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Your Teacher’s Association

The In’s and Out’s. Your Teacher’s Association. Who we are…. We are Indiana education employees – some 47,000 of us statewide Organized to provide quality support, assistance and benefits for public school employees. What is “The Association”. Your local… NAFCEA

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Your Teacher’s Association

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  1. The In’s and Out’s Your Teacher’s Association

  2. Who we are… • We are Indiana education employees – some 47,000 of us statewide • Organized to provide quality support, assistance and benefits for public school employees

  3. What is “The Association” Your local…NAFCEA • Local bargaining teams represent you in contract negotiations. (JBISC) • Local discussion teams meet with administrators to voice teacher’s views and share teacher’s expertise. (Central Discussion; Building committees) • Local representatives ensure contract rights are not violated • Local advisor on employment issues. • Your voice with local administrators and before your school board

  4. NAFCEA Website • http://newalbany-floydcountyeducationassociation.weebly.com/index.html • Under re-construction…

  5. What is “The Association” • Your state…ISTA (Indiana State Teacher’s Association) • ISTA UniServ Directors provide assistance to local bargaining teams • Expert representation through ISTA’s legal services programs. • Quality professional development programs and workshops. • Recognized influence in education policy making in the Indiana General Assembly. • Ensure just cause and due process for members.

  6. ISTA Website • http://www.ista-in.org/

  7. What is “The Association” • Your National…NEA (National Education Association) • More than 3.2 million members worldwide. • Educators Employment Liability Insurance (up to $1 million) • Professional resources via workshops, conferences, and the World Wide Web. • Programs through NEA benefits. • Recognized influence on national education policy in Congress. • Discounts on travel, prescriptions, subscriptions, shopping. • Publications and communications prepared especially for teachers. • Professional development through NEA Academy

  8. NEA Website • http://msg5svc.net/servlet/Pv?c=703d6e65617826733d393931393334266d3d32373026743d4826723d4e2664613d30267469643d30 • www.nea.org

  9. Local Structure • Officers • Joy Lohmeyer, President, (Hazelwood M.S.) • Michele Adams, Elementary V. P. (Greenville Elementary) • Doug Taylor, Middle School V.P. (Scribner M.S.) • Steve Bonifer, High School V.P. (NAHS) • Mark Doyle, Treasurer, (Prosser) Executive Committee: officers, 3 high school reps, 3 middle school reps, 3 elementary reps, past president, secretaries(corresponding/recording), communications coordinator, parliamentarian

  10. Local Structure • Representative Assembly • Building reps from each school (number depends on the size of building 10:1) • NAHS, Lee Kelly - FCHS, Chris Street • Prosser, Mark Doyle • HMS, Wendy McCrory, Linda Batman • HHMS, Carla Thomas • SMS, Robbie Clark

  11. Local Structure • Building reps – Elementary Schools • Fairmont, Katie Nacrelli • FKE, Kara Baumann, Rebecca Hertle • Georgetown, Marcia Cox • Grant Line, Karen Clipp • Green Valley, Phyllis Vernia • Greenville, Athenus Mattingly • MTS, Jim Adams III • SEJ, Erin Banet, Aimee Mullis, Karen McKlean • SR, Beth Frazier

  12. Local Structure • Building committees: building grade level or department level teachers who represent and communicate with their colleagues regarding building issues • Central Discussion: district level representation for discussion • Elementary • Secondary

  13. When to contact… • If you have a question, concern… • Start with a building level association rep • Next contact level is your respective vice president • Next contact level is your president • Next contact level is your UniServe director

  14. We are here to… Serve members Serve you

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