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Vocabulary Week 13. Made by Justin Lopiccolo Editor: Ms . H ughes. Abridge. To reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority; diminish. Character . the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. feature or trait; characteristic.
Vocabulary Week 13 Made by Justin Lopiccolo Editor: Ms. Hughes
Abridge • To reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority; diminish
Character • theaggregate of features and traitsthatform the individual nature of somepersonorthing. • featureortrait;characteristic
Charismatic • Exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others. Ellen comments on charisma of a young girl.
Creed • any system, doctrine, or formula of religious belief, as of a denomination. • any system or codification of belief or of opinion NYResolution
Eventual • depending upon uncertain events; contingent • Occurring at the end of or as a result of a series of events; final; ultimate. Scares
Frustration • The feeling of being upset or annoyed, esp. because of inability to change or achieve something. • An event or circumstance that causes one to have such a feeling. During ASP
Galvanize • Shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action: "his voice galvanized them into action". • Coat (iron or steel) with a protective layer of zinc Ray Lewis
Immeasurable • Too large, extensive, or extreme to measure.
Indefatigable • sting tirelessly; untiring ;persistent squirrel
Renown • The condition of being known or talked about by many people; fame