bodies.

  9. Forexample • Mr. Grierson controlled Emily’s life, and after his death, Emily temporarily controledhim by refusing to give up his dead body to the authorities of the town. • She ended up transferring this control to Homer, the object of her affection. Unable to find a traditional way to express her desire to possess Homer, Emily took his life to achieve total power over him.

  10. Emily attempted to gain power over death by denying the fact of death itself. Her bizarre relationship to the dead bodies of the men she has loved—her necrophilia—was revealed first when her father died. She wasunable to admit that her father died because she had lived all his life under the control of her father. So the only kind of love that she knew was a controlling and obsessed one. Her necrophilia was revealed again when Homer died. Emily refused to acknowledge it once again—although this time, she herself was responsible for his death. In killing Homer, she was able to keep him near her.

  11. ACTIVITY UNKNOWN WISH  • Please, write a wish you have on a sheet of paper without writing your names. • Then, put it in the pencil case. • After having mixed the papers, each of you pick up one and read it aloud AS IF IT WERE YOUR OWN WISH. PURPOSE: This game allows all the participants to express their hidden wishes and also see how the others react to it. This game also fosters the sense of empathy for others.

  12. What do youthinkEmily’shiddenwishwas?

  13. bibliography • http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Faulkner • http://www.sparknotes.com/short-stories/a-rose-for-emily/

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