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孔子学院奖学金 Confucius Institute Scholarship. 2014 年 07 月 重庆. 孔子学院奖学金项目介绍 Introduction of Confucius Institute Scholarship 近几年奖学金招生情况 Briefing of the scholarship application in recent years 改进奖学金招生工作的思路 Thoughts of improving the recruitment of CI Scholarship 奖学金处联系方式 Contact information.
孔子学院奖学金Confucius Institute Scholarship 2014年07月 重庆
孔子学院奖学金项目介绍 Introduction of Confucius Institute Scholarship • 近几年奖学金招生情况 Briefing of the scholarship application in recent years • 改进奖学金招生工作的思路 Thoughts of improving the recruitment of CI Scholarship • 奖学金处联系方式 Contact information
1.奖学金的设立宗旨 • Purpose of establishing CI Scholarship • 支持孔子学院建设 • Support the development of Confucius Institutes • 促进汉语国际推广和中国文化传播 • Facilitate international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture • 培养合格的汉语教师和汉语人才 • Cultivate qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese- language learners 一、孔子学院奖学金项目介绍Introduction of Confucius Institute Scholarship
孔子学院奖学金类别、申请条件及资助内容 Categories, requirements and coverage of CI Scholarship
孔子学院奖学金申请条件 Requirements of applying for CI Scholarship • 非中国籍 • Non-Chinese citizens • 年龄在16-35周岁(在职汉语教师可放宽至45周岁,本科生限20周岁) • Aged between 16 and 35 (Chinese language teachers in post shall be aged below 45, and applicants for BTCSOL scholarship should be aged below 20) • HSK和HSKK成绩要求 Requirements of HSK and HSKK scores • 其他(详见招生办法)Others(as more provided in the Recruitment Procedures)
每年2-5月,申请者可登录孔子学院奖学金网站(http://cis.chinese.cn),注册个人账号,查询接收院校及专业信息,在线填写、提交《孔子学院奖学金申请表》。每年2-5月,申请者可登录孔子学院奖学金网站(http://cis.chinese.cn),注册个人账号,查询接收院校及专业信息,在线填写、提交《孔子学院奖学金申请表》。 • Every year between February to May, applicants can log on to the CI Scholarship website http://cis.chinese.cn, set up an individual account, read information and introduction of host institutes and majors, complete and submit the CI Scholarship Application Form online. • 各国孔子学院(独立设置的孔子课堂)、中国驻外使馆(领事馆)、接收院校负责按招生要求审核属地申请者资格及申请材料,推荐符合条件的申请者; • Confucius Institutes/Independent Confucius Classrooms, Chinese Embassies (Consulates), host institutes in China shall examine the qualification and application materials of the applicants, recommend the qualified ones ; • 接收院校审核申请者入学资格,并向总部提交奖学金生拟录取名单; • Host institutes are responsible for reviewing the qualification of the applicants and submitting the proposed enrollment name list of qualified candidates to the Headquarters; 注册 Registration • 总部最终审核并授予奖学金,于6月底前在奖学金网站公布结果,7月初接收院校寄出录取通知书等入学相关材料。 • The Headquarters will make the final selection by the end of June, the applicants can check the results via visiting the CI Scholarship website. In early July, the host institutes will post “Admission Letter” and other related materials to successful applicants. 3. 奖学金申请流程 Application procedure 推荐 Recommenda-tion 预录取 Pre-Admission 确定录取 Admission
奖学金管理 项目申请(委托孔子学院和我驻外机构): 运营半年以上的孔子学院(300余所) 指导开展汉语教学的驻在国使领馆教育、文化处(近90个) 项目实施(孔子学院中方合作院校和属地主管教育厅): 28个省教育厅(教委) 国家汉办指定的130余所接收院校 奖学金项目管理:奖学金处负责,相关支持部门: 孔院一处、二处、三处,财务处; 师资处、教材处、重大项目与交流处;综合处; 考试处:提供HSK、HSKK考试服务等
4.孔子学院奖学金生培养特点 Features of CI Scholarship • 接收院校根据奖学金生的汉语水平制定教学计划。 All the universities set up courses by the Chinese proficiency of scholarship students. • 学历生须参加年度评审,合格后才可继续享受下一年度奖学金。毕业时总部为奖学金生提供一次免费的汉语水平测试 Students who won the Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree Scholarship shall be subject to an annual assessment. The ones who passed the annual test are entitled to continue receiving the scholarships in the following year. The Headquarters offers the scholarship students taking free HSK and HSKK tests before graduation. • 各院校为奖学金生开展大量的文化活动。 All the universities which recruit CI Scholarship students will organize full and colorful activities for them.
孔子学院奖学金开设于2009年。截至目前,共有158个国家36,000余人提出申请,149个国家近25,000人获得奖学金。 Confucius Institute Scholarship Program was established in 2009. Over 36,000 students from 158 countries have applied for it by now, about 25,000 applicants from 149 countries have been awarded. 近几年奖学金招生情况 Briefing of the scholarship application in recent years
2014年奖学金招生情况(最终录取4236人)Briefing of scholarship application this year(4236 applicants are awarded)
改进奖学金招生工作的思路 Thoughts of improving the recruitment of CI Scholarship 今年全球440所孔子学院中共有313所推荐了奖学金生,建议孔院要了解招生政 策,严格按照招生办法推荐奖学金生,组织汉语考试,以推动奖学金申请; 313 of 440 CIs in the world have recommended scholarship applicants this year. We suggest that the CIs should understand the enrollment policies, recommend the scholarship applicants strictly following the requirements, organize HSK and HSKK tests in order to promote the application of CI Scholarship; 汉语国际教育专业硕士奖学金的生源分布不平衡,多集中在泰国、韩国、印度 尼西亚等亚洲国家,建议欧美地区孔院将专硕招生范围扩大至大学中文系; The global distribution of students who get Scholarship for Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(MTCSOL) is unbalanced, most of these scholarship students come from Asian countries such as Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia. We suggest the CIs in Europe and America to enlarge the students to Chinese department of the universities.
总部计划为奖学金毕业生提供多种服务,包括定期发送孔子学院新闻,为毕总部计划为奖学金毕业生提供多种服务,包括定期发送孔子学院新闻,为毕 业生回国任教提供支持,为其来华继续深造提供便利等,欢迎院长们就此多提宝 贵意见。 The Headquarters is planning to offer various services to scholarship graduates, for example, send newsletters of Confucius Institute regularly, support the graduates to teach Chinese in their own countries,provide convenience for their further studies in China, etc. We warmly welcome directors to give some valuable suggestions on this.
总结 孔子学院中方院长赴任后: 1、与奖学金处项目官员建立联系,scholarships@hanban.org 2、领取招生管理系统(cic.chinese.cn)用户名、密码 3、认真阅读当年的《孔子学院招生办法》和总部发出的内部工作通知文件 4、提前组织不同级别的HSK、HSKK各级别考试,选拔奖学金候选人
奖学金处联系方式 Contact information Website:cis.chinese.cn Email:cis@hanban.org Fax:0086-10-58595937 THANK YOU!