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NATIONAL INTERAGENCY FIRE CENTER CASUAL PAYMENT CENTER MS 270 3833 S DEVELOPMENT AVE BOISE, ID 83705-5354 PHONE: 877-471-2262 or 208-387-5760 FAX: 208-433-6405. Email: casualpay@blm.gov Website: http:// www.nifc.gov/programs/programs_PaymentCenter.html.
NATIONAL INTERAGENCY FIRE CENTER CASUAL PAYMENT CENTER MS 270 3833 S DEVELOPMENT AVE BOISE, ID 83705-5354 PHONE: 877-471-2262 or 208-387-5760 FAX: 208-433-6405 Email: casualpay@blm.gov Website: http://www.nifc.gov/programs/programs_PaymentCenter.html
PII-Personally Identifiable Information Please help us protect the integrity, security and confidentiality of Privacy Act information. Social Security Numbers are confidential information and are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. Sending Emails to the CPC: Please remember Personally Identifiable Information (PII) should not be sent via email. PII includes: Name, Social Security Number (including last four), Address, Bank Account Information, Phone Number, Email Address, Date of Birth, etc.
Form I-9 • What is the purpose of Form I-9? • The purpose of this form is to document verification of the identity and employment authorization of each new employee (both citizen and non-citizen) to work in the United States. • Employers must ensure newly hired employees complete and sign Section 1 of Form I-9, no later than the first day of employment. • Employers must examine evidence of identity and employment authorization within 3 business days of the employee’s first day of employment. • The following slides explain in detail how to complete the Form I-9.
Section 1 of Form I-9 For the most current form and instructions visit www.uscis.gov Ensure the form is the most current form. XXX XX XXXX This section must be legible. Employee’s name must match what is on the presented supporting documents. E-mail address and phone number are optional. Employee may write “N/A” if they choose not to provide this information.
Section 1 of Form I-9 Employee Attestation Ensure one of the boxes for citizenship is checked. Ensure the employee signs and dates this form the day it is completed by the employee. Smokey Bear 06/13/XX If employee requires assistance in completing Section 1, this certification block must be completed.
Section 2 of Form I-9 Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verification All documents must be unexpired and original with the exception of a certified copy of a birth certificate. REMEMBER: Employers CANNOT specify which document(s) they will accept from an employee. This is an example of a document presented from List A. Bear, Smokey Employer must clearly indicate document title, issuing authority, document number and expiration date. It is important to note the examiner of the documents and the employee must both be physically present during the examination of the employee’s documents.
Section 2 of Form I-9 Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verification This is an example of documents presented from List B and List C. List B contains documents that establish identity only. List C contains documents that establish employment authorization only. Bear, Smokey If documents from List B & C are presented, a document from list A should not be presented. The examiner of the documents and the employee must both be physically present during the examination of the employee’s documents.
LISTS OF ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS All documents must be UNEXPIRED Employees may present one selection from List A or a combination of one from List B and one selection from List C.
CERTIFICATION OF FORM I-9 The employer must complete Section 2 by examining evidence of identity and employment authorization within 3 business days of the employee’s first day of employment. Enter the employee’s first day of employment. Signand date the attestation on the date Section 2 is completed. XX If sign-ups are completed in early spring, as long as employee has accepted employment offer, the Form I-9 can be completed along with Section 2 Certification block. John Forrest XX Provide name and title of person completing Section 2. Employers may, but are not required to photocopy the document(s) presented. If photocopies are made, they should be made for ALL new hires or reverifications. Photocopies must be retained with Form I-9 in case of inspection by DHS. Employers must always complete Section 2 even if they photocopy an employee’s document(s).
SECTION 3: Reverification and Rehires When rehiring an employee within 3 years of the date Form I-9 was originally completed, employers have the option to complete a new Form I-9 or complete Section 3. If the employee’s name has changed, record the name change in Block A. Employer’s signature and date must be documented.
Single Resource Casual Hire Information Form This form sets the formal agreement between the Agency and the Casual to ensure there is no misunderstanding. It establishes the authority to pay under the AD Pay Plan. 3/14/20XX 3/14/20XX NM-BAP – 001-2758 HG7S
Single Resource Casual Hire Information Form This form also establishes what the government will pay for travel and what expenses are reimbursable. It provides a check-list for hiring documents to ensure prompt payment for work performed. If the form is not properly signed and dated, it may not be an acceptable document if there is a grievance filed by the casual. Smokey Bear John Forrest, FMO 3/14/XX 3/14/XX
FEDERAL FORM W-4 The Federal Form W-4 is used to initiate the profile for a newly hired casual – Name, Address, and Tax preferences. • We do not use the worksheet on the form, only the information below the dotted line will be used for input. • Exempt status expires on February 17, 2015. Taxes will default to Single/Zero upon the expiration date unless a current form is received. • If blocks 3, 5, & 7 are not properly filled out, taxes will default to Single/Zero. • The address must be the casual’s valid mailing address, not the physical location. The Federal W-4 may be used for State Taxes. In order to update both Federal & State taxes, “STATE” must be indicated on the form.
FEDERAL FORM W-4 Correctly completed W-4 claiming EXEMPT Block 3 Marital Status is filled in. Form Requirements to claim Exempt: • Complete and legible first and last name. xxx-xx-xxxx • Legible 9 digit social security number. • A marital status must be checked. • “Exempt” must be written in block 7. • Blocks 5 & 6 must be blank. • Form must have a current year signature date. Block 5 & 6 must be left blank. “Exempt” is written in Block 7. Current Year and signature date.
CRITICAL FIELDS TO REVIEW FOR ACCURACY • DIRECT DEPOSIT FORM • All fields must be legible and accurate. • Account information must be entered in the proper fields. We do not accept voided checks in lieu of a completed form. • If the form is incomplete or illegible, the casual’s profile will not be updated and the form will be sent back. If a correspondence address is present in the system, payments will be sent as a Treasury check until a corrected form is received. x Smokey Bear 123456789 118 W Smokey Bear Blvd Capitan NM 88316 987654321 502 123-4567 xxx xx xxxx Smokey Bear 06/16/XX
Top Portion of the OF-288 State followed by the 3-digit unit identifier for the location of hire. Remember HIRED AT = HOME UNIT! • Name and Mailing Address is current, complete and legible. We look at the address only for verification purposes. • Be careful with father/son or Sr./Jr. situations. We rely on you to make sure the correct ECI was placed on the timesheet.
Column Header Portion of the OF-288 Ensure the FireCode in Block 2 doesn’t conflict with the FireCode listed in the Accounting Code in the Remarks Section. Holloway Deadwood Rookie Training Lights Out AZA1 HC3H HC8K HD3B ID ID Boise Boise Boise ID Boise ID FFT2-(T) AD-B FFT2 AD-C ENGB AD-F FALA AD-D Ensure the incident name does not conflict with Accounting Code in the Remarks section. The Position Code must correspond with the AD Class listed in the AD Pay Plan. Critical Fields to Review
Date & Time Portion of the OF-288 To submit Guarantee time: Ensure the actual hours worked are indicated and the remaining balance is clearly marked on a separate line. Time must be submitted in Military time and entered in 15 minute increments. GUARANTEE The minimum compensable time allowance for each work period is 2 hours. For time past midnight (i.e. 2430), enter up to 2400 for the current day and 0030 for the next day. Staff at the CPC cannot make changes to dates or start & stop times. Critical Fields to Review
Remarks, Commissary, Boot Stipend, Time Officer Signature Portion of the OF-288 You can utilized the cost code label templates on our website and affix your agency’s cost code to the OF-288. Enter the date, item and amount for each commissary item. Commissary total must be listed on the OF-288, it will not be taken from an attached commissary sheet. BIACOL A: AAAA044430AF20010108T4100AF.SPG9N10000.00000 BLM COL B: LLIDB00400 LF2000000 HU0000 LFSPG70E0000 FWS COL C: FF02R2B000FFF2000000G70E0 • NPS COL D: PPPWPWR0F0PF200SP85 WW0000 PF.FSG59P001.00.1 Col. A: THSP Camp Crew Squad Boss Smokey Bear Tammy Timekeeper The Time Officer Signature must be original and in a color of ink other than black. Please leave Block 24 blank. We utilize this block for our payment stamp. Note: BOOT STIPEND---see specific agency guidelines. Critical Fields to Review
Payroll Records Calendar Year PAYROLL RECORDS ARE MAINTAINED ON A CALENDAR YEAR BASIS AS OPPOSED TO A FISCAL YEAR BASIS. Approving Official Batch Memo Date: ____________________________ Unit Batch Number*:_____________________________________ (*EXAMPLE: MT-CRA-20XX-001) • BATCH NUMBER – To make the number unique, starting each January, add the year to the • unit batch number (e.g. MT-CRA-20XX-001). • CASUAL FILES – Records are stored on a calendar year basis. Current and previous two • years’ records are on site at NIFC, and offsite access to prior years is available upon • request. • DATAMART REPORTS – Most reports are created on a calendar year basis.
Datamart reports Datamart Reports are available upon request. Request form is available on CPC website under forms. Complete Requestor Information including Date Needed By and how you would like the form returned, by either Email or Fax. Clearly indicate which agency or Hired At(s) you would like reported and dates being requested. Check report(s) being requested. Fax Casual Pay Datamart Report Request form back to CPC.
Datamart reports Datamart Report Request Examples are available on the CPC Website under Forms.
Please visit our website to help with your hiring needs. http://www.nifc.gov/programs/programs_PaymentCenter.html